Netflix and chills

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Y/n's POV

I wake up in my bed with a start, but realize I must have all just been a nightmare. I flop back onto my back my Totoro sweater cushioning my fall.


Wait I put my Totoro sweater on when I woke up. Worried I look down at my sweater, it's deffinetly the same one. If Im wearing this sweater that must mean the dream was real, how? I stand up quickly and walk into my bathroom looking in the mirror at my neck staring in shock at the bite mark, for a while all I can do is stare at my neck, but eventually I leave the bathroom and head into my office. Trying to distract myself from the conflicted thoughts in my mind I plan to check on my social medias I look at the time and see the date instead, it's October 1st. I smile widely, October is my favorite month. I decide that my next video will be a creepy lets play, and I'll have Your/creepy/name glitch in and out occasionally. I remember when Jack did this with Anti and how fun that was for everyone, although I'll make sure to have y/c/n talk a bit more because I love voice acting and it'll be fun to voice act creepily. On YouTube I pull up the first Sister Location video from Jack and put it on as background noise to listen to, while the video plays I look up horror games to play. Fran Bow pulls up on Steam, and I know I've found the game I want to play. Fran Bow was one of my favorite games to watch and yet I've never played it let alone played it on the channel. Clicking on the buy button I go back and watch the Sister Location video, but my mind goes back to this morning. Did it really happen? It must have, I still remember everything so vividly not to mention I have a bite mark on my neck, It doesn't seem very logical but when has anything ever been in my life. Sighing I shake my head attempting to shake these thoughts with the movement as well, I look at the time, it's 6:30pm. Feeling lazy and wanting to just lie on my couch I decide to watch a movie, since it's October I'll watch a horror as well why not. Walking into my living room I turn on the TV and flick through Netflix, The Conjuring comes up and I laugh adding it to a list for latter, I'll watch that series closer to Halloween cause it's one of the most renowned horror series which is ironic cause it's my own movie series, I laugh a bit more, man that joke never gets old. (That moment when you make a joke about your name) I find The Grudge and start watching that, it's not that scary from what I remember, the jump scares were horrible and way to many in number.

*Time Skip jumps up in front of your face screeching making you fall back in surprise*

Y/n's POV

About halfway through the movie I here a clatter in my kitchen, I pause the movie and get up begrudgingly. how utterly cliche to hear a noise during a scary movie. Turning the corner into my kitchen I see a book has fallen and hit some plates, since nothing else seems to have happened I put the book back and turn around. Dark is standing behind me, very closely behind me. My heart jumps and I quickly think, fight or flight? Without thinking about the consequences I swing a punch at Dark hitting him in the face, he stumbles back holding his nose, pulling his hand back he sees his nose is bleeding and part of his face is starting to swell. Dark growls and glares at me, not being able to react quick enough he grabs me by the arm and shoves me against the kitchen wall. I try and escape from his grasp, but find he's pinned me yet again. My arms are pinned to the wall above my head, Dark glares at me his red eyes blaring menacingly his free hand clenched in a fist.

"Le-let me go!" I wiggle about under Dark's grasp unable to free myself.

"You think I'm just going to let you go after punching me in the face" Dark says in a less-question-more-fact manner.

"You fucking scared me!" I shout.

"And you decide its a good idea to punch a demon in the face" Dark says raising his eyebrow, I just stay silent my head hanging down. I'm angry a tad bit afraid, but mostly angry. I don't have anyway to release my anger so my mind crosses over to fear, what's Dark going to do to me? Is he going to kill me?

"Tempting idea but no" my head flicks back up to Dark. Oh yeah I remember now, he can read minds, shit.

"What are you going to do?" I regret asking this almost as soon as I ask it.

"I'm going to punish you" Dark says, my mind goes to torture and being tied up. "Not that kind" he says, what other punishments do I know of?!-oh wait does he mean that kind of punishment? If he does- I feel something rap around my neck and I flinch, it feels like a collar but there's a strip of cold metal on the right side of my neck. I think about my knowledge of Dark and Cartoon Junkies comics come to mind for collars. Oh fuck no! Dark's put a shock collar on me, I want to take it off but my hands are still pinned above my head and besides the collars probably only unlock able from the remote controls. My hands aren't pinned for much longer though, Dark releases my hands, which immediately reach for the collar they feel around but find no hatch. I look up at Dark the corners of his mouth peeking up ever so slightly, my fear is shoved away by my building anger.

"Take it off" I seethe through my teeth.

"Or what?" Dark asks his eyes glinting teasingly.

I growl "I said take it off" I step towards Dark preparing to jump at him, but I feel a electric current hit my neck causing me to stop and lean against the counter, I bite my teeth the odd sensation sending very mixed signals to my brain. Dark steps closer to me I back up eventually hitting the wall, Another current of electricity hits my neck but it's stronger. Involuntarily I whimper and lean towards Dark, wanting the pain to stop. Dark steps closer and I feel another current of the same shock, i lean into him and ball my hands into the fabric of his shirt, I want comfort, I want to be held and comforted through this. I feel another shock, but this time I want something different. I want affection, I want to be held yes, but by Dark. I want Dark to hold me and show me he cares, I want him to show me affection. My minds telling me all kinds of weird things, I whimper and rub my head against Dark's chest.

"D-darky" that's all I mange to say before I feel another shock, and whimper my eyes tearing up. I push myself into Dark more and long to be held by him. Dark picks me up with little effort my legs rapping around his torso my head still buried in his chest my hands holding his shirt in a tight grip. He walks with me in his arms, after a few turns he sets me down on either my couch or bed I can't tell but I don't care, all I want is comfort and affection. Feeling another shock I whimper and paw at Dark's chest. I hear Dark chuckle and I look up at him.

"What are you pawing at me for kitten?~" Dark asks his voice deep and low, the nickname is something I like, and it sounds appealing when Dark says it. I feel another shock but it's lighter and less intense than the previous set of shocks, Dark pulls me towards him and holds my chin with one hand the other behind my back. My eyes flicker down to Dark's lips before meeting his gaze, he looks at me for a second before pulling my chin closer and kissing me. Another wave of shocks hits my neck back up a level again, whimpering my mouth opens and Dark surges his tongue into my mouth making quick work of exploring it. A moment passes and Dark pulls his mouth away from mine keeping his forehead against mine, after a breath or two Dark kisses me again keeping the kisses shorter. We kiss like this for a while before Dark stops kissing me. He lifts his hand to my cheek, and I rub my head against his hand placing a kiss on it, I see dark smile, a small smile but a smile nonetheless, I smile a small smile to. I don't know what's come over me but I know it makes me want Dark here with me. I grow really sleepy as Dark lays me back down onto some pillows that I subconsciously recognize to be the ones on my bed and before I know what's happened I've fallen asleep.

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