It's probably nothing

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n" a deep, distant voice whispers somewhere from beyond the pits of my sleep.

"Y/n hellloooo" closer, but still the same deep voice calls to me.

"Y/n wake up" now I recognize it, I open my eyes getting a blurry image of tan skin and black hair. "How'd you sleep Y/n?" Mark asks me as I look down at him sleepily.

"Good" I mumble "how 'bout you?" I slur.

(is there a combination of slur and mumble? Cause I need such a combination)

"Good" Mark chuckles. "I'm gonna go put on some other clothes if that's okay with you" Mark says pointing towards his room.

"Mhmm that's fine" I say getting off of Mark careful not to hurt him or I somehow.

"I'll be out soon" Mark chirps as he closes his bedroom door.

Content with staying on the couch I wait for Mark to come out of the guest bedroom. Suddenly a loud creak comes from down the hall to my room, the one that happens to be the opposite of Mark's.

I brush it off. Either I heard something and it's just the house making noises or I simply didn't. Both options are okay.


Huh? I look around, but can't seem to find the source of the noise.

It's probably nothing, just me still sleepy.

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