Chapter 6: Luigi Vs. The clockworks gang

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After an hour you relaxed in your room thinking about Luigi. Listening to the faint ticking of the clocks in this place. You decided to go and talk to the clockworks gang to understand there back round more. Floating through the wall and down to the roundhouse so see if they were there again, but sadly not. So you decided to check some other places before you even approach the cargo room you herd two slammers grunting and mumbling. You know it was probably Lock and Load, and after flying through the door you see them shoveling sand.

(Y/n) "Hey Lock and Load what are you two doing?"

Lock "We be just digging for some loot. This area is teeming with gold coins."

Load quickly hits Lock on his shoulder.

Load "Pipe down you nincompoop! You'd probably just got her started on asking for a share."

Lock "Ehh sorry bother..."

(Y/n) "Now hold on a second. I wasn't going to even ask that question."

After a while of talking you decided to head back because of how long they both were talking and fussing during the full conversation. Your head was starting to spin as you head back to your room. Then you bumped into something it was Blutton. He turns around and scratches his head.

Blutton "Ah, there you are I was worried when I couldn't find you in your room. I brought you some lunch and also The boss wants to see you."

Blutton hands over a plate with a sandwich on it. You gladly take it as you float next to Blutton going to who knows where. After a while, you found yourself in the gear chamber. Looking on the down floor you see James waving at you as you float down.

James "Hey (Y/n) glad you can come!"

(Y/n) "Same but do you need me for something?"

James "Yes I wanted to plan with ya. I have heard from shady that Luigi just got two upgrades, so he is now quite the trouble for us. We can beat him a few times, but that won't last forever... So if our defense falls I got a back up for ya!"

(Y/n) "Really? Does it have to deal with the possessor ghost?"

James "Pshh, Nah. That possessor ghost is nothing but trouble especially when they get a hold of something. Yes there protective n' all but this one already had something to keep away for them as possible"

(Y/n) "I believe you on that, but what else do you have in mind?"

James "I can't believe that I am saying this I want you to fly over to the secret mine there is an old friend of mine. His name is Vladislav he is a hider, and to warn you he can get obnoxious at times. At least to me..."

(Y/n) "That sounds like a solid p-"


You look up to see Luigi knocking over some things.

James "Crap already!"

Luigi gets down to the bottom floor as you hide behind James and looking over his shoulder. While James gave Luigi a death glare, and quickly whistles with his fingers as he took you behind the wall as you peep through the hole looking at the room. Suddenly the fences popped up and blocked Luigi from excepting the first ones up to bat was Lock and Load. You were in awe as their team attacks did some serious damage to Luigi. But Luigi sucked them up easily after a few hits, and then Shady came out from the ceiling and was crazy fast for a hider, but this time no hits were made and he got sucked up. After that Blutton came out of a wall and smashed the floor making Luigi slip from time to time losing he hold on the button. He was at slim health maybe 20 you weren't sure. Then James moved out and whispered to you.

James "If I don't make it back leave find that hider!"

You nodded as you saw him flew fast out there. The fight was brutal but Luigi ended it on most likely 5 health! Then he looked into the peephole his eyes directly near yours, and you both scream and flew or jumped back. You headed for the hills as you meet the familiar purple fog again...


An: man this chapter was epic! It's only going to get better from here on. Also, have some milk with that cake 🥛

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