Dark Ezra Vs Dark Ahsoka

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The Next Day
Dark Ezra pov.
Me and My Master have been Training all Day. Before killing The Fifth Brother. He gave us a warning. He said that Darth Vader was coming for us. He says we have betray him and The Empire. So he's on his way to kill us. We are preparing for him. Ezra when Lord Vader Arrives. He won't be  easy to Defeat like My Brother. He's More Powerful than you can Even Imagine.

Yes Master. It will take all three of us to Defeat him. I said then Sabine came out. Masters. He's here. His Tie Fighter just came out of Hyperspace. She said. Very Good Sabine. Now you and Hera go back inside. Me, My Master and Ahsoka will take care of him. Yes Master. She said and runs back in. Ok Everyone get ready. We saw his ship landed on the ground and he came out.

It's seems thst you all the courage to face me. Most expected. Vader said. Master you said we Betrayed you and The Empire. So we had no choice. Yes you did. You let the love for your Apprentice weak. You decided not tell me anything. And now you killed Your Brother. So Now I'm going to kill you and your Apprentice before you become a Threat towards the Emperor.

He actvied his Lightsaber and We did the Same. 3 against 1. You're really trying hard to Defeat me. But do you know a secret about Ahsoka. What? I ask. She may be Under Control. But she always been Under Mine. What do you? I'm loyal to My Master And Mistress. Ahsoka said. Watch and your see.

Ahsoka The Emperor Has Invited You To His Party Tonight. After Vader said those words. Ahsoka lower her Lightsabers and her were wide. I'm happy to accept the invitation. She said and strike at me. Ahsoka what are you doing? It's me. Your Master. No you're not My Master. My true Master is Lord Vader. What have you done to her? My Master ask.

When you sent her to me in carbonite. I use an old Sith Mind Trick  to Control her mind. There's no way of undoing it. Ahsoka Destroyed The Padawan. I'll Destroy my former Apprentice. Yes Master. Ahsoka swings her Lightsabers at me but I block them with My Double Bladed Lightsaber. Ahsoka snap out of this. Remember who your True Masters are. I said.

I do Remember who My True Master is. And that's Lord Vader. She said and Kicks Me. I push her with The Force fully and she flew back. You forget Ahsoka. I have surpass you. I'm More Powerful than you. And if you really think you can Defeat Me. You're sure mistake. We'll see about that Bridger. You forget too. I was trained in The Jedi Order before I became a Sith.

So the real question is. Whose more Powerful. Well it seems you forgotten who's in charge around here. Time to put you back in your place. We charge at each other and clash our Lightsabers. I guess I'm going to have to beat some sense into her. She went Low but I jump in time and push her with the force. She stab her Lightsabers into ground to stop her from being push back.

IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!!! She yelled and brought her hands up. She started to lift Big Rocks behind her and started throwing them at me. I use My Lightsaber and Cut The Rocks in half. HAHAHAHA!!! YES EZRA CUT THE ROCKS FOR ME!!! JUST WAIT UNTIL THE GRAND FINALE!!! AHSOKA STOP THIS AT ONCE!!! VADER HAS YOU UNDER HIS CONTROL!!! I yelled.

LIKE YOU CONTROL ME!!! I DONE BEING YOUR SLAVE!!! NOW LET'S SEE IF YOU CAN STOP THIS!!! Ahsoka Raise her Hands Again and This Time. The Ground started shaking. AHSOKA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! STOP THIS AT ONCE!!! She doesn't listen and kelp going. The Ground started Cracking behind her then exploded.

Out of the Explosion was A Hug Rock

You say You're Move Powerful than me since you got The Darkside in you huh. See if you can stop this. She life it over her Head and Through it at Me. HAHAHAHA!!! GOODBYE EZRA!!! I lifted My Hands and The Full Power of The Darkside to Stop the Rock in Midair. GIVE IT UP AHSOKA!!! YOU CAN'T WIN!!!

YOU SAY THAT NOW!!! BUT I'M NOT THE ONE WHO BEING PUSH BACK!!! I look down and saw that my feet were being push back. Come on Darkside Give Me More Power. I started to feel The Power running through me and I started pushing back. WHAT HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!!! LOOKS LIKE I GOT MORE POWER THAN YOU AHSOKA!!!

I kelp Pushing and Pushing Until The Point where Ahsoka lost control. I CAN'T CONTROL ANYMORE!!! Ahsoka yelled in fear. AND YOU CALLED YOURSELF A SITH!!! LOOK LIKE I BROKE YOU!!! I push it back with Full Force and slams Ahsoka with it. The Rock and Her flew back and slam into a Side of a Mountain.

I'm sorry Ahsoka. I tried to save you but Vader's control was Fully took you over. I wish I could have Saved You. You Wish you could have. But we both know You're Too Weak like her. Vader said coming up behind me carrying My Master. MASTER!!! I yelled. He threw her in front of me and I Kneel Down in front of her. Master are you alright? Vader he's too strong Ezra. Maybe Stronger than you. She said very weak.

I Don't Care if he's Stronger than me. The only way he'll Defeat me if he's Kills Me. That can be arang. He Actvied his Lightsaber and Started walking towards me. I actvied my Lightsaber and started walking towards him. As soon as we got close to each other. We stop and look at each other Eye to Eye. You Killed My Apprentice. So Now I'm going to Kill you.

You hurt My Master. Now I'm going to Kill you. You can try Apprentice. We Both Ran to Each Other and started Fighting.

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