3- enter the Caretaker

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

3– enter the Caretaker

After Blackout was completely gone, the dark magician defused with Atem allowing the dark rider to take care of the humans. Atem silently thanked the magician for his help as the mystical motorcycle came up to Atem. He knew he had to get this human whom was injured to the hospital. Atem placed his hands onto the motorcycle infusing the bike with hellfire as the bike changed shape becoming much longer in order to fit multiple passangers.

"Get on." he told the two humans. The teen looked at her injured father unsure of what to do. Detective Hawkins just nodded his head believing that they could trust the Dark Rider. "Just hold on as tightly as you can. I am going to get your father to the hospital as quickly as I can." stated Atem as the teenage girl sat in front of the rider and the detective behind him. Atem undid his chain tying around the two humans before revving up his motorcycle taking off into the night.

Atem darted in and out of traffic as the teenage girl screamed at the top of her lungs. Never in Atem's life has the need to protect humans ever been so strong. He had no idea of what that vampire was after but he felt that it was somewhat connected to what happened to Yugi. *Right now I must ensure that these two are safe.* Atem thought to himself as he arrived at the emergency room within seconds. The tech hands stared at Atem almost in disbelief that he had returned back with two people this time both alive even though one was greatly injured. The tech hands took care of the detective as Atem's bike returned back to normal before Atem drove off into the night.

Atem drove for what seemed like an hour arriving at the graveyard. Atem felt at peace among the dead as he needed to regain his energy. Atem drove up parking in front of a mausoleum. Atem got off of his bike going inside sitting down next to the stone casket. Atem closed his eyes wondering deep into thought as he tried to piece together what he knew about himself and his mission. The rider must have passed out as he transformed back into his human form of Yugi Moto.

When Yugi awoke he felt sore and drained of energy that he could barely move. His head pounded as memories of yesterdays events played in the back of his mind's eye. He could remember hearing Atem telling him things in the back of his mind. It was by then that Yugi had noticed that he was in an unfamiliar place. A strange man entered into the room just as Yugi was finally able to move. The man was dressed in rather dingy looking clothes much like an undertaker would be dressed in as his long white hair looked to be a matted mess as part of it covered half of his face as he looked at Yugi through his sky blue eye the only one that Yugi was able to see.

"What was the Rider thinking when he left you in that mausoleum completely warn out. Just be grateful that I was the one whom had found you boy and not somebody else. But then again what was Atem thinking when he choose you for his host." the man stated with a slight southern accent. Even though Yugi hardly knew this man, he felt like he knew who he was. And this person seemed to know about Atem. Which made Yugi wonder if he could be the one that Atem was telling him to find.

"Excuse me but I know that this may sound strange but are you Caretaker?" Yugi asked as the man nodded his head yes.

"That would be me, Maxamillion Pegasus. You may call me Pegasus or Caretaker if you wish. I assume that he told you to find me Yugi-boy because I can help you two." replied Pegasus.

"But how do you know my name when I never told you it?" Yugi asked as Pegasus simply smiled.

"Simple Yugi-boy, I am more than I appear to be." replied moving his hair away from the half of his face to reveal a golden metal eye as the lines of the eye looked to be Egyptian in design. "I know more about you then perhaps you know about yourself. But we should focus on the bigger concern you have right now with the vampire that you, I mean Atem had battled yesterday night. Do you know if he found out what that vampire was after?" asked Pegasus. Yugi thought for a little bit shacking his head no. Pegasus scratched his chin wondering if Yugi even knew what was going on. "It seems that I don't have much of a choice but talk to the source himself." muttered Pegasus underneath his breath. Yugi looked at him in confusion as Caretake placed his left hand onto Yugi's forehead. His metal eye and hand glowed in mystical energy forcing Yugi to undergo the transformation into Atem.

"Sorry to call you rather suddenly Atem but I needed some information." stated Caretaker. Atem said nothing as he seemed to understand why Pegasus had called him forth. "Oh don't worry about your human host. He can't hear what we are talking about." he added.

"I have only been in his body for two days. And Yugi has no clue about his connection to me." Atem simply stated.

"I figured out as much. That would explain why you told him to find me. Now what about that vampire that you fought against?"

"I didn't find out much about him but, I have a feeling that it is connected to the event that awoke me from my deep slumbers. I do believe that I may cross paths with him again." replied Atem.

"Do you plan to tell him the truth about who you really are?" Atem's eyes trailed looking outside as he let out a long sigh. Atem brushed his hand through his fire hair knowing that sooner or later he would have to talk to his human host.

"I am not sure he is ready to learn the truth especially so soon. I plan to tell him in due time when I feel that he is ready and not sooner. So don't tell him anything beyond what is necessary." Atem snarled turning around looking Caretaker dead in the eyes. His fangs lengthened as his eyes glowed warning Pegasus not to say more that what he needed too. Pegasus swallowed harshly as he knew that Atem could do things to him that even he couldn't dare fathom was even possible.

"Alright Atem I will obey your wishes. Now give the body back to Yugi-boy." Pegasus stated. Atem simply closed his eyes as he transformed back into Yugi.

MEANWHILE... Blackout went back to Deathwatch's office troubled by his meeting with Atem. Deathwatch had not told him everything. Was he holding back information? Blackout was bound to drag the information out of the man whom employed him as Blackout stormed into Deathwatch's office.

"Deathwatch we have a problem. You have been hiding important information from me. I don't like being left in the dark especially if it isn't me whom is causing the darkness." Blackout snarled. Deathwatch simply looked at the vampire as it seemed that he had no idea of what the vampire was even talking about.

"What in the world are you babbling about Blackout?" Deathwatch asked.

"I am talking about the spirit of vengeance, the Dark Rider, Atem." stated Blackout. Deathwatch slammed his hands down onto his desk standing up. Even the man had heard legends of Atem.

"It is impossible. He is only a legend. Your telling me that he truly exists." stated Deathwatch as Blackout sat down into a chair. "Atem is something of a legend and urban bogyman for evil men like me. It is believed that he only appears when he senses that innocent blood has been spilled. It is also believed that he can make you relive every wicked thing you have done in your life time with a simple glance."

"I am telling you Deathwatch that the man is real enough. So you had no idea that he was interfering with your work."

"None what so ever Blackout. If I plan to have my plans succeed then I will have to accompany you when you go and retrieve the items we need from the Valentine Enterprises. Were you able to get any information about those two teens?" Deathwatch asked.

"I was only able to find out that one of them is in the hospital. And she is in critical condition." replied Blackout.

"At least you were able to find out something. Now all we have to do is make out our plans for attacking the Valentine Enterprises without drawing the attention of the spirit of vengeance. We don't need for Atem to interfere with our plans." stated Deathwatch as he walked back to his desk sitting back down.

MEANWHILE... Yugi had come back too as he swayed from side to side feeling a bit week.

"Take it easy Yugi-boy. Sit down before you pass out." Pegasus stated helping Yugi out.

"What did you do to me?"

"Sorry Yugi-boy I had to use my power to speak with Atem. I have the ability to draw him forth without shedding innocent blood." Pegasus replied as Yugi looked at him in confusion. "Oh that's right, you have no idea of the extent of the powers that Atem is capable of. As you grow used to his presence you will be able to feel him and sense him in the back of your mind. Right now you can only hear a trace of his voice mentally. If you focus really hard and concentrate you maybe able to hear him." Yugi did as Pegasus instructed focusing his mind inwards to try to find Atem's spirit.

*Yuuugiii.* stated a distant ghost-like voice in the back of his mind. Yugi's eyes shot wide open after he had heard the voice.

"Atem can only be called forth when innocent blood has been spilled but when your bond becomes stronger you maybe able to summon him forth on your own. Atem's powers are simple to understand as he will try as much as possible to avoid using the full extent of his powers. You managed to sample a small portion of it when he fought against that vampire. Atem has the power to control, manipulate, and manifest hellfire. His mystic chain can change shape into any weapon of his choosing. His mystic motorcycle can top speeds far beyond any land vehicles as it can run across water and drive vertically up any surface. His penance stare forces evil people to relieve every evil thing that they have done in their life causing them to feel the pain of their victims. Last but not least is power of dark magic which enable him to summon forth people and creatures that exist in the shadow realm to aid him. Atem can fuse with these creatures to increase his own powers. So now you know a little more about him than before."

"But why me?" Yugi asked.

"I am sorry Yugi but I can't answer that. Only Atem can. All I can do is help you out as much as possible." replied Pegasus. Yugi knew that Pegasus knew more than he was letting on. But he wasn't going to push for the answers as he would have to believe that in due time Atem will eventually tell him when he was ready to know the truth.

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