22- the truth of the past

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks!

22- the truth of the past

Seto stood out apparently alone as HeartAttack approached.

"Finally now I can destroy you." she stated laughing out loud.

"Sorry Mai but it ain't happening, NOW!" shouted out Seto as he lept out of the way. Magic ribbons shot up tangeling around HeartAttack.

"Hurry Atem!" shouted out Merik.

"I call upon the ancient gods of the past to come forth and obey my commands. I, Atemu have gathered the seven mystic items together to unlock the ancient seal to summon thee forth. I call upon the god, Obelisk the Tourmentor to come forth and aid my hand. Help me save this tourmented soul." Atem shouted out as all seven items began to glow. Atem's form began to shape shift into that of his true form. The eye of Horus glowed in the middle of Atem's head along with the jewel. A large blue being began to materalize behind Atem as the being seemed to tower over him. The face mask that HeartAttack wore fell off of her face as she looked whiter than usual. "Obelisk use your hands of fate!" Atem shouted out. The ancient god obeyed Atem's commands as his fists glowed as the god pulled back ready to punch the woman that stood in front of him. For a brief instant a smile appeared on Mai's face as she mouthed the words 'thank you' before she was destroyed.

After what was said and done Obelisk vanished as all seven items stopped glowing as Atem transformed back into Yugi's new form. Yugi collapsed onto his hands and knees panting. His eyes were blazing red as his fangs had fully lengthened. Caretaker and Seto came over to help Yugi backk up to his feet.

"Lets get him back to the graveyard. Once he feeds and regains his energy, I will explain everything." stated Pegasus. Nobody questioned him as they all gathered around Merik as he teleported them all back to the graveyard. It took Yugi a couple of hours to recover. Once he was fully recovered Pegasus told Yugi that he had to use the mystic puzzle to create a physical body for Atem because he needed to see this as well. Yugi did as Pegasus asked as he used the puzzle creating a body for Atem. The group then followed Pegasus out of his home into a nearby mausoleum. Pegasus opened the passage way as they all stepped through. "All right since we are all here maybe I should begin at the very beginning...°it all begins with the medallion of power. The medallion has been around, as far as I can tell. Wars have been fought over it. Blood and death surround it. The power contained within it is too much for one individual to wield and remain the same. That was learned the hard way. Many have tried to stop him. But Zarathos...he sought the medallion to futher his cause. The orginal spirits of vengeance helped to stop him. These beings of power sought to protect humanity against the dark times that Zarathos would have brought upon this dimension. They alone had power enough to go head to head with Zarathos. And in doing so...they sacrificed themselves. The essence of the spirits of vengeance and Zarathos were melded within the medallion of power. There was only one solution...the medallion and the powers within were placed within the descendants of one family.° That family was yours Atemu. This explains your unusual abilities and powers that you had growing up and part of the reason to why you were born as a vampire." stated Pegasus.

"What I don't get is our ties into all of this." stated Bakura.

"Each one of you have come into possession of a mystic item, an item once used by Atemu as it contains a small portion of his magic within these items. This is the same magic that Atemu himself had locked away many centuries ago. Because each of you have some kind of ancient connection to the original spirits of vengeance which explains also how you all of you have come to own these items that once belonged to Atemu. Each of these items possesses a special gift and power that you have all been able to tap into unconsciously. But only Atemu knows how to use the full power contained within these items and the full power of the item itself."

"According to the prophecy: on a stage of death, light and dark shall breathe as one. A dark magician will hellp unfold the seal to the darkness of old. If evil stands in the way, you must find away to defeat it in order for the light and dark to merge as one. That way the two powers combined can defeat the ultimate darkness that has yet to show its self. Friends and allies shall unite under a powerful spirit all bearing a scared mark to help destroy the ulitmate evil that threatens the world." stated Merik.

"Yes that is true. It has been my families sworn duty to guard Atem's secret until he was reborn and returned back to this world. This duty has been handed down from the person whom Atemu trusted with his secret. He was the one whom scattered the mystic items all except for the mystic eye." Atem and Yugi began to remember back to when they were alive in Egypt as they could remember when they had first became pharaoh. They hadn't feed since they had first arrived. The court's mage noticed that something was wrong as he allowed Atemu to feed off of him. That mage's name was Mahad, he became the first Caretaker watching out and caring for Atemu while he was pharaoh. Suddenly all of the life disappeared from both Atem's and Yugi's eyes as they spoke in unison in a ghostly voice.

°"The prophecy shall complete as the power builds. Even though the journey is long, don't give up. It will only end by the will of the strong. The items and friends shall come closer together in order for the darkness to beat. You will need everyone's help in order to suceed. Friendship is a power that all will have, making the will stronger then any power one has. Use the changes that you have been going through for your advantage in the end. Once mind, body, and spirit are joined together, nothing will seem impossible with the help of a few friends as the Midnight Sons shall rise again."° Suddenly whatever it was vanished as both Yugi and Atem had no idea to what they had just said and what it meant.

"It seems that Uriel isn't done giving us riddles. It sounds like another part of the prophecy. One that none of us had heard before." stated Pegasus.

"So if this Zarathos is the ultimate evil why hasn't he shown himself yet?" asked Duke.

"Who can sayy for sure Wolverine? All we can do is be ready for when he does appear. We maybe the only ones whom can help Atemu defeat him and complete the prophecy." stated Pegasus. Finally the group had a better understanding of what was going on!

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