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"Rosekit! Scarletkit!"

"Shhh!" Scarletkit reprimanded her sister, who had started to pad towards her mother.

Rosekit's green eyes were filled with confusion. "But she wants to see us!" She protested.

Scarletkit shook her head. "Wait!"

Rosekit turned to her sister. "What?"

Scarletkit smiles triumphantly to herself, an idea forming in her head. "We will sneak out of camp!" She announced.

"That is against the rules! Mother will punish us." Rosekit mewed, flattening her ears.

"Oh, I don't care about the rules! Rules are meant to be broken." Scarletkit purred, leaping out of the bramble thicket they were hiding in to check if the coast was clear. Almost immediately, she jumped back as a patrol led by the Clan leader, Wishingstar, trotted by.

"But we will be attacked by rogues, badgers, and foxes, are other really scary things!" Rosekit fretted as soon as the patrol was out of earshot.

Scarletkit flicked an ear dismissively. "You have been listening to too many tales of the elders!"

Rosekit ducked her head in embarrassment.

"What we will do is to sneak out of camp, explore a bit, and then hop back in camp!" Scarletkit announced.

Rosekit nodded uncertainly. "Fine. How are we sneaking out?"

Scarletkit frowned as she looked around for any exits. Then she crawled into a thick patch of brambles.

It was like a thousand claws piercing at her, and she withdrew immediately. Her eyes watered as a sharp thorn sliced her nose.

"Oh, Scarletkit, you mouse-brain!" Rosekit came hurrying towards her. "What were you thinking?"

Scarletkit grunted.

"You need to stop the bleeding!" Rosekit mewed anxiously.

"It's okay, Rosekit! Let continue with our adventure!" Scarletkit cut her off sharply. Rosekit looked slightly crestfallen, but she nodded.

The two split up, inspecting every inch of the camp perimeters while staying hidden from their Clanmates.

"Here! I found a gap!" Rosekit meowed excitedly. Scarletkit bounded over to look, and almost yowled in relief.

"Perfect, Rosekit! Let's go!" She meowed, her eyes glinting. She squeezed in the gap, and felt herself suffocating. Thorns pricked at her pelt, and her nose throbbed. But she went on, and finally, she burst into the outside word.

"Woah," she breathed, taking in the view. The forest was alive with birds and small creatures, and as Scarletkit looked around, a soft, gentle, greenleaf breeze swept through the branches of the trees above and ruffled her fur.

The sent of prey was almost overwhelming, and Scarletkit could also smell some sweet-smelling plants.

"Thisisamazing!" Scarletkit squealed, bouncing around. She turned back to the tunnel they made. "Come on, Rosekit! It's beautiful!"

Rosekit mewed a muffled reply.

After a few moments, Rosekit emerged from the gap. "Pffft! I never thought I would make it out alive!" She sneezed.

"Isn't this beau-tiful!" Scarletkit meowed.

"Wow!" Rosekit managed.

"Let's go deeper in the forest!" Scarletkit squealed. The two she-kits bounded towards the ravine.


Scarletkit flopped down on a warm stone. Rosekit sat down beside her sister.

"That was amazing!" She mewed.

Scarletkit purred. "Told you so!" She launched herself at the other kit, and the two kits started play-fighting.

Rosekit held down Scarletkit with one paw. "Rosestar of ThunderClan demands you, Scarletstar, to surrender!" She meowed threateningly.

Scarletkit let out a mrrow of amusement. "Never!" In one swift move, she flipped onto her back and rolled Rosekit over, pawing her tummy until she squealed.

"I surrender!" Rosekit squeaked. Scarletkit let her sister up, and they both shook the the sand out of their fur.

"Rosekit?" Scarletkit suddenly meowed.


"What do you think will be your warrior name?" Scarletkit wondered.

Rosekit pondered the thought for a moment. "Maybe Rosefur, or Rosepelt, or Roseleaf, or Roseflower, like Mother."

Scarletkit glanced at her sister.

"Or maybe Rosepetal." Rosekit mewed thoughtfully.

"Rosepetal is a good one," Scarletkit agreed.

"What do you think your warrior name will be?" Rosekit shot a sideways glance at her sister, now sprawled on the warm stones.

"Scarletclaw!" Scarletkit meowed immediately.

Rosekit frowned. "Scarletclaw? I don't like it."

"Well, I like it!" Scarletkit snapped. Then she softened her tone. "Well, I want to be the best warrior I can, and Scarletclaw will make my enemies afraid!"

Rosekit half-nodded.

"I think it must be time to return to camp," Rosekit mewed. She glanced up at the sun. "Mother will be anxious."

"I guess," Scarletkit agreed halfheartedly. The two began to retrace their route back to camp.

"I'm hungry," Rosekit complained.

"Well, let's hunt for a while! We can even bring back prey for the Clan." Scarletkit looked at the undergrowth.

Rosekit flicked her tail excitedly. "Yes!"

"Do you know how to crouch?" Scarletkit asked her sister.

"Yes." Rosekit answered. "Well, Gingerpaw taught me the hunting crouch."

"Really? That's so cool." Scarletkit mewed, but felt a pang of jealousy.

"You crouch down, and make sure to be balanced on both hind legs." Rosekit instructed.

Scarletkit obeyed, her legs wobbling.

"You tail needs to be down," Rosekit pawed the ginger tail which was sticking out like a tree.

Scarletkit lowered her tail, and crouched deeper, preparing to spring.

"Yes!" Rosekit sounded excited. "Good job!"

Scarletkit focused on a small rustling sound in the undergrowth. She pushed upwards with her legs, spraying leaves and dirt everywhere, and landed on top of a squirming body.

"I did it!" She mewed excitedly. But as she was floating over her catch, the mouse scampered away.

"Where is it?" Rosekit mewed, padding up to her.

"It got out of my grip!" Scarletkit meowed, crestfallen.

Rosekit licked her sister's ear. "It's okay! All that matters it that you caught it. That was an impressive first try."

"But you are hungry!" Scarletkit protested. "Now we have to wait for another mouse!"

"We can still eat berries," Rosekit mewed softly. Her eyes lit up. "I saw a bush of red berries near our secret tunnel!"

"Really?" Scarletkit mewed. "Let's go, then!" She bounded after Rosekit into the forest.

The two kits padded to a shrub full of red berries.

"Here it is," Rosekit meowed smugly.

"Awesome!" Scarletkit exclaimed.

Rosekit took a bite of the berries. "These are really sour!" She spat.

"Oh, let's find another one!" Scarletkit purred.

Suddenly, Rosekit's legs gave way, and she collapsed.

"Rosekit!" Scarletkit gasped. "No, no, no, what is wrong?!?"

"Mmmmmph..." Rosekit gasped, and Scarletkit saw with horror that her mouth was foaming.

"Wake up!" Scarletkit pleaded, shaking her sister. But the ginger molly did not move.

Rosekit's eyes glazed over. Scarletkit pawed at her in panic.

"Stay there, Rosekit, I need to find help!" She yowled.

She started to run blindly towards the direction she thought was camp. The sky was getting darker, yet she didn't find any cat.

She was about to give up when she heard a crack of a branch.

"Who is there?" A familiar voice growled.

"Help!" Scarletkit burst out of the bushes to find Wishingstar and his patrol.

"What are you doing here out of camp?" A dusty she-cat called Mousewhisker meowed, her fur bristling.

"We went exploring, and then Rosekit ate some berries and collapsed!" Scarletkit wailed.

"Deathberries!" Mousewhisker's apprentice, Cloudypaw, gasped. "They can kill a cat in a few moments!"

"We need to find her. Scarletkit, can you lead the way?" Wishingstar meowed urgently.

Scarletkit stumbled towards to place where Rosekit laid, but there was no body. The cats set upon on sniffing the earth for any scents.

"Someone must have seen her, and helped her," Wishingstar noted grimly.

"There is Gingerpaw's scent!" Cloudypaw yowled. Wishingstar immediately bounded over to the calico she-cat, Scarletpaw at his side.

"And I smell Palewing! Our cats must have found them!" Wishingstar meowed.

"Let's head back to camp," Mousewhisker suggested.

"Yes." Wishingstar agreed. Then he noticed Scarletkit. "Scarletkit? Are you okay?"

"Yes," Scarletkit mumbled, before her eyelids crashed closed and she fell to the ground, exhausted.


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