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Barry's POV
I wake up in a cold sweat from the recurring nightmare I keep having where Oliver shoots Caitlin with an arrow in the chest (Referring to the nightmare from Ch.9)

I look over and see Caitlin's still asleep then look at the clock and see it's 2:00 in the morning. I get up out of bed and go to the bay window and stare out at the moon and stars.

"Why does that dream feel so real, like its actually happening." Then I think about this for a second then a horrible thought comes to mind, "or maybe it's going to happen, what if this nightmare I keep having is a glimpse into the future."

This freaks me out, but before I can think on it more I here Caitlin behind me in a tired but concerned voice  say"what are you doing out of bed honey, are you okay."

I turn around and give her the best smile I can muster "Just another nightmare sweetheart. Go back to bed, I'll be there in a minute."

She moves closer to me and looks at me with a disbelieving look that tells me she isn't buying it. "Barry, I know when your lying. I was both your best friend and your doctor long before I was your girlfriend. So tell me, what's actually wrong?" She says this with her famous you better tell me or else face.

I look into her eyes knowing that I won't be able to talk myself out of this one.

"I've been having these nightmares. For a while I thought they were just that, nightmares. But they feel so real and they've been happening more frequently lately."

She looks at me with concern, "What are these dreams about?" I look at her debating wether or not this is a good idea when all of a sudden a flash of red lighting comes barreling in and grabs me before I have a chance to defend myself.

Next thing I know I'm in the middle of know where in the middle of the street under some street lamps. I look across from me and I can't believe it, it's Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash.

"Hey there Barry, I've heard you've come over to the dark side. Also got a costume change. I guess Savitar got what he wanted, he turned you into him."

"I am nothing like him, I never hurt the innocent and I haven't killed anyone..." Eobard cuts me off "Yet." I look at him confused, "Yet? What do you mean."

" What I mean is you haven't killed anybody yet. It's only a matter of time Barry, I don't care what you say or what you do. The road your on only leads down one path. Once you kill for the first time you'll never want to stop. Turning you in the same villains and monsters you used to fight."

"I would never do that." Eobard walks closer to me, "Yes you will, I don't care how hard you try. You will. Hell Barry, did you ever think you would come this far into the darkness. This goes to show that anybody is capable of anything. All that needs to happen is for the right circumstances to happen and it will."

"Besides, I'll make you wether you like it or not." I look at him with anger and confusion, "what do you mean 'you'll make me' Thawne."

He smirks and give a slight chuckle. "It'll all make sense in time Flash, or should I say Speed Demon." He says as he speeds off leaving me wondering and hoping that this isn't as bad as my instincts are telling me it is.

Hey everyone, it's been a long time. Sorry I haven't posted in so long but I've been going through a lot of personal issues in my life. It's left me feeling emotionally, mentally, and creatively drained. But I've been working hard to try and get better and I'm happy to be back bringing this story that love to you all once again. Thank you all for sticking with me this long and I appreciate. Still working on something's but I'm hoping I can keep this up and keep publishing. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all in the next one.

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