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_how did this even started?

I don't know...

_ah... Right...

It started with a "i love you"....

_ are we really loving each other...? Something feels... Missing...

. . . Maybe its the love

_... I geuss your right...

_you have to go agian?

I'm busy... You just have to stay...

_ can't you stay for a little longer...?

You know you can't ask sunch a thing from me

_ . . . .

Are you... Smoking?

_ i just wanted to try the taste...

How is it...

_ like us... Bitter...

Smoking dosent suit you

_mh i think so too but... It helps distract me...

Im leaving... And I won't be coming back

_mh... Alright... *Sigh* if you don't love each other why bother keeping 1 another around....

Jing Yuan...

Jing Yuan..

Jing Yuan.


Jing Yuan: uh...
Fu Xuan: for the last time! Stop dozing off and finish your work!!
Jing Yuan: *sigh* I'm working on it Fu Xuan...
Yukong: hes at it again huh? Thats the 5th time this morning...
Fu Xuan: hmp! At this rate we're going to fall apart if I'm not here managing things ugh
Yukong: i remember he wasn't this grumpy and lazy a few years back... What happend here now...
Fu Xuan: hm regretting his choice duh
Yukong: he made a choice he regret? Thats not something you hear every day
Fu Xuan: mhm, 5 years ago he had the great idea to break up with a boyfriend of his, which was surprising considering how close they were when they met, than not long after the break up, the ex bf died in a car crash, now he knows his mistakes and mopes around in the office being sad about it. *Sigh* he hasn't even been moving on at all, every now and than i still catch him sneak off, probably to visit the grave
Yukong: i never even knew he dated someone before
Fu Xuan: well he didnt bother telling, everything was going smoothly between them until he suddenly had a change of attitude so munch so ít affected his bf too making the poor guy smoke to ignore the pain, than he wanted to break it up bcz the relationship was clearly getting nowhere
Yukong: so its been 5 years...
Fu Xuan: tho 1 key detail that im not sure if he dose or dosent know that... All the records about his bf death in that accident was erased...
Yukong: erased? Why? By who?
Fu Xuan: Idk, it was never known to the public, they know that there are alot of victims who were badly injured or died but he was erased from that list.... Not only that... All other records about him has also vanish... His college degree, his graduation.. everything... Its all gone...
Yukong: how is that possible...? Did someone purpose made that accident? Or did Jing Yuan did this himself? So he can move on?
Fu Xuan: I'm not sure bit with the way he keeps dozing off on his paper work, i doubt it *sigh* in any case this matter is none of our business so we shouldnt dwell on it... i need to go sort out some more work before things becomes chaos...
Yukong: I'll come too, in case my daughter sneaks off to drive the helicopter agian...

Quingque: mh... *Sigh* oh boss... And you... Where did it go wrong between the 2 of you...
Shushang: is he still the same?
Quingque: for the past 5 years, yes, he is not making my work any easier... I'm getting less and less time with celestial jade...
Shushang: ehehehe... Well tell you what, I'm actually transferring over to your boss crew, and I'm also supervising a "merchant" along with me, we'll be there in a few days, than i can help you out with work
Quingque: really?! Oh your the best! See you than!
Shushang: bye, hang on tight ok? Shushang is coming to the rescue!

???: *Sigh* geez i haven't been back here in soooo long... Look how dusty everything is
###: your concern about that? Don't you have better things to worry about?
???: Mh nah, i got it all covered, a pal of mine just got me employer, hopefully their not some boring wannabes
###: be careful now, you wouldn't want to do anything that exposes you...
???: yes yes i'll be careful
###: after all... Your the 1 who killed the 1 who once was known as...


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