Prologue 2

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Chat bit his lip as he waited for Ladybug to show up. Today was the day that he was gonna convince her to let him show her identity. Perhaps after he showed who he really was, she want to do the same. Even if she still refused to tell him, at least it was a step in the right direction.

The paced back and forth on the roof. He was unsure if she would accept it. Perhaps he should just drop his transformation before she could say anything. She might get mad if he said that, but she would get over it. It is his choice, right? If he wants to show her, he should be able too. He wanted her to love him for who he really was.

Awhile later a thump landed behind him. He turned around and bowed. "Hello, My Lady. What a beautiful evening."

She smiled at him. Man, he loved that smile. That smile was sometimes the only thing that kept him going. He be willing do anything for her. If only she trusted him as much as she did.

"Hello, Chatton." She greeted. "It is a nice night. How are you?"

"I am even befur now that you are here." He replied with a way of his eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes, but he saw a slight smile form on her lips. His ears twitched with his tail.

"Was that a smile?"


"I could have sworn that was a smile."

"No it wasn't."

He chuckled. "Anyway, Ladybug I want to talk about things."

She looked at him. "I hope you are not going to ask for my identity again. You know the rules."

"No. I want to show you who I am." He responded. "You choose to hide who you are, but I don't want to have to hide who I am anymore."

"Chat." She grabbed his hands. "I can't ask you to do that."

"But I want too." He replied. "I want you to know who I really am. We-"

"I am sorry, but I can't let you do that." She interrupted. "There has not been an akuma for a full two weeks. Hawkmoth has to be planning something big. We cannot take any risks at this moment."

He bit his lip in frustration. "My Lady, that is not fair. It is my choice and I want you to know. Plagg, Cl-"

She quickly put her hand over his mouth. He was angry for almost three seconds before he looked at her. Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes. He hurt her by doing this, he knew that now. He could never hurt her. He would do anything to please her in the end. All he could do was hope she would change her mind.

"Please Chat." She begged.

He sighed and pulled away from her. "Alright. For you. Only for you."

She smiled in relief. "Thank you. I could not ask for a better partner."

His heart fluttered. There was that damn smile again. He may not have gotten what he wanted, but at least he got to see her smile. In the end, he gave her what she wanted. Man, he really was a sucker in love. He wondered if his father ever felt like this too his mother. His thoughts were quickly interrupted.

Suddenly a golden portal opened underneath Ladybug. He reached out to grab her, but she was gone. She was sucked into the portal and disappeared completely. He panicked and looked for the akuma that caused this. It had to be an akuma, right?

"Show yourself!" He screamed at whatever caused the thing that pulled his Ladybug away. He pulled out his batton and prepared to fight whatever was coming. Although, nothing showed up. The night was silent. His heart pounded in his ears as he tired to think of a solution.

A few seconds later a portal formed a few feet above him and Ladybug fell through. He quickly went to her side. She looked paler than usual and her eyes were closed. She seemed to be unconscious.

"Come on." He begged as he lifted her up onto his lap. "Wake up!"

She groaned and he sighed in relief. Her eyes snapped open and black orbs stared back at him. Not just black pupils, her entire eye was black. He gasped.

"Ummm.... Ladybug?"

"What the hell is wrong with your eyes?" She snapped.

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