Chapter Four

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It had been two weeks since the incident but Herobrine and I had continued on our journey, we had found his old enemy but I was still searching for what my soul so desired. Pushing branches from my face I noticed a rather lovely city before us, glancing at Herobrine I could see the fear spreading across his face.

"Best we avoid here for now, especially without any form of help, plus this city is filled with magic users and other sorts, attacking here without the Nether Realm and your troops is a death wish to us all," he informed, looking at the city for a few more moments I nodded and began to make my way around. Getting any closer would probably alert the city of our presence which was not desired as of late, thinking over the past two weeks I began to feel fear spreading through my chest.

"Herobrine, it might just be me being a worry clots but we haven't heard anything from Arkain, he never goes this long without reporting back to me," I stated turning to look at him, from the way his eyes narrowed I could tell he was thinking of something.

"My powers are limited to certain distance teleports, your powers are still too new to be trusted so I can get us roughly half way back but I will be greatly weakened, unless you want to risk being sent even further from home I suggest we go on foot," he warned, clenching my fists I shot a blast of magic at the ground causing a rather startling looking portal to appear. Walking through it I was hit by a wave of smoke and heat, making my way out of the blaze I felt my eyes widen with horror at the scene before me.

"Find Arkain and see if he's alive, I will find Obsidian!" I ordered racing towards the burning castle before me, out of rushed anxiety I began to teleport myself up the side of the castle before launching myself into the main room at the top. Heaving from the amount of energy used I began to search the room for any signs of Obsidian, seeing that he wasn't here made me relax as I teleported to the bottom of the castle. Looking to the skies however made me tense, on his back attacking his wings was the stranger from my travels. Snarling I summoned a ball of magic and launched it at Obsidian causing me to teleport onto his back, pulling my swords from my back I began to lash out at the stranger my eyes glowing at the use of power. Anger burned in my blood like fire as I attempted to get a blow on the stranger, the feeling of Obsidian suddenly falling caused me to lunge sending both the stranger and I flying off his back as he crashed into the ground. Lifting what felt like my broken body from the ground I raced towards Obsidian trying my best to heal his wounds with my failing magic, gritting my teeth from the effort I finally let my hands fall to my knees as he opened his eyes to look at me.

"I have failed you..... my Queen...." he huffed as his eyes closed once more and he fell still, staring at my beloved dragons lifeless corpse I failed to notice just how still the world had grown around me. Slowly I began to feel my anger turn to power and as I stood I noticed black lightning shooting out around me, turning my head I noticed how shocked the stranger seemed now that my powers had gone completely out of control. Letting out a dark chuckle I began to float into the air my hands opened as I allowed my magic to fester and boil in them, within a flash I was lunging at the stranger quicker than either of us had expected slamming him into the ground. Before he could react I launched him into the air and stabbing my swords through his back, pulling them back I slammed him into the ground once more before a flash of lightning struck anyone who dared come close.

"You killed my dragon...... you attacked my kingdom.... you killed my men...... and now...... I'm going to make you watch as I kill your city...." I chuckled between breaths, a sudden blast of energy caused me to collapse as I felt many sources of magic focused on me muffling my powers while I tried to fight back against their fresher powers. To my horror no one dared step forwards to try and help aside from Arkain who was being held down with swords pressed against his back, as my energy drained I felt myself collapsing further and no matter how much I fought I couldn't move under the amount of magic used to contain me. Gritting my teeth I fell onto my hands and knees trying my hardest not to fall to this attack, despite my best efforts however I collapsed completely before my world began to fade to black.

**Time Skip**

After what felt like an eternity of darkness I began to awaken, opening my eyes I noticed I was being contained by enchanted chains that prevented my use of power as I dangled helplessly in mid air. The sound of footsteps caught my attention as the stranger came into view, instead of anger I could only see sympathy which made me sick to the gut.

"You could have prevented this all, you didn't have to seek revenge, Herobrine destroyed my home but I never wanted him to suffer, I only wanted to know his purpose, when I saw you all those weeks ago I knew you were different, Herobrine only travels alone so when someone is by his side they are either there to lead him to where he wants to go or they hold some value to him, I am also highly aware that you have absorbed both the Endstar and the Witherstar which is why we have taken extra measures to keep you contained, but do know that I never wanted this to happen, I will show mercy where I can but you were too far gone for mercy, please your Highness, if you just change your course of action this can all be solved," he pleaded, curling my lip into a snarl I narrowed my eyes.

"You and your pathetic race sent me into banishment, I am fixing your Realm, I am making them see that their stupid ways can be fixed with force, I may have killed your pretty little friend by accident but you killed the one creature that kept me sane during my time in the End Realm," I snarled my eyes staring straight into his, with a sigh he looked away.

"Your followers have ceased their attacks for now, with you in our grasp even Herobrine has stopped in his path, your life seems valuable enough to them if they stopped their attacks the moment we threatened your life, please your Highness, things don't have to be this way," he stated before turning to leave, in silence I watched him go leaving me to think about what to do next.

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