Chapter 11

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Once again, no italicising for Dragonese, and italicising for human language, UNTIL I put a note that it's all back to normal. Also, apologies for this chapter being small. AGAIN. But it's so hard to write on this such an antiquated iPad, there's such a huge delay between pressing the button and it registering it. My poor Pro 9.7" is off having a screen repair. So. Yeah. On with the story!

"Your majesty..." Hiccup looked up at the huge dragon in awe.

"Yes, little one. I see you are transformed." The King gave a dragon smile.

"That... Is why I have come to you, O great King. I do not know how to transform back. Please help me."

"Ah. I knew there must be a small problem, otherwise you would not have come to me."

"Yes, great King."

"And you wish to know how to transform back?"

"Yes, great King." Hiccup repeated.

"Do you know how you transformed to your dragon self?"

"N-" Hiccup faltered. Now he thought of it, he didn't remember.

"You do not?" The King looked at him.

"N- No."

"Ah well. It will be harder this way, but still possible. It will take many weeks to instruct you correctly. Are you prepared?"

"Yes. I want to be my human self again."

"Very well. Tell your friends to come."

Hiccup did not question how the King knew about his friends. It was the King's job to know all that went on in the Nest. He bowed, and made his way out of the cave and to where Royal Purple was waiting. Without a word, Royal led him back to the cave.

Come. The King wishes you to come. Hiccup wrote.

"Okay." Astrid said, and the group began to follow Hiccup.

"Come, Royal." Hiccup prodded Royal. But Royal had frozen, head cocked to the sky.

After a few minutes, he suddenly unfroze and began to spring with a Nadder's speed back towards the King.

"Royal?" Hiccup called. But Royal continued to run. Hiccup and the Riders gave chase, sprinting faster and faster...

They skidded to a halt just inside the King's chamber.

Except it was not a chamber. There was a huge hole in one wall.

And the King was nowhere to be seen.

"Your majesty?" Hiccup called. No answer.

"YOUR MAJESTY!!!" Hiccup bellowed at the top of his lungs.

A small dragon crept out of a corner. A Raincutter.

"Them... Them..." It stuttered.

"Who? WHO?" If Hiccup could have shook the poor little dragon, he would have.

"Th... KILLERS!" The poor creatures shrieked, and dashed back into the shadows, shaking uncontrollably.

Astrid bent down, having spotted something small on the ground. A Hunter arrow.

Hehe! Maybe I'm not bringing this book to a close, after all. I just decided to do this on the spur of the moment. Ah well!

Aquila out.


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