All is normal... For now

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Y/n's dream POV

I'm in a dark room with a light above my head dimly lighting the area within my reach, I spin in circles  trying to recall any memory of this place..... Nope I've never been here before. I attempt to walk forwards but find I can't, all I can do is spin around but all that does is disorient me, contrary to my common sense's option I decide to yell out.

"Hello?" I don't even hear an echo, my sentence just hangs in the air like bait waiting for a response.

Surprisingly I get one.

"Hello" a deep voice speaks out from behind me. I try to turn around to face to stranger but find I can't, I hear footsteps get closer to me and suddenly they stop. I wait for a noise, any noise, anything that tells me where the stranger went. A hand grips my neck but despite its warmth it send chills down my spine, my breathing begins to slow and harshen as I find it increasingly difficult to draw breath and breath out. I reach my hands up to my neck and attempt to lessen the pressure but I can't. I choke out a strangled sentence.

"W-who are you?"

"Wrong question" he says, the man applies more pressure and I find it almost impossible to breath, I find it hard to speak but I mange.

"W-why a-are you doing t-this?" I ask tears clouding my vision

The man leans in close to my ear his hot breath hitting my ear like cold fire. "Because your mine"

Everything goes black and I lose all conciseness

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