Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Okay! We need to find Toothless and then get back to help get the King back as quickly as possible!" Heather called back to the others.

"How are we going to find him?" Asked Brigitta. "We do not have any Tracker class dragons! We cannot just fly about and expect to find him!"

"No." Heather smiled. "We don't have any Tracker class dragons yet. But we will have some soon, trust me."

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"Positive. Brigitta, you and me will head east. The others, search around the Lair. Maybe we missed him." Heather and Brigitta swooped off eastwards, and the others turned back towards the lair.

"Are you really sure you know what you're doing?" Brigitta was not very convinced. She patted Aurora's head and leaned forwards, something she always did when nervous.

"Yes, I am. Over there," Heather pointed eastwards, "is Rumblehorn island. I discovered it a few years back. We will get all the Trackers we need over there!"

"Ah! I understand now!" Brigitta smiled and leaned back again, all worry abated. "But how will we track Toothless? We do not have anything of his for our tracked to smell."

"That," Heather dug about in Windshear's pockets. "Is where you're wrong." She gave an almighty tug and a string came free. It was a necklace decorated with a few of Toothless' scales. "I made this a few years ago. If the scent has not faded then we can track it."

"Ah. I see you have thought of everything."

"As always." Heather smiled.

Flying on and on got a little boring after a while, but as you become more experienced as a rider and fly longer distances more, it is less so.

Heather came to enjoy the long flights with nothing to do but lie backward on your dragon's back and looking up at the sky, hearing the rhythmic whoosh, whoosh, whoosh of their wings and feeling the strong muscles tensing and relaxing beneath you.

Brigitta always used it as the perfect opportunity to meditate, leaving Heather with no one to talk to, which was rather relaxing in it's way.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. Windshear's wings were beating rhythmically at the air in a hypnotic fashion. That kind of thing sent Heather to sleep a lot of the time. Sometimes she really wished it didn't, but other times she loved it. This time, she loved it a lot. She was tired from the long day and the rhythmically beating wings brought a great sense of calm and peace.

"Heather," Brigitta interrupted her thoughts. "How far is this island?"

Oh no. Heather had hoped she wouldn't ask. "Er, let me see... two or three days."

"Two or three days?" Brigitta asked incredulously. "We can not be that long! The others need us!"

"I know, but it's our only chance to find Toothless. The most we can do is hurry. Besides, we are too far along to turn back now."

"Very well... we continue."

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