Wake up Call and Preparing

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It was quiet, very quiet, in fact it was too quiet in the dark bedroom. Not a sound was heard, no loud noises can be heard for miles from the dark room. No yelling, screaming and definitely no explosions were heard as well.

Just peace and quiet within the darkness, no enemy's to fight. No armys' to be taken down and definitely no light to Obliterate the darkness surround the room...

Except a small flick coming from a Ruby with a few specks of fur surrounding it like it was attach to something, gave off a low quiet humming sound with it slowly rising up and down.

It was the only sound heard in the dark bedroom and it certainly had a soothing tone to it. Along with the light too, it gave a small flicker of hope to light up the darkness surrounding the bedroom.


A loud alarm blared through the dark bedroom follow by a groan and a crack of something being smash in the darkness.

"Damn clock, thought I set it to the radio setting when it goes off" a tired male voice grunted in the darkness followed by a yawn.

A dark figure rose up from the darkness and threw its feet over the side of the bed letting out a sigh as it clutch its head. It stretch its body while the ruby gave off a quiet hum. Another sigh escape his lips before looking over his shoulders at something in the darkness then back at the alarm clock he smash.

It still work, just the covering was cracked and the clock read six a.m.

"Gotta get that repair later...again...oh boy"

He put a soft hand over his muzzle and strokes it before patting the Ruby attach to his chest, a soft smile forms on his muzzle.

"Wouldn't have survive without the Phantom Ruby bonded to me" he thought to himself before stretching again and getting up off the bed "Well, might as well get up and start the day, 'We' have a big day plan today"

He navigates through the darkness being careful not to trip over anything since it was pitch black in the bedroom he was staying in.

The sound of a couple doors sliding open are heard as he proceeds inside with the doors closing behind him and a light turning on by itself.

When the light turn on, the figure shields his eyes, proceeds over to a shower in the corner, turning the water onto hot and also turning on a radio embedded in the wall next to the shower as he steps in and the door closes.

The hot water hitting along his black fur sting abit but he didn't care, he love taking hot showers for it clear his mind and wash away all the stress in him.

He let his white hair get completely soak up with the hot water along with his black bushy tail with some white at the end of his tail. It felt so relaxing and calm.

Even the bathroom itself began to steam up a lot from the hot water, making it all misty inside. It was so misty not a thing could be seen.

"This is the life I've wanted, the life i need and the life I want it to be" the Jackal thought to himself gently patting the Ruby on his chest and closing his eyes listening to the radio.

"And in other news today, it has been eight monthes since Möbius was freed from the clutches of the Eggman Empire all thanks to Sonic, the Resistance and G.U.N"

A smirk form on his muzzle and he gave a quiet chuckle listening to the radio since he didn't care what they reported.

"The world has come together to help rebuilt what was destroyed during the 'War' and there still hasn't been any sign of Eggman since his defeat at his 'Fortress'"

He kept listening to the radio curious to see if they were going to report anything else besides the past.

"Also in the news today, tensions between countries have escalated after peace talks within 'Shamar' broke down again last night over the worlds final Oil rigs within the 'Northern Sea', expert analysis suggest countries everywhere are gearing up for another war but United Federation officials have dismiss those claims saying Negoiations are proceeding as normal and a solution has been found to solve the 'Oil crisis"

"It's a lie" the Jackal said to himself and begins washing his white hair.

"While the 'Northern Sea' oil rigs are the only ones operational, it is only a matter of time before the oil drys up and the world falls into a 'Global Energy Crisis'"

"Good, that's great to hear"

The Jackal rinses his hair underneath the shower, smiling to himself.

"They may have won the war against the 'Doctors' Empire but the world is already on the brink of collapsing, just need a final push and everything can be set" the Jackal thought to himself smirking, turning off the water and reaching for a black towel outside the shower, drying off.

"Also in other news, three cargo ships have disappeared off the coast of 'Shamar'; the ships were said to contain highly dangerous experimental 'G.U.N' military equiptment, G.U.N has dismiss these claims saying they only contain supplies for Holoska"

"Guess Metal Sonic raid to retrieve those 'UMGs' was a sucess after all" Infinite said smirking to himself, stepping out of the shower and putting the towel on the rack before going over to a sink, taking out a comb and combing his white hair.

"Protestors and Counter-Protestors have face off yet again for the fifth time in a row this week over a controversial bill that would allow the Government to raise the Federal Minimum Wage to fifty dollars, experts have said that this is good for the people who make low income and it will help support there families as others have argued it'll cause businesses to raise there prices, drive the economy into a depression and force small businesses to shut down"

"Doesn't any of those political leaders know anything about running a business or the basics of earning a profit margin...guess not" the Jackal said listening more of the radio news.

"Also, City leaders and its citizens in Station Square Celebrated yesterday, the volunteer disbandment of its entire police force, in the streets only for crime to rise eighty percent overnight forcing city leaders to hold an emergency meeting to reinstate its police force, so far nothing moved forward"

"They got there wish and reality will set in but it's just a small glimpse for what's gonna happen soon"

"And finally in the news this morning, G.U.N and Resistance Forces have successfully stopped a massive invasion from the remains of-."

Having heard enough, Infinite goes over turning off the radio before heading back over to the mirror too finish combing.

"This is the life"


"Isn't it a glorious sight, after all these years things are finally going my way" a monotone voice said to itself walking along a railing, above a dark large room that almost look like a hanger.

"Of course it is Metal sir, we have done quadruple simulation tests and scanning to make sure the 'UMGs', retrieved the other day, are ready to go"

The robotic blue hedgehog looks at the Eggbot following him with his red optical eyes.

"And are they?" He asked again

The Eggbot nods its head at Metal Sonic as they reach the end of the railing towards a small console with a big red button.

"Excellent finally," Metal said looking at the red button before pushing it "my dream is about to come to fruition, these 'UMGs' along with the 'Cerberus' creations will finally cause true Chaos and Fear...and with the world so close to the brink, all we need to do is make that big push...to begin Anew"

Lights came on from the cieling above and shine down onto the floor below, revealing rows of huge Machines that were dangerous equipt and ready to be use for combat.

"Pretty soon, the world will change...and a new one will rise from the Ashes"

He grip his right metallic hand into a fist shaking it before pumping it in the air.

"The world won't know what'll hit'em"

He felt a tap on his shoulder and looked over at the Eggbot.

"Yes What is it?"

"What are your plans for 'Angel Island'?" the Eggbot asked Metal.

"Scrap it, I'm not waisting precious resources taking over a floating island and use the Master Emerald to fix this planet"

He knew very well than to rely on a energy source that can be use against him. It's happen in the past before and it wasn't going to happen in the present. He pushes the red button again and the lights shining down on the rows of machines turn off before he turns around walking way from the Console with the Eggbot following him.

"What's the Status with the Oil Ocean Refinery and Chemical Plant?" Metal ask the Eggbot as they were heading towards an elevator.

"The Oil Ocean Refinery is still standing with nothing to report, the Fleet station there has reported nothing out of the ordinary" the Eggbot replied.

"And the Chemical Plant?" Metal asked again with the two of them heading into an elevator, he pushes a button with the door closing and the elevator goes up.

"Ninety-Five percentage of the Plant is repair sir, it will be fully repair up and running in a couple days"

"Good, what's the Status of the 'Death Egg' undergoing repairs"

"Ninety-Seven percent of the Death Egg is repair Metal and the two Chaos Emeralds you wanted transport there for the main and back-up power source are set to arrive by the end of the day"

Air escape from his ventilation as he puts a hand on his metal forehead rubbing it abit.

"Thank Chaos, the stressfulness Of making sure those three major things are up, running and fully repair are 'Vital' for the 'Aftermath' which is going to happen soon"

Another sigh escape from his ventilation before he looks at the Eggbot as the elevator reaches its destination and the doors open up revealing two Mobians who look like they were about to enter the elevator.

"Good, Very Good, you can go now, I need to speak with him" he replied to one of the Mobians wearing a mask that covered up its whole face except one eye is seen on the right side of the mask

"Yes sir" the Eggbot said scooting out pass the two Mobians before they enter the elevator and the doors closed.

A slight ominous humming came from the Ruby attach to the mask Mobian chest.

"Sleep well Infinite?" Metal ask the Mask Jackal crossing its arms looking up at the elevator heading to another floor.

The mask Jackal looked over at its Ally and gave a nod before he look over at the other Mobian in the elevator.

"You okay," Infinite ask the other Mobian gently putting a glove on his partner red furry shoulder "if you don't want to come out into the chilly air.."

A smile form on the Mobian lips and he gave him an assuring look.

"I'll be fine Infinite, I'll handle the sub-freezing temperature here and...I wanna be out there with you when Metal gives his live speech"

"Okay, just let me know if you get cold and we'll go inside"

A small nod is given in response to Infinite being very concerned about him and his well-being. He liked that.

The elevator doors open up as they reach their destination and Metal steps out with Infinite walking right next to the robotic hedgehog and the red Mobian walking behind Infinite.

It's time to get down too business.

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