How We Were

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We were taught how to act,

Told to memorize to learn.

We knew how to get good grades,

How to be in the right groups

So as to gain more chance for success.

We were molded to be the same

To think alike, to live alike

We knew right from wrong

What to do and what not to do

We were warned of outsiders

Who could lead us astray

We were an earthly kingdom

One seperate from the rest of the world

A cold and closed off society

They were trying to save us

To protect us from evil

But it only crippled us

Keeping us in these white walls

Prevented us from seeing

It was like we had been caged

We never knew there could be more

An outside world beyond our own

We hadn't learned how to fly

Having always been carried

But now we must find our own wings

And let go, fly for ourselves

No one can teach us that

We must brave the unknown world

Not as a society, but as independent

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