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>>Can you save me? by Hoobastank + Your Love by first to eleven<<

One week later     (Penny's POV)

I just woke up sluggish. It was light in the room, but not so bright that it could still be the middle of the day. The next thing I noticed was the room itself. I was lying on one side of a double bed. I didn't know this room, but yet it was familiar to me. Everything here smelled of Sam.

I didn't remember much of my journey. I remember wading through the swamps between Pontypandy and Tonypridd, struggling through thickets, stumbling over and over again because I wasn't able to lift my feet properly. The path had seemed endless to me and yet I had made it at some point.

Since I had come to Pontypandy from a different direction, the shortest route had been to Sam instead of Helen, which is where I had actually wanted to go. But I had felt that every step less counted in order to survive.

I was leaning heavily against the doorframe when I finally reached Sam's house while waiting for someone to answer my ring. The little light was on in the window upstairs, which it only did when he was home at night. He had to be home. I didn't know where else I could go - I certainly wouldn't make it anymore.

I breathed a sigh of relief when the hall light came on and just a moment later the door opened. I looked at Sam's sleepy face and couldn't help but smile at the sight of him.

"Penny?", it escaped his lips in astonishment.

"Sam," I replied, a faint smile crossing my face at the sight of him. It felt like the sun was finally rising for me after weeks of darkness.

His gaze traveled down my side and reached my hand, which I was still clutching the stab wound in my side. I hadn't checked how badly I was bleeding, but from his eyes it must have looked pretty bad.

At that exact moment, my vision blurred and my legs gave way. I felt two hands grab me before I collapsed against him. I only perceived everything as if in a fog when he carried me into the house.

"Helen. I need help. Bring your doctor's bag..." I heard his voice in my ear before I completely lost consciousness.

After that everything was shrouded in a fog. I remembered dreaming about Ridley and countless other attempts to kill me. But I had also dreamed of Sam. At least that had been nice dreams. He had always coaxed me, promising me that I was safe now and that he intended to protect me and make me happy. I loved listening to his voice. It had pulled me out of every nightmare no matter how horrid, it had wrapped me like cotton and given me a feeling of security I hadn't felt anywhere near in 10 years.

But I had also seen my parents and my brother. They seemed so balanced when they told me to fight and move on. That was the only dream I wasn't really sure if it really was just a dream and which still sent chills down my spine at the memory.

I straightened up and winced as my stab wound protested painfully. I looked down at myself and had to realize that I was only wearing a loose shirt from Sam. Nothing else. My hands were clean and when I lifted the shirt a little and peered under the bandage I discovered that the wound had been stitched neatly. Helen must have doctored me, changed clothes and washed me - after all, I still remembered Sam calling her, if nothing else.

I hesitantly pushed my legs over the edge of the bed to look for Sam. I looked at the hem of the shirt gathering at my waist. Should I really be walking around like this? I looked for my clothes I came with, but they were nowhere. I got up and noticed with a little more satisfaction that the shirt reached almost to my knees.

I still felt oddly naked, but at least Sam wouldn't see my underwear. I immediately blushed profusely when I realized I wasn't wearing any. Did he have it? I hoped so much that Helen had taken my clothes with her. Normally I would have put on something a little more chic than my boring panties and comfy sports bra for what was likely to be an intimate encounter.

I swayed slightly as I got up and braced myself against the wall until my cycle had calmed down again. How long had I slept? My mouth was so dry. I absolutely had to drink something. My body was definitely lacking too much fluid. No wonder. I must have lost a lot of blood.

I opened the door and was immediately struck by a pleasant scent, reminding my starved body that I urgently needed to eat something. My stomach rebelled almost painfully that I kept it waiting.

I headed towards the front door. I'd never gotten further than Sam's kitchen, but I'd be able to find it blind now, too. I just had to follow the smell.

I wasn't surprised to see Sam standing at the stove. He just took the pan off the stove under Radar's watchful eye and filled some of the chicken into a blender, which apparently already had rice in it. Both were so focused on what Sam was doing and at least Radar was rewarded with a piece of meat that Sam dropped."Did I miss something you want to make baby food?" I then asked loudly, just as he was about to press the button to chop everything up and jerked around to face me. Radar immediately came up to me to greet me cheerfully and I scratched his ears briefly. He had always liked it that way and now he closed his eyes again with relish.

"By all fire extinguishers, Pen. You scared me."

"Excuse me," I replied, embarrassed.

"It's nothing. I'm glad you're finally awake. Sit down. You still have to slow down. Are you hungry?"

I just nodded as he pulled the chair closest to me before handing me a plate of rice, chicken, and carrots—bland fare. Great. I could just eat a schnitzel with fries red and white and salad with lots of yoghurt dressing. But I wouldn't complain. Food was food and right now my stomach just wanted something to do.

"What do you mean? How long did I sleep?" I asked him anyway. I must have been more exhausted than I thought.

"One week." I stopped slicing the meat and looked up at him in surprise as he sat down across the table from me with another plate."You've had a bad fever for three days. Your wound became infected. Helen came several times a day and checked on you and gave you medication. When the fever finally went down, you often slept quite restlessly, but as long as I was with you it was fine. I tried to make you drink as much liquid as possible and in the last days to give food to you to keep you strong."

"What? baby porridge?"

"I just pureed it so you can swallow it better. You were unconscious. I didn't know what else to do. Helen said..."

"Thanks, Sam," I cut him off, putting my hand over his to stop him from further embarrassed explanations. Apparently he saw from my smile now that I had only wanted to tease him. To be honest I was beyond flattered that he went to such an effort for me.

He smiled as he turned his hand to enclose mine in his. I watched his thumb caress the back of my hand and looked up into his eyes again. I felt the blush return to my cheeks as my heart began to flutter at his gentle touch. We sat like that for a moment and I enjoyed looking at him. He had this glow in his eyes that enchanted me every time.

Until I realized again that this wouldn't last forever. It was a miracle I was still here and not in a hospital where I definitely belonged. Why hadn't he let me take one to one? Why hadn't Helen done it when she always played it safe when someone was hurt? But how was I to ask him without arousing suspicion?

"I'm sorry for bothering you, Sam," I objected to start somewhere.

"You didn't. Helen put me on sick leave for the whole week so I can keep an eye on you. But I'm still very glad that you finally woke up. She's starting to have trouble explaining to Steele why my stomach flu is taking so long to heal," he replied with a smile and released my hand so I could continue eating.

"So I'm a stomach flu?" I replied with a smirk.

He shrugged. "That was the first thing that came to Helen's mind after I threw up after her surgery on you," he said simply.

"Ah, blood!" I stated with a smile. I knew how sick Sam always got when he saw too much of it. I'd teased him about it often enough.

"Yep, and you've brought plenty to my house!" he stated and ate another bite.

"Sorry," I replied sheepishly. He just waved it off as his mouth was full, but neither of us said another word until we were done eating. The long period of hunger made itself felt, so that despite my great feeling of hunger at the beginning I couldn't even finish one full plate. I was glad Sam let it be. I didn't have to tell him anything or even lie to him if he would ask. Still, I had to admit that I was confused that he didn't ask what happened. That wasn't normal for him.

"Where do you live now?" he asked me as he cleared the plates and my head immediately started spinning in panic. He wasn't allowed to know anything. It would make him a target.

"In Cardiff," I lied. I didn't like doing it, but I had to protect him no matter what.

"Did you walk all the way here? With a stab wound?" he asked skeptically."Not quite."

"What happened Penny?""I was on my way to Newtown. I was riding the bus. I met a pickpocket there or something. He hurt me. I didn't know where to go, so I came here."

"All the way from Newtown? On foot? Hurt?" he asked skeptically as he leaned against the kitchen counter and folded his arms across his chest. Under his gaze I felt like a little kid who had just been caught lying. "You must have had a good reason to be so unreasonable. You would have been quicker and just as safe at Newtown Hospital as you are here."

"I must have lost my logic," I murmured under my breath, staring at a spot on the table so I wouldn't have to meet his eyes. I didn't like lying to him. I'm sure he'd see it if I looked at him.

"Which would be your first time." He was still looking at me skeptically, I could tell out of the corner of my eye, so I decided to keep my focus on the point at the table in front of me. I heard Sam sigh softly, but I still didn't dare to look up at him."I have to admit that it hurts me that you have so little trust in me. Julie Morgan, Penny Morris or what may I call you now with your new identity?" he sighed as he sat down in the chair next to me.

I looked up at him. "From where..."

"I figured something was wrong with you and did some research. I had to do something to keep myself busy after you left. The newspaper archive in the Newtown Library is surprisingly extensive and that of the Welsh Daily is even available online."

"How did you come to the conclusion that my problem lies in the past?"

"It wasn't hard to tie your panic attack on the station to the news about that Snider. Then your conversation with Boyce right after and your sudden departure to Newtown Academy with no return? You haven't even used your cell phone since then. I was looking for you when Steele told us two weeks later that you weren't coming back. You didn't go to the academy, and Boyce dodged all my questions. After I found out that your file in Boyce's closet had no clue as to where you ended up, almost as if you didn't exist anymore, I knew something was seriously fishy."

"Sam, you shouldn't have done that!"

"Boyce was surprisingly willing to compromise when he was a little afraid of losing his job. See it as my belated revenge for the unfair behavior he showed me when I got fired over Dexter. I haven't spoken to anyone else about it either, except, of necessity, Helen, so she doesn't put you in a hospital and help me keep you hidden. But I only told her what was absolutely necessary and didn't name any names. So who are you really?"I didn't know if I should be flattered or scared the shit that Sam had gone to so much trouble to find me. I sighed in resignation. He already knew too much. It certainly wouldn't hurt to lay the cards completely open. He was my best friend after all. He had earned my trust now more than ever.

"I am me, Sam. Just because I had to adopt a new identity doesn't mean I was wrong myself. All the names don't change who I am. I think Penny was my favorite life I've had and I really don't want to be anyone else, let alone give that life up."

"Then why did you do it? I would have taken care of you. We all would have, until we caught the guy and you can live in peace again. Do you want to be on the run for the rest of your life now that he's out of jail?"

"I shall have to. He made it pretty clear that he doesn't give me any other choice, didn't he?" I replied, a little offended, pointing to my side where the wound was hidden under his shirt.

"So it was him? Has he been following you?"I just nodded to his first question. To the second, I replied, "I don't think so."

"Tell me! Everything!"I took a deep breath and did it. I told him everything, from Boyce's call, through the first few days when Malcolm was assigned to be my babysitter, to how I was brought into this upstate Newtown. I ended my story by meeting Ridley Snider and my long walk to Pontypandy to Sam's front door. I couldn't sit still, especially during the last part, and started pacing the kitchen as the anxiety I'd felt the night he had attacked me was threatening to overwhelm me again. But this time I ended up leaning against the countertop and willing myself to shut down. I was here. At Sam's. I had made it and was obviously safe for now - even if I didn't yet know what was going to happen to me next."By holy Saint Florian, Pen. I'm so sorry for what you had to go through," Sam said after what seemed like endless minutes of silence and got up so suddenly that I couldn't have reacted even if I had wanted to . Sam pulled me into his arms and just held me.

I was only surprised for a moment before I gave in and relaxed, putting my hands on his back like he had on mine and my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to remind myself to calm down. It worked, but that was also thanks to its scent. Sam had always been there for me and even now he stood by me, even though he must have known that he was putting himself in great danger by doing so.

"I should go," I finally sighed, feeling tears welling up in my eyes.

Sam pulled away from me just enough for us to look at each other. "Stay, Pen. You belong here. To Pontypandy. We are your family. We all love you. I love you," he said softly, and there was such pleading in his eyes as he would tell me he couldn't take it again, if I left. Nevertheless, his confession warmed my heart and at the same time it made the first tears flow.

"That's why I have to go, Sam. You're all in danger if I stay. Ridley won't spare anyone if you hide me. I couldn't live with it if something happened to you guys. I love you all, especially you too much for that. I want you to be safe."

"You say you love me but you reject me because I'm not good enough for you. Do you think I can't protect you or I would hurt you or betray you someday?" he asked me seriously as he let go of me and turned his back to me to ruffle his hair in frustration, but I caught a hurt look in his eyes that startled me. How could he think such a thing?

"Oh, Sam. Do you really think I think so? Do you think I would ever have wanted to reject you if it wasn't for Snider? I turned you away to protect you. If he finds me and sees me with you, he will probalbly want to kill you too or use you to get to me. I..." He turned around again and pulled me against him so quickly I felt dizzy for a moment. His arms immediately gave me a feeling of security that he couldn't give me for real. His body against mine made me dizzy. His warmth made my heart pound and my legs go weak - but mostly because of the way he was looking at me at that moment. He would melt me ​​with it in no time.

"If that's all, then I'll take the risk. I'd rather die than have lived decades without ever being with you," he said, his voice almost a whisper. It was something in it that sent chills of the pleasant kind down my spine, but I still had to stay sane!

"Please don't say that, Sam," I asked him just as quietly, my voice threatening to fail. His lips almost touched mine. I could already feel his breath on them. I knew the only thing holding him back was that he waits for me I was finally letting go of my defensiveness. A fight that I threatened to lose more and more. He was everything I ever really wanted.

"I'll tell you until you believe me. I'll prove it to you if need be. My life is meaningless without you, Pen," he murmured softly and I saw in his eyes that he was speaking the whole truth . I should never have come here, I thought to myself, but my mouth wouldn't obey the last spark of reason left in my head.

"Is it bad to want you like I do?"

"I hope not, because I feel the same way about you," he replied, smiling. His lips were already touching mine as he spoke, and I had no room for anything else but impatience and anticipation now. That's why I felt his smile more than I saw it, because I had already closed my eyes in silent anticipation and finally laid my lips on his as soon as he finished speaking.

The last spark of reason died out completely, giving way to a chaos of feelings, each more beautiful and breathtaking than the next, as we just let ourselves go.

I felt his hands on my back while mine went to his neck.

This was all I ever wanted and it hit me like a rush. I felt so foggy and yet alive at the same time that all I could think about was wanting more. Everything that Sam was giving me was far from enough for me.

My hands automatically found their way under his shirt and I heard his shaky gasp as our lips parted for a moment. It made me smile as I felt the effect my touch had on his body. My fingertips slowly traced the contours of his chest and abs, blindly memorizing every inch of him. I gasped when he immediately found a spot on my neck that was more than sensitive to the touch of his lips and willingly cocked my head to give him more room.

My hands slid down his sides and back into his sweatpants as he stopped caressing my neck. Both of us were breathing heavily and I clearly felt how much he wanted me, but also that he was struggling with himself.

"You are hurt. You need rest," he then murmured into my ear, making me shiver. I knew he would stop immediately if it was what I wanted, even though his voice and heavy breathing made it clear to me that it wasn't what he wanted at all.

"I need you, Sam," I replied hoarsely, hugging him a little more, almost afraid he would come to his senses and abruptly end what we had started here. I could still feel his inner struggle, but the tension drained from him as I put my lips to his ear. He shuddered and turned his head to kiss me like I've never been kissed before. It not only took my breath away but also my mind - the same for him.

To be continued...

Hm...I'll probably upload the next chapter over the weekend. To lull you into this false sense of security for a week doesn't seem fair to me. Have a nice rest of the week ;)

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