Don't Jump

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Don’t jump.

I love you.

Is that not enough?

But my words mean nothing.

You have blinded yourself with sorrow.

And my love cannot penetrate your depression.

Please don’t, for I will die with you.

You mean the world to me, and to others.

If only you could see how much you are worth!

Death seems like solace, but it only brings your friends sorrow.

Will my tears stop you from falling? Will you hear my cries?

Will this poem be enough to keep you from stepping into empty air?

Please, I beg of you, you are braver than most, tougher than most,

Now you must be stronger than death, more courageous than your depression.

They say you are ugly, worthless, a monster consumed by darkness.

But I believe in you, you are beautiful to me.

I love you, I wish I had more time,

To have told you in some quaint café,

And hesitantly given you my feelings there.

It's ok, I'll shout out loud.

Will this poem be enough?

Can you hear me?

I love you.

Don’t jump.



I wrote this because....well, I just wanted to give a friend hope. Though it is more dramatic, and from the perspective of a lover, it is true. Please don't think of suicide because someone out there cares.

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