Finally awake

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Y/n's POV

Rapidly fluttering my eyes I find tears, a lot of tears, blurring my vision and running down my cheeks. If someone where to look at me... they would probably cringe at how horribly ill rested and unstable I look. Trying to get ahold of my bearings I realize somebody's whispering into my neck and hugging me tightly.

"Be okay... be okay... oh god please be okay... y/n wake up... wake up... please..." By the sounds and sideways, blurry looks of it the person hugging me is Mark.

"Mark" I croak out discovering my voice is scratchy and hurts like fucking hell, seriously it's like I've been shouting over people with megaphones at a olympics.

Mark quickly raises his head up out of my neck unintentionally showing me the tears pooling in his eyes making thin streaks down his cheeks.

"You finally woke up!" Mark says pulling me closer to him, if that's somehow possible, and holding my head against his chest.

"How long have I been out?" I choke out.

"Almost two days" Mark says holding onto me as if I were a teddy bear. "You were mumbling, shouting, convulsing, flinching, shivering, shuddering, questioning, stating, bursting out laughing, and outright sobbing the entire time" Mark rambled into the hair on my head, I stay silent as he does so until I'm completely sure he's finished his miniature rant.

"I-I'm sorry Mark" I say quietly.

"What?" Mark says.

"This is all my fault. I've made bad decisions that've now affected you and might go on to affect other people. I-"

"Enough" Mark cuts me off and presses his lips to my forehead. "You've done nothing wrong, if anyone is to blame... it's me"

"But... it's not your fault" I argue weakly.

"Then let's agree that this is neither of our faults, deal?" Mark proposes.

I nod.

He sighs. "Now let's get some proper sleep alright? I think we both need it"

Another nod, this one accompanied by me cuddling into Mark's chest.

And so Mark and I fall into a peaceful sleep.

In the time I was awake I failed to notice the various bandages covering inches and inches of my body.

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