Taekwondo Rabbit

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I release a suffocated breath as he lets go of my wrists. But before I can even check how bad it is, my mouth drops in shock as Jungkook wraps his fingers around his neck.

And then he kicks him straight in the face.

My eyes widen as the psychopath collapses like a sack of potatoes, knocked out cold with Jungkook's brute strength combined with eleven years of taekwondo skills.


"Hey!" Jungkook yells as he grips his collar, looking panicked as he begins to shake the crap out of him. "Why did you faint so quick? Wake up! Wake up now!"

I think even a bear would faint if he kicked them like that.


He whips over to me, dropping the unconscious man. I can't help but laugh— he really had the attention span of a five year old.

"Are you okay? Let me see!"

Before I can even say a single word, he's already examined my wrists. Now that I see the skin, I grimace disgustedly.

There's prints.

"That $&&&@—"

"Jungkook— Jungkook, it's fine." I quickly say, trying to remember why I'd left V's room in the first place. There was him burning up—

"Oh yeah!" I exclaim, earning myself a confused look. "V— I have to get a drink for him!"

"Tzuyu, slow down."

"Tell me what happened."


"Why— Why would he want Jiminie hyung?" Jungkook says angrily, his face flushed with red.

"That's what I'm wondering about," I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "And I don't want to ask Jimin— he needs to rest, and I don't want to stress him out."

"But Jungkook, please—" I sigh again, pointing at the unconscious man. "Couldn't you have hit a bit lighter? I don't think he'll ever wake up."

"Good for him," He scoffs as he sits down cross legged, lips pushed into a pout. "He doesn't deserve to wake up after what he did to you."

"And by the way," He says worriedly, glancing at my covered wrists. "V hyung's going to be so mad."

"I'll try to hide it from him as long as I can," I murmur, instinctively returning to my sad state hearing his name. "I can't risk him any stress right now."

Would he even care after this?

I sigh.

"Tzuyu— why do you look so sad?" Jungkook asks, his eyes going soft. "Does it hurt? Want me to knock him out one more time?"

I have to laugh.

"I'm okay," I say, pressing a finger to my lips for silence as I place the cold drink on V's flushed cheek. "But thanks for the offer. Really."

"Go rest."


I have to admit that sending away Jungkook— it was something I didn't really want to do. Being alone with V made me think— and I didn't want to think at all.

I didn't want to think about how he'd react when he woke up to find out that he'd nearly lost his shoulder due to burns.

Burns, because of me.

But Jungkook had looked dead tired from the long surgery, and I would've been selfish to not force him to go get some sleep.

The necklace is cool against my fingertips as I lean back tiredly.

And now there was another problem.

Park Jimin was in danger.

That man had seemed super mad when I'd mentioned Jimin— I could still remember the deadly look in his eyes when I'd said his name.

But what could've cute, innocent Jimin possibly have done wrong? He was the definition of a likable person, and no person in their right mind would dislike him like that.


"Tzuyu— it's cold out here."


A gentle voice wakes me from my sleep, and I blink slowly to find Jimin looking down at me exhaustedly. He must've come to check on V.


"Someone—" I begin, voice still heavy from sleep as I rub my eyes. "Do you know anyone here, Jimin? Did you know anyone here before?"

He looks at me for a long second.

"I think you're still sleepy," He finally concludes, when I shake my head firmly.

"No— not anymore," I say, my mind slowly getting more clearer. "Did you piss someone off in this hospital, Jimin? Like—"

His eyes go wide when he suddenly overturns my wrists.

"Oh my God," He gasps as he runs his hands over the bruised skin. I flush— I'd totally forgotten to hide that from the surgeon who's now turning a bright red with fury.

"You met him."

"You know him?" I exclaim, sniffing angrily. "Then you know how much—"

"I can't believe he's still here," Jimin groans, burying his face into his hands. "I thought he'd left."

"What do you mean?"

"The failed surgery wasn't the only reason why I left my profession," He says bitterly, seeming forlorn as he groans again.

"It's because of him, too."

"That jerk?" I ask, pursing my lips. "Don't tell me he's really the reason that made you leave your job. I knew it when I saw you work— no matter what you say, Jimin, you love being a surgeon."

"Where is he now?"

His mouth falls open when I sheepishly tell him that Jungkook had knocked him out and he was most likely splayed out unconscious on the hospital floor by now.

"He deserves it," Jimin scoffs, crossing his arms together. "He hurt you. And you better hide that from V because he'll kill me for not taking better care of you."

My heart stings.

"Yeah, of course." I mutter as he gives me a goodbye pat on the head and walks out the door.

"Take care, Tzuyu." He says before poking his head back into the doorway, lips pressing as he looks at my suddenly depressed figure.

"Hey— you're not sad all of a sudden because I'm leaving, right?" He asks, a playful smile brightening up his features as he winks. "I know I'm better company than that taekwondo rabbit, but I need to do something."

"Like what?" I mutter disinterestedly when his grin suddenly grows deeper.

"Like to convince a certain girl to take my sorry self back."

"Wait, wha—"

My eyes instantly widen as I glance up to see him wink one more time, fluffing his silver-tinted hair.

"I don't look too bad, right?"

And then he disappears out the door as fast as he'd come. My mouth drops open as I instantly jump to my feet, about to chase him down to the ends of the earth when—


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