Monster Ball

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I was getting ready for my match against Abyss.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I was sitting down just trying to focus. Anna walked in noticing my demeanor.
Anna- Hey you alright.
Ethan- No this is my first Monster Ball match and Abyss has been in them all. So the advantage is considerable.
Anna- So why you listening to Eminem.
Ethan- Well he's basically explaining what I'm gonna have to do and that is survive.
Anna- You got this okay. I believe in you okay.
Ethan- Thanks babe.
Anna- No problem now go beat for me.
Ethan- You got it.
Time skip to match
Justin Roberts- This Match is scheduled for one fall introducing first the challenger weighing in at 205 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Justin Roberts- And his opponent weighing in at 350 pounds Abyss

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Narrators POV
Right out of the gate Abyss hit a

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Ethan got back up and hit a

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Abyss was still standing as Ethan hit a

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The Monster no sold it and got right back up. Ethan went for a ddt but Abyss stopped him and hit a

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Abyss went to the outside and fetched Janice. Once he grabbed her the crowd popped in excitement. Ethan saw this and immediately got scared. He went for an enziguri but Abyss blocked it and hit Ethan with Janice to the back. Abyss hit another shot this time to the head of Ethan. This time the monster scrapped Janice along the back of Ethan causing him to bleed and scream out in pain. Abyss went back out and grabbed a bag of thumbtacks. Yet again the crowd popped wondering what was gonna happen next.  Abyss dumped the bag of thumbtacks out on the canvas. Abyss went for a choke slam on the thumbtacks but Ethan wiggled his way out of it and

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Ethan sent Abyss into the turnbuckle and put him on the top rope. Well you can probably guess what happens next. Ethan hit a

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(Just imagine it happening on thumbtacks)
Ethan went into the cover but Abyss kicked out at two.
10 minutes later
Both men were beaten and battered. Both were bloody and had thumbtacks all over there body. Ethan was in the corner as he waited for Abyss to get up. When he did Bourne hit the

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Abyss quickly got back to his knees as Ethan was going for the shining Wizard but Abyss ducked and hit the

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Somehow Ethan kicked out at two though. The crowd was shocked as no one believed what they just saw.
10 more minutes later
Both men again were on the top rope. This time Ethan hit a

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Just imagine Abyss's head spiking on the thumbtacks)
Ethan slowly crawled into the cover and got the three count.
Ethan's POV
I quickly went to the doctor to get the thumbtacks removed. In the middle of it Anna came in.
Anna- Babe are you alright. I was so scared for you.
Ethan- Don't worry babe I'm fine.
Anna hugged me which caused me to wince in pain.
Ethan- Babe I'm still hurting.
Anna- Oh sorry.
Doctor- Yeah just take it easy and take some time off to rest okay.
Ethan- Thanks doc.
Anna- *smirks* And I can be your nurse if you want.
Ethan-*laughs* Okay sure I'm fine with that.
Anna- Alright well see ya later.

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