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Caitlin POV
I wake up next to a sleeping Barry. I'm so happy we're together and don't have to hide our feelings anymore. I smile at him then get up to start getting ready for the day. Me and Barry plan on going to find a house right on the edge of the city so we're not spotted by people. We did change our minds on getting a apartment because it would be near to many people.

As I'm finishing getting ready I see Barry stir awake. "Morning Barr, how'd you sleep." "Pretty good, what would you like to steal today." Barry said. "First I want to get our selfs a house and then we could go and rob a Jewelry store." "That sounds great, I would love to get you something nice." Barry said with a smile on his face. "Okay, why don't you get up, get ready and then we can leave?" He gets up, super speeds into some clothes and we leave.

After a few hours of looking and threatening that the price better go down we got a nice house out side of the city for $300,000.

With Barry's super speed we got settled in quickly and decided it was time for some fun. We got into our suits and raced over to the Jewelry store. I'm about to blast the doors down when both me and Barry here someone yell to us.

We turn around and it's Cisco in his Vibe uniform and Wally in his Kid Flash uniform. "What the hell, how are you alive Savitar and Caitlin, why are you working with him?" Cisco says. "I wouldn't be so sure that it's Savitar in the suit." As I say this Barry opens the suit and steps out. "Hey Cisco, how ya been?" Barry said "Why are you wearing Savitars suit and robbing a Jewelry store?" Cisco said. "I'm not Savitar or The Flash, the name is Speed Demon and both me and Caitlin are tired of being Heros and helping people when nobody appreciates us, besides being a criminal is so much more fun. Now get out of here, both of you before you get hurt." Barry said "We can't do that, you guys are coming with us." Cisco said.

"That's not gonna happen." Barry said as he gets back in his suit and runs in a circle to generate speed and throws a lightning bolt directly at Wally. As Barry's fighting Wally I blast Cisco which makes him tumble to the ground. It doesn't take long for both me and Barry to knock the both out and use the metahuman handcuffs on them. After we deal with them we blast open the doors to the Jewelry store and Barry let's me take what I think looks best. After we're done we race back to the house and spend the rest of the night on the couch watching movies, cuddling with each other.

Cisco POV
Both me and Wally wake up handcuffed. We use the key we have to get out of them. We look around and realize Barry and Caitlin are gone and the Jewelry store has been robbed. "Wally go back to star labs and tell the team what happened, I need to go and do something." Wally runs back and I create a breach and jump through.

Earth 1
I look around and breached right inside the star labs cortex. I see Earth 1 team flash looking at me in fighting position. "Hey hold up, I'm Cisco but from another Earth." This seems to calm them down. "What do you want?" E1 Barry says. "I need your help, on my earth, my Barry and Caitlin turned into criminals. I can explain everything, just please come with me and help us." E1 Barry looks around at his team then says he'll help. I open a breach and we all jump through.

(Hey guys, I know surprising right, this story doesn't actually take place on Earth 1. Let's see how Barry and Caitlin deal with this. Hope you all have a great thanksgiving. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya in the next one.)

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