The New Apprentice Part 2

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Kanan pov.
It was Ahsoka. Surprise to see me Kanan? She ask. Ahsoka what have they done to you? I ask. They made me see that being Good was Bad and Being Bad is Good. NOW FIGHT ME YOU PATHETIC JEDI!!! Ahsoka I don't want to fight you too. That's funny but you know what's even more funny. She pulled out her two Lightsabers and but they were not White. They were Red. Like My New Lightsabers Kanan?

No I like your Old Ones Better. You may not like them but you will Fall to them. She said and started Running Towards me. I Actvied My Lightsaber and we Began Fighting. Give it up Kanan. While you were back the Eebellion. I was learning the ways of the Sith from My Mistress. Who is this Mistress? Wouldn't you like to know. We kept clashing our Lightsabers trying to get the best of each other.

You good Jedi but do you know what happens have been next? What? Then Ahsoka use her Right Lightsaber to make a Cut on My Leg. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I yelled and was on One Kneel. Oh look who one legged now. You may have Injured my Leg but you have not Destory my Spirit. Oh really. She then made a Cut on my Arm. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! You're weak. You should have seen that coming.

Your not worth My Time Anymore. No wonder why your training was Limited. Your too Soft. She then made another cut on My other Arm and Leg. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! She then pick up My Lightsaber. You're not fit to have a Lightsaber like this. What where you trying to prove by coming here? GET UP!!! She yelled. I can't move. I said weakly. Hera, Sabine pull him up. They came and pull me to my feet.

Then Ahsoka kick me in the Chest and I flew back and landed back on the Ground Hard. Then she pin her Foot on My Chest. The Great Kanan Jarrus now on the Ground Beaten and Ashamed. I thought you were stronger then this. But it seems I was wrong. She press down harder on my Chest and I cried in pain.

AHHHHHHHHHH!!! AHSOKA STOP THIS!!! I cried out. No I have Orders to Fight you and you didn't give me the Challenge I was looking forward to. So for that Embarrassment. The Judgement is Torture.

You shouldn't have not here Kanan. You only doom yourself. Hera said. Yeah like Ahsoka said. What where you trying to prove. Sabine said and all Three started laughing. You know I going to finish you. Say goodbye Kanan. Ahsoka raised her lightsaber and was about to strike but she was stop by someone. THAT ENOUGH AHSOKA!!! I look to see who said that and I saw a Woman in Black walking to us.

Ahsoka Deactivate her Lightsabers and got off me. He broken enough but leave the Killing to your Master. She said. Yes Mistress. She said. Wait you're the Dark Mistress? I ask. That's right and someone would love to see you again but they'll kills you. Who? You'll find out soon enough but for now. Ahsoka. You, Hera, and Sabine have a person to play with. Make sure not to kill him.

Yes Mistress. They said and she left. Let's take him to the cell. Sabine said. Troopers bring him to the cell. Hera order. They pick me up and brought me into the base.

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