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3rd Person POV

It turned out Nico was pregnant with twins 1 boy and 1 girl

He actually had a normal and healthy pregnancy and both the twins were healthy

The girl was named Sarada Mikoto Uchia (Mikoto after Sasukes mom)

And the boy was named Shisui Fugaku Uchia (after Sasukes Father and Itachi best friend)

Being so close in age, Damien barely being a year old when the twins were born. The Uchia siblings were inseparable growing up and because of the training they received at the ninja academy and Camp Half Blood in the summer they were the top of their class graduating a year early becoming genine. Damien being 10 and the twins being 9

Nico had gender reconstruction surgery a year after the twins were born now finally feeling like the man he always wanted to be. Then 6 months after that him and Sasuke got married

Sasuke and Nico had a small wedding having Chiron afficiate it and Itachi and Naruto being Sasuke best men and Percy and Jason being Nicos. Leo wanted to be man of honor which he got

Damien was ring bearer being 2 years old and Sarada and Fugaku were flower girl and boy being a year and half helping throw the flowers which was the cutest thing

Damien grew up knowing the truth behind how he was conceived and his birth because of his connections to Tartarus he has full memory from birth to now. So when Nico found out he remember everything he and Sasuke sat Damien down and Sasuke made sure Damien understood that he was his father no matter what

Damien and Sasuke had a close father son relationship constantly training with each other

Nico became a shinobi and became part of the top 5 advanced shinobi in the village

Naruto became hokage 5 years after Kakashi did and Sasuke was shadow kage.

It went Naruto, Sasuke, Itachi, Nico, and Shikamaru who was direct asstiant to Hokage

Leo became head of the making the best weapons in the 5 great nations

Damien and the twins were put together as a team and their squad leader was none other then Neji Hyuga. Part of branch of the Hyuga Clan possessing the byakugon a eye jutsu similar to the sharingan

(Neji Hyuga)

(Neji Hyuga with Byakugan activated)

(What the Byakugan does)

The Twins got their sharingan double tomoe sharingan at the same time skipping the 1 tomoe. At the age of 6 the 5 great nations came to war lasting 3 years helping. Refusing to go to Camp Half Blood during this time even though Sasuke and Nico wanted the too. They stayed and helped aid the wounded soldiers with Sakura and Lady Tsunade. Damien was part the team that took the soldiers off the battle field and when they saw their Father be brought in severally injured to the point of death it activated their sharingan

Damien helped Tsunade during this time becoming her assistant. Nurturing the weak soldiers back to health. After the war she trained him in medical ninjutsu

Naruto eventually ended the war by having the 5 great nations listen to him and ended up making peace and became allies with all of them

After 3 years of war Damien and the Twins went back to Camp Half Blood surprising everyone with the growth in experience they have

Damien became a Chunine at 12 years old which is the age most children become genine then became a Jonine at the age of 13 leading missions

The twins became Chunine at at 13 and Jonine at 14

Sarada got her 3rd tomoe sharingan at 12 after seeing one of her friends at Camp Half Blood die at the hands of a empousa and Shisui got his at 13 when he almost saw Damien die on a mission

Luckily Damien didn't die he was just in critical condition but he is just fine now

The twins did gain some of Nico abilities. Shisui can summon the dead and Sarada can shadow travel

Damien can do both and more.

Now Damien is 16 years old and the twins are 15 and

Nico is 36 and Sasuke is 38 and they are still happily and cheesy just as they were when they got together

Everything seemed perfect. Damien and the twins were skilled shinobi's who were part Demigod part of one of the strongest clans in Konohagakure their Uncle was the leader of this village and on their way to a great future


Damien Pov

"Damien get down here!" I hear my Dad yell and I groan and roll out of bed

I brush my hair quickly and throw on a black shirt with my clans symbol and black jeans

Yes I get my style from my Papa. I look just like him to.

I run down stairs quickly and I hear my sister

"Someone's in troubleeee" She teases and I roll my eyes

"Shut your mouth brat." I say and she laughs and I see Shisui smack the back of her head

"Leave him alone. Besides Papa wanted all 3 of us" He says and I smirk and head into the living room with them in tail

I see my Aunt Rachel in the room and I immediately get worried and I see Papa pacing and Dad standing next to him thinking

"Uh...is everything okay?" I ask and they look up to me and the twins stand next to me

"Rachel says there is a prophecy. Damien your the main part of it." Papa says and my Dad is glaring at the ground

"She hasn't told us the prophecy yet" My Dad says and she takes a breath

"Annabeth wrote it down as she was visiting camp...told me to come straight here." She says and I stick my hands in my pocket nervously

"What is it?" I ask and Rachel opens a piece of paper

"The time has come it is near
Tartarus doors are open and clear.
The twins with the all seeing eyes
Must keep close or their brother dies
The one that keeps close and doesn't show
Will be the one only the 3 will know
For if the false Uchia doesn't prevail
The world as we know it will fail"

I really love this book it's the 2nd book I have completed. It's unique and special.

You guys can probably guess there is going to be a sequel. But I'm going to take a break and focus on other books before I start the sequel but I promise. I promise. It won't be forever

Thank you all for reading pleeeeease comment I do take suggestions I love you all!


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