Authors Note

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This is the first draft of this book so it may have some plot holes or confusing scenes. None of these chapters have gone through heavy editing and I'm just writing down what comes to mind. This book will be taken down after I finish it to go under major editing.


In this story, BloodClan moved to a forest and the numbers are much smaller only about 15-25 cats. They began to act a bit more like a clan but they have no warrior code and still live by the quote, 'Kill or be killed. Romantic love is scorned and the clan leader decides who mates with who.


A new rank has been added to BloodClan. The assassins are 5 cats that rarely speak and are the most elite fighters in the clan. The leader uses them to dispose of any enemies or cats that displease them.

They are usually avoided by other cats and are very secretive. If an assassin dies the remaining assassins discuss who the next assassin will be together with the leader and deputy. Assassins can also rank up to deputy.

If an assassin disobeys the leader or is caught in the act of treason they are immediately killed. If you are chosen to be a new assassin you must complete a mission the leader gives you. This usually includes killing and/or fighting.


Please leave comments as you read! Feedback is very important for me and motivates me. Don't be afraid to point out spelling/grammar mistakes or plot holes. So comments are greatly appreciated! And votes too of course (;


Some parts in this story may sound familiar to other warrior fan-fics. I promise I did not purposely copy any storylines from other books. I did not copy any names from other books, if your OC has the same name as mine, it's coincidence.


The warrior cats universe belongs to Erin Hunter.

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