All The Stars

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Tzuyu's POV

"Uh... what are you two doing?"

Jungkook and Jimin both shrug mischievously as they crouch in front of  our front door, slamming the door close shut before opening it again.

They nod at each other.

They've been doing this for the last twenty minutes.

"You guys are so weird— and when can I go back to see V? He is okay, right?"

"V hyung is fine." Jungkook replies as he fits another knob and slams the door shut again. "You don't need to worry."

Already a pile of locks and knobs litter the ground, and I can see Jimin looking thoughtfully as he passes Jungkook another one.

"Seriously, what are you two doing?"

"Hyung, this one is pretty good." Jungkook says, and Jimin nods as he brushes the dust off his hands. "And I already made the call to Jin hyung."

I raise my eyebrow when Jimin starts to tear up, hugging Jungkook's neck.

"You better not die, Kookie. Just know that I love you and this time the renovation is going on your checkbook."

Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"And what are these for?" Dove asks as she holds up a dark device that Jin has come earlier to place all over the house.

Jungkook looks at her with a softness in his eyes as he breathes deeply, looking even more forlorn than before as Jimin signs an answer.

"Speakers? For what?"

"Because Jungkook needs to listen to music when he sleeps."

Suspicion darkens my gaze. I've never heard that excuse before— and I thought Jimin's pills were enough to suppress the sleepwalking part.

But music?

"It's alright— this is really just temporary," Jimin promises, eyes sparkling. "Just let us do the work."


Was that part of why Jimin suddenly had the three of us move to his apartment?

Was that part of why he suddenly was doing all this doorknob thing, and why he was having Jin place speakers all over the house?

"Seriously, Jimin. What's the matter?"

The look he has in his eyes are unmistakeable before it quickly changes to forced relief.




Tzuyu's POV

"What do you mean Jungkook's in the emergency room?!"

My voice is shrill with terror as I rush for my jacket, looking back anxiously at Dove. She glances innocently at me, holding up a plate.

"Do you want a sandwich, Unnie?"

I force a smile as I shake my head, and Dove returns to eating as she giggles at the subtitles of the TV show.

I turn back to the call.

"Jimin— what are you saying? Why is he in there? I'm coming to the hospital right now so—"


"Bring Dove."

Grinding my teeth, I glance back at the giggling girl as her eyes flick through
the subtitles. Imagining the look that'd cross her face when I told her that Jungkook was in surgery was enough to give me a heart attack.

"There's no way."

"You don't need to tell her," Jimin says, and his voice seems so cold it's obvious to know he's trying to keep it breaking. "Bring everyone. Mira, too. Tell her I want to see her."


"Just please listen to me, Tzuyu. This is hard for me."

And then he ends the call, and I'm left there stunned with the wrong jacket fisted tightly in my hand.


"What did you tell her?"

Jimin has dark shadows under his eyes as he walks towards me, hands shoved deeply into his pockets. His face seems pale and ashen as he tips what seems to be the fifth can of coffee into his lips.

"That I wanted to come see Tae and if she could come with me." I explain, voice exhausted with lack of sleep. "She's in the visitor room now."

When Jimin nods assent and turns to leave, I grip his wrist.

"Jimin. Jungkook isn't the type of person to trip on his feet and fall down two flights of stairs." I say, my voice anxious as he looks at me with haunted eyes.

"And V—"


The shock that comes with hearing my own name blocks my throat, and I stare at him with wide eyes as he smiles forcefully.

"Everything's going to be okay."

"I promise."

And at that moment, I can't say another word. I can't say anything, because I'm too scared that this person in front of me is going to shatter into a million pieces.

Because I'm too scared that if I see him break, I'll break, too.


"You idiot." I mutter when he looks up at me, eyes exhausted but bright. "You're really trying to kill me, aren't you? You're really trying to do that."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"But I made you sad, didn't I?"

"Well, Yeah." I mutter forlornly as I cross my fingers together. "My fiancée's probably going to die before our marriage and then I'm going to be all alone."

He smiles.

"Did you just call me your fiancée?"

"Is that the only thing you heard?" I shoot back as his smile grows wider. "Oh, and did you know that most people never get their shoulders crushed in a burning building?"

"And that they never experience a morphine overdose?"

"And that they never—"

"Get married before twenty?"

I sigh deeply, trying to hide the smile twitching at the corners of my lips.

"You're impossible."

Then my eyes go circular.

"Wait— this isn't why I came here to talk to you about." I say, the darkness filling my eyes. "Did you hear about what happened to Jungkook?"

He suddenly looks like he hasn't slept for ten years, and I realize that the teasing facade he'd put on earlier was just to distract me from this.


"I heard."


???'s POV

Everything's going according to plan.

The first two targets have been crossed off, both given enough damage to scar Park Jimin for a long time.

That look on his face when a nurse told him that Jeon Jungkook had ended up with three fractures and traumatic injuries to the brain was absolutely priceless.

As I secure another microphone behind the clock, I smile.

It excites me to see what other looks he's capable of making.

Did he really think that moving the girls out of the hospital would really keep them safe?

Did he really think I couldn't find out where they were living?

He was so much dumber than I'd given credit for— but of course watching the people he cared about arrested to emergency rooms had to shake him up a bit.

And he'd even given me a perfect chance to place these untraceable microphones by calling them all to the hospital.

The smile growing wider on my face, I slip a piece of paper out of my pocket.


Kim Taehyung ***

Jeon Jungkook *****

Lee Mira

Chou Tzuyu

Yoon Dove

Park Jimin


A/n: Do you guys still find interest in this story?

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