part 2

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-rei&arata arived at class-
"Oh.. good morning Ms.Yushiro!" Said rei
"Good morning rei!",said Yushiro Akiyama (22,the one who has a job of taking care of rei,lives with her younger twin brother),"tch,why do they need to be so formal,even tho they have known each other since a kid" Arata said in his mind
-time skip to when school ends-
"Arata, Arata!!!, a boy with blonde messy hair calls him, "Hm?takeshi ,what happened?","Arata said,"well you know! Rei-senpai, Kaori, Ms.yushiro and Mr.yukuro found a strange book!!"takeshi (16),lives with his family,a fast runer. "So what!! I don't care about her and her friends so.. Shut Up!", "but Arata... its a special legendary book,that brings mystery&used to unraveling some secrets,come on let's go!", he said.
-in the library-
"So.. we will go to an isekai???" Said rei
"Um.. sorry but it said that we need to get killed by someone and.. we need to be the "special one" to get out from that world" Kaori said worriedly
"Hmm.. do really want to to go to the Isekai.." said Yushiro and Yukuro
Suddenly the the door open
"REIIIIII!!!! What book are you holding?!"
"A-arata w-what are you doing here?!! Aren't you supposed to be in school?!!"
"I'm sorry, Rei-senpai" suddenly Takeshi appeared with Isabella Kakahashi((13),a sweet little girl) behind him
"Sis,who are these people? Why are they shouting in the library?" Yukuro asked
"Dunno..." said Yushiro
"Rei.. are you serious about going into the Isekai?" Arata ask,this time with a slow voice
"Of course i am!!! It's my dream!!! Besides if we really go to an Isekai you can find the girl who you met 7 years ago right? Since, that world might reveal some of the past or memory of someone!" Rei explain that with a cheerful tone.

-flashback in Arata memory-
"Ka-shi?,hahahahah" a girl with black hair smiled,"its kakahashi ah.. itsuki, you cant read some hard kanji right?" (WTF,:V) "hm? I can read but sometimes i forgot about that" the girl named itsuki said"
-flashback end-
"Shut up,itsuki likes to read books&also she might end up in this book to,she is missing right?" Said rei
"fine.." arata seems to be tired of rei actions
"Kaori.. what hapened?" Rei spotted kaori in the corner with a sad face
"Kaori..hei kaorii,KAORII!!"
"Um.. yes rei"kaori replied with a shock voice
"S..sorry senpai,but can we get home now,its already night" takeshi said
"Okay okay!!" Rei replied
-after few steps out the library-
*time stops*
"You have opened the book" a red butterfly said

○the get isekaid part come

Still thank to AkiraShirokane&Dark_Night_Karitou
Ask in the coments if there is a thing that you dont know
And.. can sombody help me to find a "quenn like"name? I really need help :/
So.. until i update again.. Au revoir!

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