Prologue: Wake up

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NOTE 08/08/22: Heya humans! It's me. I'm not dead. I just... moved on, I suppose. These books were unpublished for a long time because I was embarrassed by their very 14 year old's quality, but now they're back because I know that however bad they may be someone may still gain some enjoyment from them. And since that's what I'm all about, then you can have them back <3 I hope someone has some fun with these pieces of history!

N.B: Despite the many claims otherwise peppered throughout this book, it is not, in fact, ever going to be finished. I would publish an outline of what was going to happen to give at least some closure to this trainwreck, but to be honest I didn't have the foggiest clue :P I just kept saying it would be finished to try and force myself to do it because I really didn't want to :/ Well, I tried at least. Enjoy!

Fly away, dragons, fly and free.

Fly as far as the eye can see,

They will not come for you, but me.

Wake up...

The Nadder spiralled around the small, tropical island. She floated pleasantly on the updraught,riding the hot air. It felt strange not to have to flap. She tilted herself so that she slipped off the current and fell gently downwards. She landed on the beach of the island.

There was a figure sprawled next to her, the sand around it red from a deep gash along it's side. A young male human. She nudged him playfully. He did not move, so she nudged him again, and rolled him over.

She grew bored, and ran over him, treading on him with one great foot. The figure heaved, water spilling from his lips, and the Nadder turned around, suddenly interested again.

The figure rolled onto his side, water spraying from his mouth as he coughed and spluttered. After a few minutes, once his breathing had some rhythm to it, he opened his eyes.

He looked around, confused. As he took in his surroundings, the pain from his wound hit him. He gasped, and doubled over from the pain. After a few minutes, he sat up again, still gasping from the pain, and looked at the Nadder, who was approaching cautiously.

"H-Hey there." He croaked. The Nadder squawked in reply. He put his hand out her. She hesitated. As if remembering something long forgotten, he closed his eyes, and looked the other way. She stood for a minute, then put her nose into his hand, purring contentedly. He opened his eyes, looking back.

He patted her nose, and she purred in response. He attempted to stand, and collapsed. She broke his fall with her nose.

"Thanks, Girl." He murmured hoarsely. He stood again, this time leaning on the Nadder for support. He managed it this time, his world spinning.

"You need a name." He muttered. "How do you like Skytrimmer?" She purred, as if saying "Of course."

He smiled, his face still ashen. He began to limp to the forest at the edge of the bay, in the hope of finding something. He didn't know what. Just anything.

As they slowly made their way to the trees, an image suddenly popped into his head. An image of a sleek black dragon. He was sure he remembered it. They had reached the trees by now, and he propped himself up against a tree. He sighed. Skytrimmer plonked herself down beside him, cawing with pleasure. The boy scratched her chin and sighed.

"Who am I?" He murmured.

Yayyyy sequel! And yet another short prologue. Take it from me, I have no idea where this book is going, this is kind of writing itself so, what is my crazy imagination going to come up with next? No one knows... Not even me!

Still the same schedule as Night Soul. Oh and by the way, Oneshots on Sundays, Darkheart on the other two. Unless I feel like doing one at any other time. Which means there might be one any time, but the dates are times there will definitely be ones.

And now the long Author's Note is over!

See you, Night Furies!

Aquila out.


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