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In the darkest parts of our minds, creatures and demons, both hellish and personal - and often both, wander.

I've often taken a walk through those halls, pulling ideas and experiences from the dusty, webbed corners or hanging from the creaking rafters. The stories that follow are those ideas fleshed out and given form. Some have been on Wattpad as standalone works, but I wanted them to, perhaps, be able to breathe new life in this collection.

If, in fact, ghosts and demons are able to breathe and if serial killers deserve to...

Maybe they'll find companionship amongst the other characters. Maybe they'll find new victims.

Darkest Places is the third, and possibly final, part of my horror collection trilogy, the other parts of which (Dark Places and Darker Places) are here on my Wattpad profile. You'll meet various incarnations of Jack the Ripper, haunted schools, serial killers and much more. I hope the stories haunt your dreams or put you off your meal.

I'm nice like that.

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