Everything Ready and Jackals

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Finishing up the last of his Breakfast biscuit, he licks the yolk off his fingers before crumpling the wrapper, tossing it in the garbage can behind and gets a napkin to clean up the mess on the table.

"Such delicious food to eat" he sigh happily to himself and reaches for his mask while looking over at the red Mobian eating his breakfast too.

A small smile forms on his white muzzle. He watch the 'red wolf' narrow his eyes up and gives the Jackal a smile too.

"You sure like those breakfast biscuits don't you Infinite" the red wolf said to the Jackal as he just finish up eating a ham and Egg sandwich.

The Jackal nods in response and puts his mask back on, hearing a hissing noise, as it attach back into place while adjusting it abit. He looks at the 'red wolf' and gets up from the table pulling a black hood over his head to cover up his white hair and revealing some black ceremonial clothing he has on along with a black hooded cloak.

It did add a little more intimedation to Infinite look. Like he was a monster underneath that clothing and only the left side of his eye is seen on his mask showing no facial expressions.

"Your really gonna wear that outside in the cold?" The red wolf ask while throwing some paper wrappers away too and watching Infinite put his sharp gloves back on.

"Yes I am" Infinite responded to the wolf looking directly at him.

The Red wolf heard infinite voice through the mask as it sound intimidating too him but he's grown use to it though.

"That voice module in your mask sure makes you sound like your in charge infinite" He smile at the Jackal and grabs a Mask off the table too before getting up revealing he also has some Clothing on as well.

The red wolf had long black jeans with a white long sleeve hooded sweater on as well and a brown utility belt wrapped around his chest and waist. He even had a black belt on too. Along with green and white boots with white shoe-laces. He even had sharp metal black gloves on as well.

"Do I look okay Infinite for the live broadcast Infinite?" He asked him looking at his own Mask in his Metal glove hands.

The mask look the same as infinite's Mask except it has a black shaded visor along the eye sight. Not only that, it had a built in voice module too.

"You look fearless" Infinite respond to him with a warm compliment and a nod.

The red wolf looks at Infinite for a moment then back at the mask before putting it on over his head. It covered up his face and a hiss sound was heard as it attach into place before adjusting it perfectly. He pull the white hood over his head and he look like a different person in front of Infinite who gave him a nod of approval.

"That mask suits you well"



The sound of footsteps are heard down the corridor as Metal just been inform everything was all ready for the live Broadcast. He contact Infinite a few minutes ago too meet up with him in the elevator.

"Everything is ready...finally, History in the making, no more waiting is needed, time to show Mobius what reality is finally made of"

The Elevator doors open and three of them step into the elevator, Metal at the center, the Red wolf on his left and Infinite on his right. A rare but truly inspiring moment too take part of and No heroes to stop them.

"Everything all coordinated and ready?" Infinite ask Metal wanting to make sure there wasn't another delay.

"Everything is covered and untracked, they won't find us during the 'Broadcast'"

"And what of that 'Exception' I asked for?" The Jackal asked crossing his arms with the red wolf looking at Infinite.

"Exception?" the red wolf wonder what he meant by that.

"As promise Infinite, that 'Place' will avoid the 'Disaster' about to befall this planet...I sent 'them' a warning message three days prior too today...should've given the 'Valley' enough time to get too safety"

"Thank you Metal...I appreciate it" Infinite respond a sigh of relief coming from his mask.

"What are you two talking about?" The red wolf asked them seeing Infinite look at him before the elevator doors open and a blast of cold freezing air blew against them.

"I'll tell you after this is done 'Gadget'" the Jackal told the red wolf as the trio step out onto the metal platform seeing it crowd up with many different types of robots.

-Two hours earlier-

Somewhere elsewhere on the other side of the planet, in a green lushful valley with Nature seen everywhere. It was calm, peaceful and a wonderful scene to see. Few buildings spread out everywhere throughout the large like valley. Large as a county, hilltops cover in green grass, lakes in different parts of the place, rivers and even forests too with different plant life as well.

Such a place to be at, away from the busy city's and loud noises. Just calm, quiet and peacefulness.

On the cement road, a convoy of Military vehicles with Dark green plating were seen Escorting a few limo vehicles. Obviously whoever was in these vehicles seem very important. Not only that there were some Transport jeeps along with trucks too. Definitely some kind of Military presence as the large convoy was heading towards some mountains nearby covered up with trees stretch for Miles.

Inside one of the limos, there were about four Jackals minding their own business none of the talking to one another. A couple of them were looking out the windows watching the world drive by like the end of the world is about too happen.

"Why were we called back to the 'Valley' on such urgent notice?" One of the Jackals spoke in a male voice.

The Jackal that spoke first had a green headband around his head with Black gloves, a white scarf around his neck and black hi-top shoes with silver lining and metal plating attach underneath the shoes.

"Oh my gosh Seth, for the fifth time now," a female voice said from one of the Jackals as she looked away from the window and towards Seth sitting across from her "we don't know, we would be told once we got to the mountain bunker"

The female Jackal wore a green tank top, dark brown cargo pants with the tank top tucked in, there was a brown belt buckle around the cargo pants too, she did look a little bit slender along with her chest sticking out abit. She also wore black gloves with Silver lining along with Black hi-top boots too with Silver Metal plating attach underneath her boots.

"If we are going to the Mountain Bunker Linda, surely something big is going on" another male Jackal said across from her in the limo that was sitting next to Seth.

This male Jackal had a red Bandana around his neck covering up his white scarf underneath it, he wore brownish-Tan gloves along with tan boots with Metal plating attach underneath the boots.

"You sure about that Hunter?" Linda asked crossing her arms along her chest and looking at Hunter.

He shrugged his shoulders with a nod of a possibility, after all anything is possible to happen pretty soon.

"You think our 'Leader' would send the 'Militia' after us, I call it an 'Overkill'" the final Jackal in the limo said in a male voice with the other three looking at him.

The Jackal had sports tape wrapped around both his arms and legs, black sharp gloves along with Black shoes with silver lining and metal plating attach underneath the shoes along with a white scarf around his neck and a red beret hat.

"Leng why would you think it's an 'Overkill'?" Linda asked Leng who was polishing a small ax with a grey cloth.

He glance up at her and shrugs his shoulders "Why would 'She' send the 'Militia' 'Special Forces' after us, 'Us' a regular yet formally infamous 'Squad'" Leng asked sitting back up in his seat and adjusting his red beret abit before putting the small ax on a Utility belt wrapped around that had a few other small sharp polish axes as well.

She open her mouth to say something but close it. He had a good point, why Them?

Whatever was going on, the convoy escorting them along with the other limos had arrived at the entrance of the mountain bunker.

They would be lucky since pretty soon, the planet was about to change.

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