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A/n: Below is the characters' ages and the subjects they teach if they're a professor! Just for reference because I'm starting to forget too ;)

Tzuyu- Eighteen
Junior student

Jungkook- Eighteen
PE Professor

Taehyung- Nineteen
Math/Physics Professor

Jimin- nineteen
Biology/Medicine and Health Professor

Namjoon- Twenty
History/Geography Professor

Hoseok- Twenty one
Languages/Art of Language Professor

Yoongi- Twenty two
Chemistry Professor

Jin- Twenty three
Computer Sciences/Engineering Professor

A/n: Back to the story! Enjoy!

Another day.

Another day of living through the surreal reality where my boyfriend was my teacher.

How was this even possible in the first place?

"Trigonometry is very useful for many aspects," V says, all the while drawing a large triangle over the board. "And there are three main categories in this subject..."

I sigh, finally giving up as I carefully put my head down on the desk.

Sleep had been dragging my eyelids shut for the past five minutes, and V's lesson sounded like the perfect lullaby. All this about triangles and whatever was like a sedative.

He wouldn't notice.

I'd sat all the way in the back for just this specific reason. And besides, what kind of teacher would interrupt an important lesson to chastise a student?

My breathing comes soft as I close my heavy eyes, letting sweet sleep cloud my mind.

Even if he did wake me up, then I hoped he would at least take ten minutes or so to do that.

"Ms. Tzuyu?"

His voice sounds so close that I slam both of my thighs onto the bottom of the desk. Again.

When I snap my head up, I suck in a harsh breath as I see V's face within inches. Our noses could've brushed if I'd just shifted forward one more inch— that was how close we were.

"Sleeping during class?"

A sigh fills my throat as I tilt my lips to a pout, desperate to do anything just to have him let me put my head back down.

"Professor," I whisper, my voice soft as I close that one remaining inch. By instinct, I see him bite his lip as we touch.

"I'm feeling a bit dizzy."

Heat flushes his face as he pulls away, eyes wild and breath slightly rushed. Hope fills my heart— if he sent me to the nurse's office, I could get all the sleep I wanted there.

And if he got too shaken to the point where he would leave me alone, then that was fine too. Whichever one came first.

"Pay attention."

By now, all the other students were watching the two of us. And I knew that V would never— never do anything to make them suspect that something really was going on between us, because he was just too smart for that.

A sigh of relief escapes my lips as he returns to the front of the classroom, his figure tense and rigid.

My eyes narrow.

Too tense. His back was too straight, and there was the slightest sway in his walk.

Sleep chases itself from my mind as he passes out sheets of paper, still keeping that light sway. When he slides the worksheet onto my desk, I make sure to get a good look at his eyes.

He avoids mine.

Now I know something is really wrong, and the moment he finishes passing out the papers and gets back to his seat, I nearly jump out of mine.

The worksheet is clutched tightly in my right hand as I practically run up to the front desk, being careful to notice the smallest change in his posture, the light in his slanted eyes.

He's sweating.

And he doesn't even look up at me, like he doesn't even realize that I'm here.

"I need some help with the first problem," I say, covering him from the rest of the class with my back. I make sure to speak up, so that I know everyone has heard me.

Now they won't suspect.

"Can we discuss it privately? I'm really confused about what it's saying."

As he rises from his chair, his hand slams heavily onto the desk. It's as if he'd just corrected his balance— but why would he lose it in the first place?

And then I see the conflict in his darkened irises, and the urgency in my voice grows further.

"Come on."

I grip his wrist, making sure it's covered from the rest of the class' view as I help him walk out the door. He's fighting himself— his other side. His other personality.

I'd been a fool to think it'd subsided.

The moment the door closes behind us, I abandon the worksheet and immediately press the back of my hand on his pale cheek.



I breathe out a frustrated sigh when he suddenly jerks back, his eyes finding the soul he'd been missing for a fraction of a second. He lets out a pained groan as he presses a hand to the side of his head, trying to chase out the remnants of the demon.

"Are you okay?"

I'd been about to say that. But another voice sounds it out behind me, and I whip around in horror to see Professor Jimin. He peeks over my shoulder to get a look at V, and I know that I'm screwed unless I don't come up with a good excuse—

He drops the piece of paper he'd been examining, not even seeming to mind as it flutters down on the ground. But instead, he rushes over to V.

"Dilated pupils," He mutters as he fixes his eyes at V, who looks more disoriented than I'd ever seen him.

"Bit of a temperature— shaky hands."

Jimin fixes a serious look at me, his eyes piercing behind what I'm sure is fake glasses.

"Split Personality Disorder, am I correct?"

My mouth drops open, the excuse I'd prepared fading into the background. He nods, clearly taking my wordlessness as a yes.

"H-How did you know?" I yelp, and he merely shrugs. Shrugs.

"I'm not a Biology Professor at this age for nothing," He says, eyes growing intense again when V rejects his helping hand.

Oh gosh.


"Haphephobia as well?" He questions, eyes curious even though I'm certain he already knows the answer. "Fear of touch?"

I sigh, nodding. There was no point trying to hide anything now, in front of the Biology genius. He probably knew the disorders from top to bottom.

"But you can touch him," Jimin breathes as I nod again, my body pressing against V's as I support his weight. "Because... did he accustom to yours? Is it because mine is unfamiliar?"

"Yeah," I agree as I stare into V's dazed eyes. He'd come back soon— I could tell, my senses prickling as I will him back to life.

Soon, he snaps back awake.

"What am I doing here?" He whispers as soon as his eyes find light, which just grow more confused as he sees Jimin. Jimin, who look at V with a new fascination.

"Why is he looking at me like that?" He asks me, expression dipping another level of confusion. "And I was in the classroom a second ago—"

"I'll take care of that," Jimin says. To both of our surprise, he opens the door to V's classroom and shouts that the rest of the period would be free period.

"I've already released my class," He shrugs, pointing at the clock. "And it's nearing lunch time anyways. I hope I'm not making you miss any material."

We just stare as Jimin claps his hands together, bouncing on his heels like finding his colleague with two disorders were the most amazing thing he'd ever encountered.


So hard to understand.

"Do you want your disorder cured?" He suddenly says, his eyes sparkling as he looks at V. "Because if you don't want it, then I can take care of you."

V looks lost.

"Yes, of course he wants it cured." I say, lips curved down in disbelief. "But there's no way you can just cure it with, like, just a snap of a finger! It's a disorder, Professor."

"Anything's possible," He says lightly, and I can't help but let my mouth drop open the second time as he leads us towards his lab.

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