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Y/n's POV

"phew" I collapse onto my couch with Mark "Editing takes SSSOOOO long sometimes" I huff

"Yeah, sure does, but it's fun to record" Mark counters

"true, true"I reply. Checking my phone to see it's 11:38 pm "man it's late"

"We should probably get to bed then" Mark states

"Alright" I stand up "Night Mark"

"Night Y/n, sleep well" I walk into the hall, but can't help myself and run back in floofing Mark's hair before rushing back to the safety of the hall

"heheh Night Markimoo" I giggle

"Good night Y/n, now sleep" I think it's Dark saying that for a second, but a light shake of my head dissolves the thought.

Walking into my room and closing the door I sigh contently leaning against the door before going into the bathroom with my clothes. After getting changed I brush my teeth and look in the mirror, my reflection seems off somehow. Continuing to stare I notice the reflections features change until I'm looking at a completely different version of me. They have darker hair and blood red eyes, their skins also paler than mine. The reflection smiles revealing razor sharp fangs and slightly sharpened fangs.  I feel my own teeth, they're normal, the reflections still there when I look back up. I furrow my brows eyes trained on the reflection, the reflection just cocks their head giggling. They point behind me and I look behind me in the mirror.

Dark was standing behind me.

Whirling around to face Dark I know my eyes are wide with fear.

"Hello Y/n~" Dark says looking at me intently.

"n-no go away" I whisper "I don't want you here. go away" I mumble

Dark steps forward.

"no j-just, just go away" I step back "leave me alone"

He inches closer.

"g-go away" I say as my back hits the counter.

He inches ever closer.

"No, stop, GO A-" Dark swiftly covers my mouth and puts a finger to his lips.

"Ssshhh" Dark stares deep into my eyes, I'm scared my thoughts racing a mile a minute in a million different directions.

"Don't try and get away. Or there will be consequences" Dark said, a nervous nod is all I manage as a reply. Dark slowly removes his hands from my mouth instead holding onto my hand, he guides me out of the bathroom and over to my bed. A few trains of thought wander to certain types of things, but Dark just gets under the covers and motions for me to get under with him. Although hesitant I slide under the covers, Dark pulls me closer and snuggles into my back sighing into my neck sending me shivers.

"Now sleep, my dear" Dark says and my eye lids grow heavy, I'm soon fast asleep

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