Nico Is Everyones Parent

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I was awaken by a hand shaking my shoulder gently and I look up and see Sasuke

"Hey kitten. I'll give you a second but are you ready for training?" He asks me and I sit up and rub my eyes awake and I look over at Damien crib

"He'll be okay Leo made us a baby monitor. If he cries we'll hear him okay?" He asks me and I nod and grab my clothes and head to the bathroom

I threw on my clothes and put my hair up and meet Sasuke up on deck and I see Naruto with bed head

"I regret agreeing to get up this early." Naruto complained and I glance up seeing the stars were out in the pitch black sky

"He isn't a morning talker is he?" Naruto asked and Sasuke flicked him in the head

"Shut up. He's tired," Sasuke said and I laugh quietly

"Alright so what is the top secret training?" I ask finally speaking and Sasuke turned to me

"You'll be learning Narutos technique the Rasengan then mine the Chidori." Sasuke said and my eyes widen

"Is that possible? We don't even know if I have wind or lightening nature." I ask and Naruto glances at Sasuke

"Your kinda of a blank slate. Unlike Percy, Jason, and Leo. Who have abilities to help them connect to those nature's. You only can control the dead and shadows and and even though that does connect somewhat to the earth. Not as much as Hazel does. I spoke to Itachi then Naruto and they agreed that you might be able to learn all 5. Frank and Reyna honestly could too but we asked them and Frank said he prefer to stay with earth and Reyna wants to stick with learning to Karin." Sasuke explained and I nodded

"If they did join we wouldn't have taught them what we are teaching you though." Naruto said and Sasuke agreed

"Why? What are you teaching me that's so special?" I asked curious on why I'm getting special training

"So my jutsu has more of a sharp effect. But Narutos has more force and power, so after you learn the two. Your gonna merge them into one. We're calling it Ridori, electric wind jutsu." Sasuke says and I step back eyes widen

"Seriously?" I ask kinda in shock, why me?

"Once you master that. It becomes your own original jutsu Nico." Sasuke says smiling at me

"Yea! And once you get that down I can help you increase to size and ability. I can make my Rasengans bigger and my more powerful technique. The rasenshurikan" Naruto says and steps back and summons clones and they start doing something

Soon a bluish orb appears in his hand and it grows in size and shape and turns into a shurikan shape

"Like this! Eventually you can do this with the combination of the chidori." Naruto beams and the rasenshurikan disappears

"Wow." Was all I could say at this moment and Sasuke chuckles and kisses my head

"You still wanna try?" He asks me and I nod

"Which one first?" I ask taking a deep breath

"Sasuke and I discussed this and we are going to do Rasengan first. It takes longer. But less stress on the body then Chidori is and your still healing" Naruto says and I nod and look at Sasuke

"While I'm training what are you gonna do?" I ask and he shrugs

"I'm emotional support for once," he snorts and I roll my eyes and he pokes my forehead with two fingers when a sudden cry sounds through the baby monitor

"You have bottles right?" Sasuke asks and I nod

"In the fridge" I smile and he kisses my head and runs off

"I swear he's a completely different person," Naruto says and I tilt my head curiously

"Everyone says that but I never understood. Yeah, he was a bit closed off when we met but he always acted different towards me so I never really saw that side everyone else did." I said and Naruto looked like he was thinking before he snapped his fingers

"Come with me I assume we have time before he notices" he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me to his room

We walk into his room and Itachi was wide awake reading what looked like one of Annabeths. Must have given it to him

"Good morning Nico," Itachi acknowledged me as I walk in and I nodded at him

"Look at this," Naruto said handing me a picture frame

I look at it and I snorted at what I was looking at

It was his team photo. A silver haired man with a mask covering from the neck up to his nose and a head band covering his left eye with what looked like smaller versions of Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura. Sakura was smiling but Sasuke and Naruto looked irritated

"This is our official team picture. Sasuke and I didn't use to get along" Naruto said and Itachi leaned over and chuckled at the picture

"Yeah, but you two cared about each other and your little rivalry helped you two grow" he said and Naruto blushed a little before clearing his throat

"I wanted to show this because even though he looked angry in this he was more of the Sasuke you know now then after what happened and turned into the Sasuke before he met you,"

I was confused, "what do you mean-" Itachi cut me off

"As your aware Sasuke went to train on his own. And as you also know he went up against tough things during that time. I was unable to track him down so after almost 3 years. When Naruto came back months before. He showed up with Karin,Suigetsu, and Juugo. And when he looked for Naruto privately not knowing I was watching but when  saw Naruto he pulled him in a hug and broke down in tears and then after that he was cold. Never smiled anymore." Itachi said and I felt my heart tighten hearing that

"I have asked Sasuke many times what happened out there but he always ignored the question. Recently with you I feel he would answer but he has been so happy I haven't wanted to bring it up" Naruto said looking sad about the thought

"I'll try to ask him later if you want. I won't tell you if he doesn't want me to but I can convince him to tell you himself" I said and Naruto smiled

"Thanks, anyways we need to start your training before Sasuke heads back up. Luckily I came in here for other things" he said and held up and object and I stared at it confused

"A rubber ball?"


"Nico your doing great you just need to build up your chakra," Naruto said from the side lines

I was this close to throwing this rubber ball at him

"I'm trying!" I shouted and concentrated on the ball

I have to try to pop the ball as a Chakra force. Right now all I can do is for it to leak air a deflate. Naruto said that's how it started for him and to try not to get discouraged

"Isn't there a hint for him to use?" I hear Sasuke asked Naruto

"He has to find what works for him. I did for me and Pervy Sage also found his own technique" Naruto and clench my fist around the ball popping it and threw the rubber on the ground and walk past them

"Wait Nico!" I hear but I shadow travel up to the ship mass and sit up there

I need to cool down or my old pissy self was gonna snap at them and I would hate myself if I did

I stare out ahead as the dark night and stars reflected off the surface of the water and I take a deep breath

I need to calm down and stop getting so worked up or my powers might get a hold of me-

That thought stopped me. My powers...

"He has to find what works for him. I did for me and Pervy Sage also found his own technique,"

I haven't considered fusing my powers into my chakra

I reach into the bag where the rubber balls are and hold it out in my hand and stare at it

I build up pressure with my chakra in my hand and focused with my powers next

Shadows swarm around the ball and the ball starts shaking and suddenly pops and my eyes widen and I jump up and forgetting I was on the mass and almost fall over but someone catches me by my shirt

"What got you so excited? I came up here to see if you were okay and you start falling off the mass" I hear and I see Naruto pulling me back up

"Sorry I needed to calm down. But I figured it out!" I say and he raises an eyebrow

"Can you get us back down I'll show you" I say and he smirks

"Alright let's see" he said and I get on his back so he can take us down as I shouldn't be using my shadow travel much still

He gets us down and Sasuke looked relieved

"Are you okay kitten?" he asked and I nod

"When I get to frustrated I tend to snap and didn't want to snap at either of you. But I figured something out! Let me show you." I say and take out a rubber ball

"So I was thinking about my powers and realized I hadn't considered infusing them with my chakra until now." I say and they looked surprised and I put my hand out

Just like last time pressure built and it moved and shadows swarmed and it popped into pieces and I grinned

"That's great Nico! See, I said you just needed technique!" Naruto said and hugged me and I laughed

"That's gay," I say and Naruto snorts and looks at me

"Says the gay guy" he accuses and we both bust up laughing and Sasuke shakes his head at us

"We should continue later. It's 4am now and we should sleep." Sasuke says with an amused look

I pout but nod and we all walked down and say goodbye to Naruto and headed to our rooms

Sasuke and I get to our room and I fall backwards on the bed laying down and Sasuke chuckles quietly and I glance at him as he sat down next to me

"Sasuke. Can I ask you something?" I ask quietly starting to get nervous

"You can ask me anything," He said and I sit up and criss cross on the bed facing him

"What happened when you went training on your own for 3 years?" I ask quietly and Sasuke stiffened and sighed

"Naruto told you things didn't he? You guys were acting hushed when I returned earlier." He asked not looking mad which relieved me

"Yeah, I was curious because everyone says you use to be so cold. I mean I was too but everyone knows why because they were there" I admitted and he hums looking distant

"You know how I met Karin, Juugo, and Suigetsu right?" He asks me and I nod a little

"You saved them from someone....Orchi something." I said and he starts glancing at me amused

"Orchimaru, he was one of the Legendary Sanin in Konoha. Lady Tsunade who trained Sakuraand Jiriya. Jiriya is who trained and who Naruto called Pervy Sage. All 3 of them are powerful Ninjas who got the honor of the title as Legendary Sanin." Sasuke explained

"So this Orchimaru guy I assume he became bad?" I ask and Sasuke nodded

"He was on the consideration list to be the 4th Hokage. But, Narutos father got the role. This angered Orchimaru and so instead he became obsessed on immortality and power. He started illegal experiments on children and things and was found out and banned from the leaf becoming a rogue ninja." Sasuke said and chills got sent up my spine glancing to Damiens crib

Sasuke followed my glance and changed the path of the story probably for my sake

"Anyways. As you know I went to do my own training for awhile and about a year into it I came across a hide out and it was the middle of winter so I went to check it out and got caught in a trap and it turns out it was Orochimaru hide out. When he found me he recognized me as Itachi's little brother. He wanted my sharingan. He found a way to transfer his soul and mind into someone's body. His way of living forever and he wanted me. But he had to wait before he could do that again. Orochimaru is great with manipulation but I know what he wanted but I played along. I knew he had prisoner's and I decided to go with him to eventually save those prisoners. Train with him. Make him think I was on his side. But he wasn't pleasant, he got into my head telling me no one would care or look for me. My brother leaving and my clans death was my fault. And that Naruto would be glad I wasn't around anymore. At first I ignored these comments but one point while I was asleep he did an experiment on me. And made me live through these thoughts of my parents blaming me. My brother trying to kill me. Then Naruto abandoning me. And he did these every night. I didn't know this until later. So for awhile I thought I was just having nightmares but when I found out what he was doing, he was trying to make me stay and not try to escape so he made me feel like the people I cared about hated me. After that I knew I had to hurry up so I saved Suigetsu, and escaped when Orochimaru was on one of his trips to his other hideouts and then we went to Karin next, she was more difficult because she was working for a road tomorrow guarding a prison but when she realized that this was her chance to escape his grasp she helped us free those prisoners and then we went to get Juugo prison which was a little farther away and it took a little more to get him out cuz even though he is a very nice guy he has a curse mark that is very difficult to control but I'm able to control it with my Sharingan, when that was done we headed back to leaf and when I saw the Naruto I broke because those memories of those dreams Orochimarul put in my head came to surface I know Naruto and Itachi worried why I changed so much but but it was hard to remain how I used to be when those thoughts circling your mind" Sasuke said finally finishing his story. Not looking at me

I was speechless I knew Sasuke went through a lot of things but I could not imagine he went through all that so the best thing I did right now and could think of that moment was just hugging

" I can't believe you went through all that I'm so sorry" I say and he just smiles and pulls me close

"It's not your fault I don't even think about it anymore especially since I've been with you," he says and I look up at him

"Is there a reason you never told Naruto or your brother?" I ask and he sighs

" I just don't want them to know and my brother probably would have hunted Orochimaru down he knows him not for a good reason. Also with Naruto I just didn't want him blaming himself he has a tendency to blame himself for things that he didn't do anything about and I don't want him thinking that because he went out to train with Jiraiya that it's his fault I went to training my own that I got put into that situation." He states quietly and I nod

"You don't have to say anything but I do think you should tell them I think he still is worried about it I think it still bothers him but he doesn't know what happened to you and you should tell your brother because he's your brother and he loves you," I say and Sasuke sighs nodding

"I will I promise." He says and he leans in and kisses me and Damien chose that moment to cry

We pull away and I get up and get to the crib and pick him up

"You sir have the worst timing." I say to him and grab his blanket and pull up my shirt to feed him and put the blanket over him covering him as he fed

I sit next to Sasuke who pulls me into his arms kissing my neck

"What you did with your powers combining it with your chakra was really smart and I'm so proud of you" he said making my stomach twist with happiness

"I'm curious why do look like when it's done I wonder if my Rasengan will be blue or will it be black?" I wondered and Sasuke shrugged

"I'm not sure but I can't wait to see what happens which reminds me. Naruto and I discuss something. You're doing really well in your training and you're really quick on things so what about every night we switch it up?" He asks and I look at him curiously as I rub Damiens back as he ate

"What do you mean?" I ask and Sasuke hums

"One night we teach the Rasengan and the next chidori. Seeing as we were correct about you being able to learn chakra nature's quickly this will double your training time. Not trying to rush but we do have less then a month. And your amazingly fast at learning" He says to me and Damien was done so I pull him away and Sasuke was quick to pull my shirt back down

"It sounds fine to me." I say truthfully and Sasuke smiles and kisses my head then leans down to kiss Damiens head

"I love you both so much" Sasuke says to us and I yawn leaning close to him and Sasuke chuckles and pulls me close and I'm laying on his chest and holding Damien to me

"My boys." I hear Sasuke say as I drift off to sleep


The next couple days have been busy. For everyone.

Everyone got a hang of walking on water and walls Leo was no longer afraid of water

Jason mastered the Rasengan pretty quickly and Leo learned the fire jutsu almost instantly

Reyna learned water and wind and made her own technique with a combination of both while Annabeth mastered water and is now training to learn earth and Piper mastered wind

Calypso mastered earth and wind really quickly

Frank became insanely good at earth style and is now learning water style with suigetsu

Percy is trying to learn lightening with Jason both being taught by Sasuke. I asked Percy why that nature and he said 'To piss off Zeus' which I said was fair

Today I was working on the Shadow Clone Jutsu with Naruto I have been getting really good when I saw Naruto stop and looked at the mass and I followed his look and we saw Leo sitting up there with a far away look

Itachi came up next to Naruto and sighed "he has had that look all morning and he is avoiding Calypso." Itachi said and I head forward and run up the mass, getting up there and sit next to him and he wiped his eyes

"What's going on Leo?" I ask and he shakes his head

"Its nothing." He says quietly and I frown and scoot closer bumping his shoulder and he snorts looking at me amused

"What are you doing?" He asks and lean on him more putting my weight

"Bugging you," I say and he laughs quietly and pushes me off gently and I look at him seriously and he sighs

"Caly and I broke up." He said and my eyes widen

"Wait Seriously? What happened?" I ask and he looks up

"It was mutual. We both were growing apart. I don't regret saving her, me and her are still friends but right now we just need a little space from each other at the moment. I'm not upset about the break up. But I'm upset on how it went down. We both were staying together because we felt as we had to not because we wanted to. After the war she wants to join the Hunters and I respect that." He explains to me looking more calm and I smile sadly and wrap my arm around him

"We'll I think your handling it well. Is there a reason you were growing apart? Caly wanted to join the Hunters so what about you?" I ask and he got quiet and I raise an eyebrow

"What?" I ask and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and I crossed my arms raising an eyebrow

"You have feelings for someone else?" I ask and he sighs

"Yeah, a little but I'm not ready to be in another relationship. Caly was my first relationship and even though we split on good terms I need time." Leo says and I nod understanding

"That's mature of you. Some would jump into one just to distract them and I'm proud your taking your time. If it's okay I ask. Who is it?" I ask and he blushes a little

"Correction. Who they are. I'm not just poly in my religion. Their are 2 people," he says and laugh a little

"My bad. Who they are. Just tell me already," I say and he smirks

"Not telling a thing until I figure out what I want to do di Angelo." He smirks getting up running down the mass

"Not that many people on this ship Valdez I'll figure it out!" I call running after him

We ran past Naruto and Itachi sparring and while Sasuke had his chidori activated showing Jason and Percy me and Leo slid under it scaring the crap out of it but we ignored him as he tried to scold us. I was chasing Leo

We ran down stairs and I finally tackled him in the engine room and we laid next to each other laughing

"I haven't had fun like that since I was a kid" he laughed and I nodded

"Same honestly." I said as we calmed down

"Itachi and Naruto." He said and I turn my head quickly

"What?" I ask. Did I just hear right? 

"I like Itachi and Naruto. Again. I'm not ready for a relationship so soon nor do I want them to know anything. I need to make sure this isn't a passing thing and that I'm ready. Also I don't know if they feel the same anyways. I want to wait a month or two before I consider anything and most definitely after the war." He says and my mind flashes to the prophecy and I sigh

Trigger Warning about self harm

"Nico, I need to know. I'm not Naruto I'm not gonna tell Sasuke or anything. What are you planning?" He asks sitting up and I sit up and we sit on the floor in the engine room

"I have been taking blood thinners so when I cut my arm that lots of blood flows out for this to work. Sasuke found the pills but he has been trying to think positive. Apparently my blood can do something when it hits the ground to stop him. Damien's blood can help them grow stronger so I need to bleed a lot. Sasuke is so sure we can get myself a blood transfusion before I die but I'm gonna be honest. I don't believe it's gonna happens" I admit and Leo looked pained

"Wait what about the red head. Karin! I heard she has healing abilities. From Caly," he said and my eyes widen

"Wait she does?" I ask and he nods and I get up

"Thanks Leo and good luck!" I said as I run upstairs and head to Karin and Reynas room and knock on the door

Reyna answers and smiles at me "Hey Neeks what's up?" She asks as I see Karin on the bed reading

"I need to talk to Karin," I say and the said redhead looks up surprised

(Short intermission. I realize many of you don't know what Karin, Juugo, and Suigetsu look like so I will show pics)

(Karin Uzumaki. Part of the Uzumaki Clan. We assume a distant relative of Naruto. Can sense charka and can heal people)

(Suigetsu, was actually saved by Sasuke from Orochimaru. Amazing fighter and water style user)

(Juugo, super sweet guy. Suffers from Orochimaru curse mark that can make him insanely dangerous and hard to control. Sasuke saver him from a prison from Orochimaru. And can control the curse mark with his Sharingan. Juugo can also talk to animals)

"Uh yeah sure what do you need Nico?" Karin asked and Reyna let me in and left the room to give us time to talk privately and I sit on the bed and she sits up

"How much are you aware of the quest we're on?" I ask and she thought for a second

"I know we have to fight Kronos and something about your baby." She said and I sigh and tell her everything about my prophecy and about my assumed death

"Oh my gods Nico I'm so sorry. Wait you have to bleed out?" She asked and I nod

"I know why you came to me now and yes I can help. You see I gained my moms ability to heal people with my  chakra all they they have to do is bite me." She says rolling her sleeve up and my eyes widen at the amount of bite marks

"A long time ago people used me for my abilities. I was 8 when my old village leader made me heal any injured. If I got in pain it didn't matter. My legs and arms are covered." She said I stare at her arms guilt settling in, ready to back out. Not wanting to use her.. she must saw my look and grabbed my shoulder

"Wait, I didn't tell you that to guilt trip you. I wanted to explain the bite marks. Anyways after you cut yourself and bleed I will be right there and you will bite me. Your going to still need a transfusion but I can close your cuts so you won't bleed more then you have to" she said seriously but I was hesitant

"Karin I wouldn't have came here if it involved hurting you. I don't want you to feel used." I said and she put her arm to my mouth

"Bite me." She said and my eyes widen and I shake my head

"No, I don't need to" I state and she rolls her eyes

"Your still injured from giving birth. I know afterwards your ship got attack and you had to use your powers right weakening. And Sasuke told me about your binder incident the other day because he was wondering if I had one because I use to use them when I was younger to actually protect my chest from creeps in my village. Sadly I didn't have one anymore. Nico I know your hurting so bite me." Karin demanded and I shake my head

"Kar-" I got caught off as she put her arm to my mouth against my teeth making me bite her and pierce her skin

All of a sudden a rush of energy filled me and the pain from my ribs was going away the pain in hips from giving birth went away and my drowsiness from using my powers vanish. Even my minor scratches on my fingers from Ridori training disappeared

She pulled away and I stared at her surprised and she smirks

"I know you aren't using me Nico. I want to help. So let me." She said and I nodded getting up and I put my hands on ribs smiled

"Thank you. I want you by my side in the fight okay?" I asked and she grinned

"Of course. Thanks" she said and I walked out of the room bumping into someone

"Shit sorry Nico!" I hear and I see Calypso

"Its fine Calypso" I say and she looked upset

"I uh will see you later" she said and and tries to run away but I grab her wrist

"Come to my room. I uh need help with something." I lied and she looked concerned and nodded

We walked to to my room and I close the door looking up

Damien was asleep in the crib with a baby monitor near him so I knew I needed to be quiet

"Calypso, I don't need help with anything I just to talk to you. I know about you and Leo and I know you guys ended on good terms by why are you upset?" I asked. I knew why Leo was but he wasn't a mess but Calypso looked like she was gonna cry her eyes out

She looked down and tears fell from her face

"I know it was mutual but I feel horrible about it, he died and came back to get me off that island. He risked everything and what if he only agreed to the breakup because I brought it up. I suggested about us breaking up and I'm worried he hates me now." She said sitting on my bed and I sighed

I sat next to her "Do you remember when I landed on your island?" I asked with a small laugh and a small smile made it on her lips

"Yeah, you knew who I was and about my curse. You were so confused why you were there." She laughed quietly and I snorted

"I was a gay 13 year old of course I was confused." I said and we both laughed

"Was I the first you told about your crush on Percy?" She asked me and I nodded

"The first person I willingly told. A little after I left your island I got pulled into another quest and met Cupid. He practically made me come out to Jason and then on my quest to take the statue back and I blew up in a fit of rage to save Reyna and coach and they saw all my secrets. The second and third person I personally got to tell was Percy and Annabeth." Nico said and Calypso nodded

"Why did you bring that up?" She asked curious already in a better mood

"Did you hate me when I left the island?" I asked and she was taken by the question

"No I unders-"

"Did you hate me knowing I was gay or trans? You did heal me from my fall." I said and she shook her head

"No. Why are you bringing this up?" She asked

"I landed on your island. I was trans. I was gay. And you fell in love with me still and I left you on that island heartbroken knowing I wouldn't feel the same way and that I couldn't. You didn't hate me though?" I continued and she looked so lost

"You couldn't help how you felt Nico." She stated and I nodded

"Yeah and neither could you." I say and she froze

"I said this because you can't help how you feel. Caly, you and Leo kinda rushed because you felt like you had to stay in love with Leo and Leo felt he had to save you. But feelings change and people grow apart. I already talked to Leo and he doesn't regret anything and would save you again in a heart beat. You guys have a bond but maybe its more of a best friend type. Leo knew his feeling were drifting away and you want to join the Hunters. Things change and that's okay." I say and a look of realization appeared on her face

"Oh..." She whispered and I give her a small smile and she looks at me

"Your parent talks are kicking in Nico." She says and I snort and she gets up

"I need to talk to Leo. Thank you." She hugs me tightly and leave and I plop on my bed and right when I do Damien is crying and I get up and get to him

"Your timing is incredible" I say at the little baby looking at me

He is now 2 months old and has a mop of black hair and his dark eyes have golden brown tint

I pick him up and he instantly stops crying and coos and I laugh a little

"How about you and I have a nap." I state and get to the bed and and lay down placing him next to me and curl myself around him protectively

"Is it too soon to say I have hope?" I ask Damien quietly and he just grabs my finger with his tiny hand

"With Karin here now and we are learning more fighting styles and techniques. I feel so confident we are gonna win. That I'll be able to watch you grow up." I say but tears start leaving my eyes

"But I'm so scared something is gonna go wrong. I want to be there for you I want to see you take your first steps. Say your first words. Train you with your powers. I want to be there. And your Daddy. I want to marry him so bad and raise you with him. He is so confident everything will be okay. But as a demigod your never sure. You never know." I say tears falling onto the bed sheet and Damien puts my finger in his mouth making me laugh quietly sniffling

"I love you more then life itself Damien. No matter what happens I will protect you even if it means....just know how much your Papa loves you baby boy. Your my everything" I whisper kissing his head drifting off to sleep carefully cuddling him

3rd Person POV

Little did Nico know a certain Uchia love of his saw this heart wrenching display from the door way

Sasuke knew Nico was worried about everything. But he had hoped Nico felt more sure they were gonna win

But seeing his lover cuddle his son scared he wouldn't get to see his child grow up hurt him more then anything he thought possible

Sasuke walked to the bed and sat on the edge reaching over to wipe the tear stain cheeks off Nicos face

He saw Damien still awake just enjoying the cuddle time with his Papa and Sasuke felt a tear slide down his own cheek and he kissed his sons forehead

"I'll make sure your there for everything Nico I promise." Sasuke whispers quietly and laid down on the other side of Damien and Damien cooed and grabbed Sasukes finger now holding both his parents fingers

Sasuke smiled down at his son and reached over taking Nico phone from his pocket and opened it and took a picture of Damien holding their fingers. Nico still sleep silently

Sasuke put the phone on the nightstand and cuddled his son and lover

His Sharingan activated as he took in this moment so he would never forget

"I love you both more then anything and I will always protect you"


(Before any of you get mad at me for breaking up Calypso and Leo hear me out.

I planned this from the beginning. I tried leaving hints through out the book. His closeness to Naruto and Itachi. I tried hinting on how stiff his relationship with Calypso was with certain scenes. Don't attack me)

Anyways I hope you enjoyed. I know left it on a emotional hanger but we can't forget the possible outcome.

Do you think Karin will be able to help?

Do you think Nico will get the Ridori down in time?

What other powers will Damien surface?

Found out in the next chapter of!

The Darkness In Our Eyes

(6093 Words)

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