Chapter Two

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Above is what the Endermen in my story look like!

Over the next week both Endermen and Humans alike had been training almosy non-stop, many had reported the strange mass of creatures almost seemed to avoid them as they made their way towards my castle which told me they were either non-hostile or they were powerful enough not to care about the army that would come for them if they attacked me. Standing nearby I watched as my beloved troops trained, there was no room in this world for weakness and I made sure of that. Not too far away Arkain my most trusted general watched on his purple eyes narrowed in thought, without him I would never have absorbed the Endstar nor been able to become Queen of both the End and the Main Realm. Movement in the distance caught my attention and with a swift gesture everything fell silent as we all tutned towards the mass of creatures Herobrine and my subjects had informed me of, Obsidian lifted his head from beside me to observe the creatures as well.

"Take to the air, be prepared to attack should a fight break out," I ordered calmly, with a huff Obsidian took to the skies with a mighty beat of his wings. Moving forwards I stood at the front of my troops watching as the creatures advanced on our position, they were strange and they looked oddly like some of the monsters that roamed the lands at night. When at last they came close they parted to reveal a tall almost scorched looking skeleton, stepping forwards I stood face to face with this creature unnerved by his presence.

"You are the self proclaimed Queen of both the End Realm and the Main Realm, are you not?" He questioned his gaze fixated with mine, with a nod I stood somewhat taller refusing to break under his cold commanding gaze.

"I am the rightful Queen of the End Realm and the Main Realm, state your business here or leave," I corrected holding back a rude remark, this caused the strange skeleton to chuckle softly.

"You do not command me, have you forgotten who helped the Main Realm banish you? It is you who must follow my command, for your rule is harming what we have worked so hard to achieve," he snarled, with a soft chuckle I shook my head.

"Ahhh, it has been some time since we last met Surgos, I had almost forgotten the existence of you and your Wither People, but you seem to have not realised, I have absorbed the Endstar, I defeated Endor the End King, I returned from my banished home, and now you wish for me to bow to you, oh my dear Surgos, your magic only gets you so far but if you threaten my rule here I will make sure your pathetic existence doesn't continue upon this world," I warned my face almost against his undead one, with a soft growl he lashed out with his sword only to find I wasn't where I once was.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," I snarled into his ear before driving a summoned blade through his chest, with a cry of pain he collapsed at my feet before the once thought missing Witherstar appeared before me. Grabbing it I placed it against my chest where pain began to shoot through my body like a wave of electricity, falling down to one knee I waited for the Endstar and the Witherstar to merge and the pain to subside. After a few moments I stood one eye flashing with a black sort of lightning and the other a deep purple, looking around me I felt a smirk spread across my face as those around me began to bow before me.

"Does anyone else care to challenge me!?" I called my eyes narrowed as I felt my new power flood my veins, the silence that followed told me of their submission and their fear.

"Now that my old friend has kindly given me the Witherstar things are going to change, as of right now we have an alliance with the Nether, with this power we are going to make sure that no one dares break our laws and those who step out of line will be beaten to the ground and given no mercy!" I roared raising my hand to the sky, with cries of agreement my troops rose before me copying my action. Turning to face the startled Wither People I smirked, walking towards them I marvelled at their fear as they bowed before me in an attempt to keep their lives.

"We beg for our lives your Highness, please spare us , Surgos was foolish for challenging you!" One of them pleaded, with a dark chuckle I lifted them all into the air.

"There will be no mercy," I chuckled my voice darkening with each word, before they could say anything more I crushed their souls and bodies before dropping what remained to the ground with a thud.

"My Queen, the troops are awaiting your orders," Arkain informed his expression unreadable as always, with a dark smile I nodded.

"Make sure they continue their training, I do expect more problems to occur with my newfound power and we can't risk letting our guard down, there is still one rather large problem that stands in my way now and I plan to fix it," I ordered before walking back towards my castle,  in my time as Queen there will always be one more problem to deal with especially one that could evenly match me in a battle field.

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