Chapter Seventeen

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A steady high pitched ringing in my ears finally drew me back to agonising consciousness, with as muster of what little strength I had I managed to open my eyes to see a strange colour instead of sky. For a while longer I layed there until I could see properly and I had enough strength to sit up, with a groan of pain I heaved myself into a sitting position before grasping my head as the world began to swirl unnaturally. A glimpse of white skin made me tense, turning my head I noticed Arkan was standing by the entrance to the tent as if he had sensed my awakening.

"It's good to see you awake your highness, it's good to see you at all, we haven't see you in little over seven years, why did you leave?" He questioned his voice soft and polite as if he had barely aged since I left, with a sigh I looked down at my hands.

"The Endstar, after I figured out that something was wrong with me needed to recharge itself in the one place it had originated from, when I returned I was scared that all of you would hate me for leaving so I left Alari with you in hopes of watching her grow without endangering her, while I watched her I also got to see you grow, you remind me so much of your father Arkan," I explained before turning my gaze back to him, with a nod the pale skinned Enderman came and sat down beside me his eyes soft with sympathy.

"We could never hate you, when you were attacked we could all feel the distress of the Endstar, Rikto and I were the first to arrive and get you, turns out a rogue had assumed you to be someone else and had attacked you trying to protect their home, he was quick to apologise once he knew who you were however, but your highness, no matter what happens, together we stand, together we fall, we will follow you to everywhere until we can no more, by day and night, through death and life, we follow you," he vowed, looking at him I couldn't help but see his father.

"Your father was the last person to ever repeat that vow to me, he was brave and blindly so, I regret how I treated him once I absorbed the Endstar, but at the same time I would not have my daughter here today if I hadn't and you wouldn't exist either," I huffed brushing a strand of hair from my face, soothingly he placed a hand on my back and a soft smile found itself on his face.

"Your highness, don't let the past haunt you, we all have our own battles to fight but at the same time we will all lay down our lives for you no matter the cost, my father gave you half of his soul for a reason, we might not know why but he must have, either way I have a feeling Herobrine will be wanting to see you, if you want I shall fetch him," he suggested, giving a slight nod I watched as he stood and left the tent. After a few moments it was Herobrine who returned, looking down I couldn't help but feel a sense of shame as his blank stare bore into my skin.

"You know, sometimes you make no sense, first you are a power hungry Queen, then you try to change, then you accept me and my love for you, then suddenly you leave and return with a child that you left for us to raise and now you can barely look at me, you can't tell me it's just because you thought we would hate you Aria because the Aria I know doesn't fear the opinions of others," he stated his voice flat and cold, looking down at my hands I studied their features for a few moments before closing my eyes.

"I have no excuses," I rasped, the feeling of him growing closer allowed me to feel the anger radiating from him.

"Tell me what has you so scared! What made you change!? Tell me!" He snarled grabbing ahold of my arm making me tense and look up at him with wide fearful eyes, after a few moments he let go and shook his head.

"Get out," I muttered looking down with narrowed eyes, for a few moments longer he stood there before turning and leaving his anger burning all the more from his body. Once he had gone I felt tears begin to fall down my cheeks, the feeling of a gentle hand on my back told me Arkan had returned.

"I must apologise for him your highness, ever since you left he has been going off on his own quite a bit, no one knows where he goes but when he returns it's always with a new wound or with a half smile, perhaps once you are well enough to move about without much help you should keep an eye on him, despite you naming him king before you vanished we only really saw him when Alari was found," Arkan pointed out his eyes narrowed as he looked towards the tent entrance, with a sigh I shook my head.

"I never wanted any of this, during my time in the End I saw visions, most ended in the death of those I loved most, I stayed away to prevent that happening but now it's inevitable," I sighed, turning his gaze to me Arkan pulled me into a hug for comfort.

"Do you know the cause of those visions and who caused the deaths in them?" He questioned looking down at me, with another sigh I pulled away and sat upright.

"I don't know the cause of them but I do know who made me this way, during the visions I would always see the same blank eyes and the anger raditating off of Herobrine just now scares me," I explained looking down, moving towards the camp entrance Arkan turned his head.

"He won't hurt anyone your highness, not while we stand in his way and I can assure you he won't harm you either," he promised, nodding I watched him leave before laying myself down before falling into a restless slumber.

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