10: The Enigma of Shadow Lake

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The light from our helmets shimmered off of the water like a thick layer of black oil. The stillness of the lake was more frightening than the prospects of what lay beneath its murky surface. Stalactites dripped with water as they hung like icicles on the roof of the cave.

Brent stared wide eyed at the motionless fluid. "I wish I would've gotten over my fear of large bodies of water, but after my cousin drowned I've been too afraid. Much like now."

I glanced behind us at the dark, vacant tunnel, not sure if it would remain empty forever. I imagined the unearthly yet recognizable faces accompanying our voices and how they would soon occupy the space. My heart raced as the seconds went by. "We have one of two choices. We get in this water and get to the other side. Or we stay here and wait for whoever or whatever is coming down that tunnel."

Arturo kept his eyes fixed on the darkness at our backs. "What would they do if they saw us?"

The look on Samuel's face said it all before responding, "What would you do?"

Arturo nodded with complete understanding. "I guess I'm getting wet."

"What about our stuff?" Cecil tugged the pack strap across her chest. "Our bags, our food ... it'll get ruined."

"And they're heavy too," Brent added. "I brought road flares, a couple flashlights with extra batteries, and a lot of hefty stuff. I'll sink trying to carry this across."

Samuel didn't hesitate. "Toss it. I have all those things too. We wouldn't miss it."

Brent didn't wait for an objection, he lowered the bag into the pool of water and it immediately sank beneath the liquid, resulting in air bubbles snapping on the surface.

I looked to Samuel, watching the tunnel out of my periphery. "How do you feel about this?"

"How do I feel?"

I nodded. "Tune in. Tell us what you feel." I was absolutely sure they were meant to accompany me on this journey due to their innate psychic abilities. I was intent on putting them to good use.

"I feel sick to my stomach," he glanced over his shoulder, possibly feeling the unease of the unknown, "after seeing Jace— I just want to go home."

I blinked away a threatening tear and swallowed the lump in my throat. What madness have I gotten us into?

Arturo exhaled deeply, demanding our attention. "I feel we have to get a move on it. Nothing good will come of us standing around. Vámonos!"

I looked across the large lake at the dry patch of landing. "Cecil, how do you see us doing?"

"We're gonna get out of here," she said confidently. "Bum leg and all. We'll get through this."

"How does that sound, Brent?" I cut my eye to him, hoping he understood that I trusted his insight if he believed in their abilities or not.

"Sounds like music to my ears," he nodded and punctuated it with a nervous chuckle.

"Good." I mimicked his nod. "I'll go first, you guys follow me. Brent, stay close to Samuel and use the float technique. Lie on your back, keep your face out of the water, kick and stroke your arms."

Samuel wrapped an arm around Brent's shoulders and pulled him into a snug embrace. "You know I got you. If we can make it through a couple years of craziness prior to this damn cave, we can make it through this."

Brent nodded and quickly left a peck on Samuel's lightly stubbled chin.  "We got this."

"We got this," Samuel echoed. "Let's go."

I neared the edge of the landing, catching a glimpse of the three interconnected spirals carved in the stone at my feet. They resembled the spirals on the wall of the cave after the collapse that initially trapped us. For a brief second, I wondered what they symbolized, but the sound of indistinct shouting coming from the tunnel pushed me out of my reverie.

"Come." Blamore was first to lower himself into the water, holding on to his flashlight firmly. His face twisted in discomfort as the ink-like liquid swallowed him to his neck.

As he made his way over the lake effortlessly, I sat on the ledge and dunked my feet in. The icy water quickly entered my boots and I ignored the chill and pushed myself in. I went under briefly, but quickly paddled until my head and helmet was above water. The pack on my back didn't bother me as much as I thought it would.

The others followed and we gently moved across the lake like floating ducks.

Nearing the halfway point, my anxiety spiked as Blamore's helmet disappeared under the water. "Blamore?" I called. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Quiet!" Cecil whispered. "What if they hear you?"

Just as my panic increased, Blamore emerged from the dark liquid. His long, black hair draped along the tops of his brawny shoulders. "We must dive."

"Dive?" The fear in Brent voice made it rise an octave. "I'm barely floating as it is."

"Sshh," Cecil demanded. "We gotta keep it down."

Blamore gestured below the surface. "It's jagged stone. It goes across, but an opening is under. Come. Follow."

Immediately an uneasy sensation ripped through my body. "We're going to have to hold our breath?"

"I can't!" Brent cried out. "I can't do this."

Samuel continued to ease his lover's nerves. "You've got this, remember?"

Even as fear constantly raced through my body, I dove down beneath the dark surface to take a look. The closer I swam to the center of the lake, the clearer the stone became. The jagged walls of the cave extended through the entire center of the lake, leaving a small arch beneath. Any attempt to swim over the top of the massive stone would most likely result in injury from the sharp uneven surface.

I turned and ascended, but before breaking through the surface the quick paddling of a couple pair of legs caught my attention. They were moving the opposite way, going back toward the landing we just came from.

I surfaced and the dank air immediately filled my lungs. "Where are you guys going?" I asked, while squeezing water from my eyes and attempting to catch my breath.

"We're all right here." Cecil's labored voice sounded near my ear. She was treading the water, successfully keeping herself afloat right beside me and the rest of the crew.

I blinked moisture from my eyes and peered toward the tunnel we'd just escaped, seeing nothing peculiar. "I thought a couple of people were going back. I saw—"

"We gotta move!" Brent cried, becoming impatient. "Or I am going back." He lay on his back with his eyes, nose and mouth barely visible above the water.

"We have to dive," I confirmed. "Stay in the center and away from the rock. It looks as sharp as the spiky stalactites on the roof of the cave."

Blamore was the first to go, and Cecil and Arturo followed. When they emerged safely on the other side after a few short seconds, relief hit me. But the worry quickly returned as I turned to Brent and Samuel. "How long could you guys hold your breath?"

"I don't know," Samuel huffed. "Thirty seconds, maybe."

"I can't do thirty seconds." Brent's words came out fast and shallow. "I—I can't."

Samuel gave me a look that said what we were about to do would be difficult. "Stop saying you can't, babe. You can! You know you can."

"It's just a short dive," I assured Brent. "You'll be fine. I promise." Suddenly, and as if on cue, a faint light lit up a part of the tunnel behind them. I wasn't prepared for what we were about to see. I gasped, "They're coming!"

"No, no, no," Brent's voice trailed off as Samuel's words drowned them out.

"Kick your feet, don't let go of my hand, and hold your breath." Samuel ignored Brent's pleas and dived, pulling him under.

I immediately followed, keeping my eyes on the wide archway of rock as I swam through, scantily missing some of the sharp stone that stuck out like tendrils. My helmet light lit the way. I looked up at more jagged stone and continued on until they were gone. Swiftly, I paddled my arms and legs until I broke the surface.

I glanced behind me, anticipating splashing and panting as Samuel and Brent hastily caught their breaths, but instead it was silent. There was no trace of light beneath the water, and strangely there was no sign of light coming from the tunnel either.

Cecil's voice echoed from the closer landing, "They hadn't come up. Where are they?"

My mouth wouldn't form words and only trembled in shock.

A splash near Cecil startled me, and I glanced back to see turbulence in the water and Blamore no longer beside her. I knew immediately, he had dove back in.

With every split-second that ticked by, dread grew increasingly heavy on my shoulders, rendering me shocked and speechless.

Finally, light lit up the water beneath me followed by a splash as Samuel emerged, coughing and choking on the liquid as he tried to stay afloat. Blamore followed, violently disturbing the once motionless surface. However, my heart sank quickly when I realized neither of them had Brent.

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