6- on a journey in Egypt

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In no way shape or form do I own or attempt to own anything from the Ghost Rider seriesand its characters and/or the Yugioh series and its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks!

6- on a journey in Egypt

Yugi sat quietly on the cargo plane bound for Egypt. Atem's mystical motorcycle was tucked safely away in the back. Yugi looked out a nearby window hating the thought that he had lied to his grandfather. He has been lying ever since the day the spirit of vengeance had become a part of him. Yugi told his grandfather that he needed to go Egypt for a research project that he was doing for school. He allowed his grandfather to make the necessary plans for Yugi's trip saying that he was only able to give him one week.

*A week should be more than enough time.* Yugi thought to himself. Although he was learning more about Atem even though it was a a little at a time. As Yugi looked out the window he remembered something that his mother had told him a long time ago. Both of Yugi's parents had passed on when he was seven years old.

"Things often become worse before they become better. In order to find the past, you will often find the future which will at time tend to repeat itself. How do you know of the hurt others feel unless you feel the same hurt for yourself? You must go on a journey to find out the truth about yourself and the world you live in." his mothers told him as Yugi could almost hear her voice.

*That is truly profound Yugi. Your mother must have been wise.* Yugi jumped a little bit shocked he began to realized that he looked like the teen but didn't look like the teen. Atem bore many similarities to Yugi.

*She was a little bit. I still miss her to this day.* Yugi replied.

*Yugi may I ask...how did your parents die?* Atem asked. Yugi thought about it for a little while before answering.

*I was told that it was an accident but now I am not so sure if it was an accident.*

"Excuse me young Mr. Moto...we will be landing in Egypt shortly. Are you certain that you will not need a translator or a guide?" asked one of the cargo hands snapping Yugi back into reality.

"No I shall be fine. This isn't my first trip to Egypt." Yugi replied smiling at the cargo hand.

"All right if you are sure. If I may ask...where are you planning to go?" asked the cargo hand.

"To the valley of the kings. My research is on the ancient pharaohs that once lived and ruled Egypt. With the training I had when I was young, I should be able to get a lot of information while taking in the sights." Yugi replied. It felt strange to him that even before now he had no clue to where he was going. Once in Egypt he planned to let either his instinct and/or Atem tell him where he needed to go. He could feel a strong pull to the resting place of the pharaohs.

MEANWHILE...A young Egyptian male stood out side of a huge pyramid that was nothing like he has ever seen before. A recent sandstorm had revealed the temple. Some of the remaining archaeologists had summoned him due to the fact that any whom had entered the temple was never seen from again. Some of the workers grew worried that the place was haunted. The young Egyptian brushed back his tri-color hair of platinum blond bangs, ghost white middle, and raven black back. His dark violet eyes scanned the temple. He wore a blue sleeveless top with a white cross on it as it showed off his muscular bear stomach. He wore a pair of black leather pants with an Egyptian belt with gray hawk feathers hanging off of it. He wore several dark gold bands on his legs, arms, and wrists. Around his shoulders hung a long red cape with an upturned collar as the edges were trimmed with yellow as it was held in place by a large eye button at the base of the neck. Everything about this man said that he was a sorcerer.

"No doubt there is dark magic within these walls and something else...I sense a necromancer inside. Be sure that no one dares enter this temple after me until I take care of the problem." the sorcerer stated in Egyptian before he entered into the temple.

ELSEWHERE...Yugi had mounted his mystical motorcycle grateful for his mode of transportation even in the thick desert sands, the bike seemed to glide easily along the surface as the sand didn't seem to clog up any of the gears on the bike. Yugi was dressed in light clothes as he knew how harsh and unforgiving the desert could be. Around his eyes he wore a pair of sunglasses type of goggles as he made his way to the valley of the kings. Yugi hadn't seen Alex Brisbane since he was eight years old. Ten years had past since then as he remember Alex had called his grandfather before Yugi's trip stating that a new temple had appeared and that he was asking for assistance. Yugi volunteered since he was going to be down there anyway. It felt strange to Yugi to have a mysterious temple surface just before his trip.

*There is definitely other forces at work here. Even when I was a young kid, I felt some sort of connection, a tie to Egypt. I had learned and could read the hieroglyphics like it was second nature to me.* Yugi thought to himself. Suddenly the glowing of the gas cap caught him attention. He could feel that Atem needed to surface as innocent blood was beaconing to him. Yugi slammed his hand down onto the gas cap as mystical flames surrounded both him and the bike transforming them both into Atem and his hell bike. After the transformation was completed both the rider took off leaving a trail of fire in his wake.

AT THAT PERSICE MOMENT...The young Egyptian male made had managed to avoid many of the traps in the temple. He could hear blood curdling screams coming from above ground. When the sorcerer turned down a corder he found himself face-to-face with several hundred undead demonic mummies. The sorcerer cursed out loud in Egyptian as he willed magic to his hand blasting several of them as he tried to escape the undead horde that was after him.

*Defiantly a work of a necromancer.* he cursed mentally. The space he was in was a little too cramped to allow him to use his powers without bringing down the temple. He needed to find a much larger area to fight in.

AT THE SAME TIME...Atem rode his mystical motorcycle into the temple as several dead bodies laid near the temple as the cry for vengeance was great.

*Whomever did this is definitely inside. How dare they enter my resting place without permission.* Atem thought to himself. Any and all traps withdrew for him. He could hear a loud commotion going on in the center chamber. Atem rode his bike hard and fast finding a young Egyptian sorcerer in the center chamber. Sever undead demonic mummies laid dead at his feet as it appeared that he might be summoning them. Atem had no clue whom this person was but he knew that he had to pay for all of the innocent lives that he took. Atem lept off his bike with chain in hand. "Sorcerer, the blood of the innocent shall be avenged." Atem shouted out as his whipped the chain around the sorcerer's body. The sorcerer held a magic blast in his hands as Atem's eyes began to glow. "Prepare to feel my penance stare." Atem snarled as both men were ready to attack one another.

*Wait your both wrong!* cried out a voice mentally stopping the two men. Atem held the sorcerer by the cloak as this was the first time that he had heard Yugi's voice while he was in control of the teens body. Apparently the sorcerer had heard him as well.

*What makes you say that?* Atem snarled mentally.

*Maybe the thousands of demonic mummies that are surrounding you both.* Yugi stated. Both men glanced at each other and then past each other finding that Yugi had spoke the truth. Atem could sense it a lot clearer now as the stench of blood wasn't coming from the sorcerer.

"So it seems that we were wrong." Atem stated as his eyes finally stopped glowing.

"Yes it does seem that way. Bygones?" the sorcerer stated in perfect English with a slight Egyptian accent. Atem said nothing as he nodded his head. With a single flick of his the chain unwrapped from the sorcerer as he flicked it the chain came undone sending hundreds of shurikens at the undead. The sorcerer sent blast after magic blast at the creature as the two men stood back to back. No matter what they did, it didn't seem to stop the mummies.

"Tell me sorcerer what is your name?" Atem asked as his mystical chain reformed as he wrapped it around his chest. In the rider's hands he held a fire ball formed out of hellfire.

"Doctor Strange. And you?" the sorcerer replied.

"Atem." the rider answered as he threw his hellfire blast at the mummies. The hellfire blast seemed to wipe at a few of them but not all of them as more seemed to be coming. This left Atem with one option. Something he wouldn't never consider doing in a human body but he had no choice. "Tell me Doctor can you drive one of those?" Atem asked pointing over to the hellcycle.

"I might not be a stunt rider but I can handle a motorcycle." replied Doctor Strange as Atem smiled showing his fangs.

"Then do me a favor...when you see a window of opportunity, get on that motorcycle and get the hell out of here and take my human body with you." Atem stated as he closed his eyes. *Forgive me Yugi this is going to drain you a lot but given the alternative...I rather live though this.* Atem stated as he pulled forth his dark power the jewel on his forehead began to glow. "I call upon the gods of old to hear me and help your loyal servant. I bid thee to come from out of the shadows and strike down our foes. I summon thee forth appear before now. Fuse and become one with my power. Come forth winged dragon of Ra!" Atem cried out as a huge golden dragon appeared out of the darkness. "Take on phoenix form and merge with me!" Atem cried out as the dragon became a fiery phoenix before merging with the rider. The fire on Atem's head became much harsher as the rider opened his eyes which were glowing like ambers. Hellfire flowed into his hands as he slammed them down onto the ground causing the fire to erupt from the ground spreading like wild fire destroying everything evil in its wake. Atem held the blast while Doctor Strange retrieved his mystic motorcycle before the fire began to dissipate. The phoenix erupted from out of Atem's body clearing a pathway as the sorcerer drove the hellcycle over to Atem as the rider transformed back into Yugi before loosing consciousness. Doctor Strange grabbed the human teen following the phoenix escaping the horde of undead that were following them.

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