Never Trust The Enemy

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Link fought agaisn't his chances on Dark for the past time at the Water Temple, but Dark managed to survive after that and cease to take on revenge.

At the time when Link was at home with Navi, he has been ordered to do the dishes for a week after a bet of chores.

"Phew, almost done to go out for another adventure!" He was finally overjoyed but Navi pinched his ear "You forgot the rest remember? You invited your friends for dinner awhile ago." He shook and slowly stared at her "How many did I invite again...?" He asked, "A lot like thirty!" Link paused and fall down miserable "This is not fair!!!" She pulled his hair "Get back to work Link!!" "Ouch! Watch it will you?!"

"For The Longest Time Of That"

Link was finally in peace, he tossed away his hat and takes his time getting into bed "Glad that's over, now there's no need to deal with Navi but myself at least.." He took his chance of getting his eyes closed.

Just a few minutes the lights went out, Link opened his eyes and couldn't see anything "What the heck? Did someone got the lights off?" He heared footsteps close by, the stranger claps "My my... Isn't the Hero of Time afraid of the dark? So shame, I thought for a second you were like a grown up but a little kid." Links eye twitch "Who you calling a little kid?!" He jumps out with his Master Sword "Don't be so ready often Link, you think you managed to defeat me have you?" He smirks when he said in a familiar voice, it got clear at Links head and recognize that voice "Dark..? But how? I've already defeated you.." Dark laughs so sudden "Of course you do, but I have my own ways of living" He walks closer to Link but walk from behind with his sword "Stay away from me!" The dark haired counterpart had him right where he wanted, his slender fingers went on to Links chin. He couldn't move from shaking in fear, it might be his end.

Dark lets go of him and had a interfere of a sarcastic smile right in his face "Getting yourself end so soon? Not close enough." Link got confused "What?" He knocked him down from the ground "I wouldn't even been close to you before when got ahead of trying to get rid of me at the battle. But I can spare your life, but on one condition.." Link knew if it's one of his tricks of his sleeve, not one second to believe if his life will be spared, but he accept "And what kind of condition is that Dark?" "You'll have to let me stay with you for the rest of an entire life." Link had completely gone out of his mind, an enemy stay at his place for no reason, he backs him off "No way I'm gonna let you!" Dark placed a sword on his neck, causing it to bleed only a little "Reject and you'll say goodbye to your death.." He gulped, only in a matter that he never trusted him when they first met. He gave up "You can stay... But don't even try to hurt any of my friends, including Navi." He laughs desperate "It won't be that easy to order me like that now would it?" Link had a bit over his lip, Dark had stared over a bit of blood on his neck and wiped it with his thumb and lick the blood over it. Link had his cheeks slightly red "Back it off Dark, and get out of me!" He stood up but didn't help Link to get up, he got himself up and looked at him "What even made up your mind on telling me that?" "Because I haven't get the opportunity to have some play time fun with you Link. If only you know how much I'm willing to.".

It hadn't make sense for Link and couldn't afford to wait and see what happens for Dark to take something on him. But he swore that no one will ever know that this happened to him neither his close friends.

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