☾0.10| Malfoy Manor

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If you would have told Salem Slughorn that she'd be standing outside of Malfoy Manor any other day, she'd laugh in your face. Yet here she was, standing in the snow in a black dress and red finger nails, staring up at the large home. Draco stood back for less then a second, watching her take it all in as his mind raced, he knew exactly what could happen if he brought her through those marble door.

But he did it anyways.

Salem let Draco take her hand and lead her away from the gate that was a rather a long walk back to the steps that lead inside. They didn't say anything, but what was there to say? Small talk was far from something they did or would ever do, why start now as he leads her to the people that would fill in all the blank spots she had in her mind from who and what her mother was.

Salem had a big imagination, anyone could see that. She could picture something so well and out of the blue in her mind so fast, but growing up in the Malfoy Manor was the last thing she could imagine. She could see how it wasn't a home, more so just a place to sleep. While Salem knew Dracos home life wasn't the best, she didn't realize how depressing and alone it must have been.

The snow was cold that fell down onto the hand in hand due, Salem squeezing his freezing palm every now and then when the cold hit the sensitive skin under her eye that was still having a hard time healing completely. Salem expected Draco to open the door, that was until the loud and large marble was opening before they managed to make their way up.

A woman, a beautiful woman stood at the door now. Salem could see similarities on her that she also saw on Draco, how their lips were the same size and face shape was nearly exactly the same. Salem blinked at the woman who stared at her with sad eyes, taking in every feature she had in dead silents as the icy cold snow fell on her.

"You resemble your mother." she finally said before pulling the door farther open. Draco dropped Salem's hand as they walked into the not much warmer house but it was a step up from the snow.

"Thank you, i'm Salem." while the Slughorn girl knew the woman clearly knew who she was, she felt the need to say it anyways. Salem tried to not gawk at the inside of the manor, but she simply couldn't help herself. One room was bigger then any home she'd ever lived in, tall ceilings that were all decorated in expensive lining. It was dark, not much light coming through but enough to show off the exterior that probably costed more then her whole wardrobe ever would.

"Oh, I know." Narsissa said as Salem put a face to a name after remembering the name on the letter and then the single photo Draco had of the woman in his bag that Salem dug through on the train ride over, "We're so glad you can finally join us."

"Thank you for the invite, there's a lot of things I was to young to know about my mother, I wish we would have met sooner." Salem said as she took both Narsissa's hands, taking her by surprise at the sudden affection and warmth they provided. Salem smiled at her, waiting for her to smile back which took a moment before a soft and small smile was on her thin lips.

Draco and Salem were similar in one way that he'd accept, they knew how to identify who was coming by just listening to their footsteps. Salem heard them too, bouncing off the walls that hadn't nearly nothing on them, walking at a relatively quick pass. Narcissa pulled her hands away from Salem's as a man turned the corner, he was relatively tall with hard facial expressions and long hair that was the exact same color as Dracos. The man didn't look at anyone besides Salem, staring at her with wide eyes.

"Hello, Salem." he greeted her, his words were clean and his voice stayed on the same tone, not breaking or getting louder or quieter like his wife and sons did. He walked toward her with long strides, reaching his hands out as Salem did the same, thinking he was gonna shake her hand but as he got ahold of them he rolled up her sleeves to appear down at her forearms. Seeing as they had nothing on them his smile fell in the slightly as his gaze lifted to her quickly, "We've heard plenty about you."

Salem didn't expect things to be so awkward and silent, thought she couldn't imagine they were gonna be dancing to christmas music, she didn't expect it to be nearly silent while the three adults gawked at Salem who sat at the end of the table by Dracos side. Lucius was attempting to have her sit next to him but Salem subtly rounded the table to sit with Draco instead. Bella was introduced not long after, a creepy smile on her face as she stared at Salem and pointed out how she resembles her mothers facial features.

"Dracos told us you've began to struggled with magic." Lucious finally broke the silents, ignoring Draco who flicked his eyes at them for a moment before looked back at his barely touched food. Salem blinked, remembering how Draco spoke about how his father and him would have a laugh at her struggles, she could now picture them doing so.

"I've gotten better." Salem spoke, leaving out the fact that Draco had wrote most of them down in a better way for her to understand.

"You didn't learn anything before you attended Hogwarts?" he went on to question her, his hands laced together before him as him along with his wife and and her sister barely blinked while looking at Salem.

"My parents didn't want me to be involved until I was older." Salem said with a small smile, a way of trying to ease the tension.

"I couldn't imagine why, you seem like such a bright young witch." Bella spoke up next, Salem couldn't figure out what seemed so familiar about her, knowing she's seen her before somewhere but couldn't figure out where. Salem flushed a red color, no one had complimented her on academics in her whole life. Before Salem had the chance to thank her, Lucious spoke up again.

"Your mother was the best witch i've ever known, I always imagined she'd teach you as we did Draco, have you advanced by first year came six years ago." he went on, Salem tried to remember who she was talking to and tried to keep in mind that the Malfoys clearly had no filter or remorse, taking no offense to his words as she took a large breath.

"It was more my fathers wishes, he wanted me away from magic at all times but him and mother agreed on letting me attend when I was sixteen." Salem spoke as she looked at each of them, her voice not showing the slightest bit of hurt or fear, "My mother was very happy about that."

Narcissa had a faint smile on her face at Salem's words, imagining Emilia happy as she held a baby in her arms, one that would live on her legacy in sixteen years.

"Ah, yes, your father." Luscious spoke and with that Narissas smile was gone as she looked away from Salem for the first time sense she'd arrived.

"You'll have to feel special, Salem, you're the first Gryffindor we've welcomed through our doors." Narcissa spoke as Salem turned to her now, she hadn't even took her house into consideration, she hadn't even remembered how horrible all the Slytherins were to her after she was sorted into Gryffindor.. and now she was sitting with four.

"That hat did wrong by you, dear, you know that though." Bella spoke up before Salem could say anything, a wink toward the young teen before she took a large gulp of her glass of wine.

"Draco, how was the train ride?" Narcissa spoke up now, clearly seeing Salem's slight bit of uncomforted facial expression. Though, no one else picked up on them. Narcissa only had because she'd seen it on Emilias face many times in her life, something Salem didn't know she inherited from her mother.

"Fine, only crowded." Draco spoke up for what felt the first time in years, he hadn't said a word sense him and Salem got off the train, no matter what she did or said, he stayed silent until now.

"Salem? The train?" Narcissa went on, beyond different then Draco in this way, small talk was something she picked up on.

"Fine, I slept most of the time." Salem said and before Lucious could speak she went on again, "I had a odd dream though. I was in the forbidden forest and saw a glowing apple that was being guarded by nude old people."

Narcissa began to laugh before she hid it quickly, not expecting the sudden story. Draco shut his eyes for a moment with a faint shake of his head while his father simply look at Salem with multiple blinks to his bright eyes. Bella had a late reaction before she let out a loud, high pitch cackle that echoed through the manor loudly. Salem gave a awkward laugh as she reached for Dracos hand, trying not to look over and make it obvious. He gave it to her, let her squeeze in a clear sense of fear that was making herself heart thump so loudly. Salem feared they'd hear it and realize they'd frightened her, but she began to realize maybe they were all doing it on purpose.

After Salem's unexpected and humor comment, Lucious didn't question her anymore through dinner. Salem began to realize after it was over and she'd gotten into the shower that she probably offended him in a way, beginning to panic in the slightest. Draco told her he'd come to her room in a hour but Salem didn't wanna stay cooped in the top big room that made her feel empty and alone. She roamed the large hallway to look up at a painting she came across.

It was of a man, dressed from the earlier ages, staring at her with dark eyes. Salem wondered what the painting had seen, what he'd witnessed over the years it's hung on the wall. She wondered if it had seen a small Draco riding a broom through the hallways or did he see a small Draco being treated like a grown man at such a early age. Then she heard his footsteps, ones she could sort out no matter what.

"I'm really sorry for what I said, I didn't mean to offend your father." Salem said quickly, her voice echoed in the slightly as Draco walked toward her. He ignored her words, standing by her to look up at the painting along side her, "Draco?"

"What?" he asked her, a blank look on his face while turning to look at Salem, she only stood a few inches below him but it was hard to tell unless they were pressed side to side which was very rare.

"Does your family- are they going to-" Salem struggled over her words, she didn't know how to ask if she was here to learn about her mother or if she was here to be put in danger. She didn't know how to ask him, she couldn't, Salem could only hope he'd just know.

"My mother wishes to speak to you." Draco spoke calmly as he saw Salem's body tense, "Only her."

Salem relaxed at the mention of just Narcissa, she didn't feel nearly as fearful and dreading around her or Draco like she did Bella and Lucious. Draco took Salem's hand as he lead her down the hallway, Salem had a chill, a bad chill. Salem wanted to be back at Hogwarts now, she didn't like the Malfoy Manor one bit and she couldn't help but feel unsafe here. She wanted to be at the Weasleys for christmas, she should have gone and wore her sweater Molly knitters her for her birthday, dance around with Ginny and make Harry read to her sense Hermione was back in the muggle world.

But instead she was here, with Draco Malfoy and his family that made Salem's heart race by the second.

"You're not staying?" Salem asked as Draco opened the library doors for her, letting her hand go. He had a slight worried look on his face, his eyebrows knitted together the whole time he brought her here.

"It's best if I don't." he spoke before watching her oddly as she raised her hand, smoothing out his forehead with her thumb forcefully yet gentle.

"Stop thinking so hard, you'll get wrinkles before you've even graduated." Salem said with a knowing look, dropping her hand as he stared at her. Regret flashed through his eyes, panic even and she saw it quickly. Draco opened his mouth to speak before Narissa's voice spoke.

"Salem, do you like sugar in your tea?" she asked while joined the two at the door, breaking their moment short.

"Oh, yes, thank you." Salem said while taking her hand, giving Draco one last look as he stayed standing their until the library doors where closed completely. Salem looked around at the large room, shelves on shelves of books were all through the walls, a dim light in every corner.

"Do you like to read, Salem?" Narcissa asked as she lead Salem to the cups of tea that were on a nice and shiny stand, a few house elf's hurrying away as they neared. Salem was now glad she hadn't brought Callon with her, she would absolutely lose it if they hurt him.

"I'm not the best at it, my words get really mixed up and I end up just getting frustrated in myself." Salem said sadly as she sat down next to the woman, "But my roommate reads to me sometimes when it's just us."

Salem missed Hermione already.

"How kind." Narcissa said with a small smile, her voice soft and calm as she carefully handed Salem the cup of tea before taking her own, "I hope you don't mind me asking, is it dyslexia?"

"Yes, I was tested for it about a year ago." Salem said to her quietly, no clue if Draco had walked away from the library doors, "Could you not mention it to anyone, is that's okay?"

"Of course, is the tea okay?" Narcissa asked, not dwelling on the topic which took Salem by surprise considering most professors and adults usually did when she had to explain it to them.

"It's lovely." Salem smiled as she took another sip before setting it down, "So is your home, I moved around a lot but never to anywhere like this."

"You'll be welcomed any time, Draco enjoys your company." she spoke with a small smile, Salem didn't mean to, it just kinda happened, a laugh of disbelief escapees her thin lips making the womans smile fall, "You don't believe so?"

"He says differently." Salem said with a knowing look, "I do enjoy his company though, reminds me of my life before my parents passing."

"I did not have the chance to mention it, i'm truly sorry for your loss." Narcissa said as she put her tea down to press his cold hands on Salem's, "I'm not sure if you know or not but I was very close with your mother when we attended school together, the second I heard the news about their passing and their daughter I send a box of flowers, did your grandfather give them to you? The black and red roses?"

"I got them, I didn't know they were from you though." Salem said as she stared into her dark eyes, a comforting and much safer feeling taking over her body, "Thank you."

"You'll have to forgive me, if I would have known about you before their passing, perhaps we could have all met sooner." she spoke with shinny eyes, thinking of the thought, "Draco and you could have been friends in early ages."

"It isn't your fault, i'm not sure why my mother and father kept me hidden for thirteen years, it keeps me up at night at times." Salem admits, though she never had to anyone else in the world. Narcissa kept one hand in Salem's as she reached for her tea with the other.

"Oh, it's nothing to dwell over. Your mother was involved with things no mother would want their children involved in, believe me." she said as Salem frowned her eyebrows, sitting up straight with a flutter to her eyelashes.

"Could you tell me what you mean? I don't mean to push, but I don't know much about her, even before she passed she'd never spoke about anything outside our home." Salem spoke, trying to hide her rush of curiosity rushing through her veins. Narcissa could see it plain as crystal in Salem's dark eyes, she could see the way her lit up when she mentioned Emelia.

"No one truly hasn't told you about what your mother was?" Narcissa asked now, Draco mentioned Salem's confusion and lost eyes when he'd told her about the death eaters, Narcissa only half way believed he just had read her wrong.

"I'm sorry, I can't say anyone has. My grandfather gets so upset when anyone talks about my mother so I try not to ask, he's the only family I have left and everyone at school either hates me for not being in Slytherin or fears me because of my blood." Salem admits with a sad smile, drinking her tea as she picked at her red finger nail polish which had a spell on it to prevent from chipping, something Luna had got her for her birthday a few days ago.

"Well, I suppose i'll be the one to tell you everything." Narcissa said as she took a breath and held Salem's hands tightly, the snake ring on her finger pressing into Salem's right knuckle but she didn't mind, "It will seem different and rather frightening at first, you may not understand and that's okay, but it's important to know what is to come for you."

Salem's heart was back in her ears again, she didn't like the way Narcissa was speaking like she was gonna say something horrible. While Salem knew her mom was dangerous, she hoped she'd learn better things like her spells and things she did around Hogwarts. But Salem now knew that's not what the Malfoys had in mind when they invited her for the night.

She wished Draco was in here with her.

"Dracos told you about the death eaters, hadn't he? The ones that gave you that mark?" Narcissa asked as she raised a finger to run over the reddish scar they stood out against Salem's ivory skin, she could only nod her head, she really didn't like where it was going.

"The Dark Lord was a important man in your mothers life, she looked up to him, she wanted to be so similar to him all her life." the woman went on, feeling Salem's hands tremble in the slightest, "Which is why she became a Death Eater at such a early age."

"She was one?" Salem asked after a few moments of silents, her heart was racing, her breathing quickened in the slightest at the thought of her mother being one of those things that hurt her so badly in the vanishing cabinet.

"She didn't want to involve your father, he was so much different then she was, they had many different beliefs but they loved each other any ways. But your mother was strong, Salem, she has had your future planned before you were even born into the world." Narcissa said as Salem stayed silent, she wanted her to finish so she could leave, she wanted the conversation over but she couldn't go without knowing what her mother did.

"When you were born she gifted me a small book, she cursed it to never open unless something had happened to her and your father. When they passed the book had opened, that's how we knew about you." Narcissa went on as she pulled a small, black leather book from behind her back. It was similar to the book Draco had got her, though this one was much smaller and had every page filled unlike his did, "She wrote everything she wished for you in here, everything she ever wanted for you."

"I'm afraid to look in it, Narcissa." Salem admired, she had a feeling she knew what her mother wanted, and it's far from what she ever wished to do in her life. Narcissa looked down at the book in between them as well, looking back at Salem who's chest heaved in the slightest as her dark eyes watered.

"Would you like me to tell you instead?" she asked. Salem didn't want that, she didn't want anything any more. When Salem didn't say anything Narcissa put a hand on hers with a knowing look, Salem would have to know one way of another.

"She wished for you to follow the same road she went down, she wanted you protected from the world of people who wished to ever hurt you." Narcissa said as she quickly whipped one of Salem's tears under her eye, "She beloved Voldemort would protect you more then anyone else, because of her loyalty to him."

"She wants me to become one... doesn't she?" Salem asked, her voice sad and monotone, not being able to take her eyes off the book that had her first name printed on it. Narcissa didn't have to answer her, though she did, Salem knew it was true, "Do I actually have a choice?"

"Not everyone does but-" Narcissa began before Salem cut her off.

"Do I have a choice?" she asked her again, not wanting to come off disrespectful and rude but she needed to know, she needed to know right now if her life was her life anymore.

"I believe so, yes. This is yours to keep, to know why Emelia wants you to and reasons she believe you should." Narcissa spoke as she softly put the book in Salem's hands, the cold leather sending a chill down her spine as she gripped it tighter, "I truly didn't want to be the one to tell you this but i'm afraid anyone else would have lied to you about it."

"Thank you, for being honest with me." Salem said as she looked up now, her eyes were watery and face a bright red color, "I appreciate the invite, it was a lovely diner, but you can imagine I wish to be with my grandfather now."

"Oh, yes. I hope to see you again." Narcissa spoke as she stood up with Salem, watching her hold in her emotions. Narcissa was taken off guard when Salem hugged her quickly, holding onto her for a moment as she tried to stuff her emotions back in before having to walk out into the hallway again.

When Salem made her way back to the room she was given for the night, she found Draco waiting there. He seemed anxious, fiddling with his fingers and standing from the chair when he saw her walk in. Though Draco had seen Salem cry before, he could easily see she was holding back, maybe embarrassed or maybe just scared. He didn't say anything, she didn't either at first.

"I wanna go back home." she spoke as he blinked at her, "Thank you for escorting me here but I really just wanna go back."

"Do you want me to come back too?" he asked her, though his father would have plenty to say about the two leaving without his knowledge, it would be beyond rude of him to bring Salem here and then not go back with her.

"Yes." Salem said honestly as he nodded, staring at her with worried eyes as she avoided him at all cost, putting her book into one of her bags and getting changing into the sweater Molly knitted her.

kylie speaks.

i wanted this
chapter to have
another part but
i'm gonna have to
cut it into two parts
because i didn't
realize how long
this got until
but how we feeling?
pretty sad? pretty
mad? pretty happy
about that cute
dralem moment?
more to come
in the next
also, i feel like
dyslexia isn't mentioned
much in wattpad books
and i wanted to show
some light on any
of my readers that
struggle with it!
it deserves to be
talked about and shown
the struggles it
can cause along
with ways to live
with it.

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