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Barry's POV
Everything is blurry, I start to open my eyes and the first thing I see warms my heart. It's Cait holding my hand, looking down at me with a worried look on her face.

"Hey beautiful" I look up at her with a smile. I see she's been crying which breaks my heart, knowing that me being like this has made her cry. "Hey" Caitlin says strained, probably from all the crying. She gives my a huge hug. Her hugs could make the most depressed person in the world happy again which for me was the case.

"Don't you dare scare me like that again, you hear me." Caitlin says sternly. I smile and nod at her. "Are you okay, what happened out there?" Caitlin asks me. "My brain turned into a war zone of emotions and thoughts. When Kara started talking to me and telling me how she felt, it hurt more then I would like to say. Then when they brought out E1 Iris it really through my brain into chaos. I started having flashbacks of when our Earth Iris died, me going into my depression, and there were a billion thoughts going on in my head. Finally after all that my brain just gave out and I passed out."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that again, that sounds horrible." Caitlin says. I look down, just feeling really drained and tired from the whole ordeal. Caitlin picks my head up with her hand and smiles at me, then she kisses me which is something I desperately needed.

When we pull apart it finally hits me that we're in the med bay of star labs. I start to panic and look for my suit. Caitlin sees this and I swear she can read my mind. "Hey it's okay, they helped us when you passed out and I put your suit in the time vault. I told Gideon not to open the door to anybody but me and you."

This calmed me down and I smiled and and also laughed a little. "What are you laughing about?" Caitlin questioned me. "You always have everything covered and I know I can depend on you. It's just sometimes I think you can read my mind with how well you know me.

"I can't read your mind, I can read those green eyes of yours that tell me more then anything you could ever say." Caitlin says. I smile and look at the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. It's just a matter of when I feel it's the right time. "I am hopelessly in love with you Caitlin Snow, now and forever." We have a long passionate kiss that I would be perfectly fine staying in for all of eternity if I could.

"What are we going to do about the hero's because you know they aren't going to let us out of here easily?" I say because honestly I'm still wiped from my panic attack. "Well first we get your energy back up and then either they let us leave or we leave through force." Caitlin says which makes me feel a little better.

"Okay, but whatever we do please just stay by my side, I'm still pretty shook up from the whole experience." I say in a weak voice. She grabs a hold of me and looks at me right in my eyes. "I'm right by your side, I'm not leaving you. I know how hard it must have been reliving that whole experience again. You always keep me safe and make me feel better when I'm down, now it's my turn." Caitlin says with and strong and loving voice.

Hearing her say this makes me break down and start crying in her arms, just wanting to listen to her heartbeat. "It's okay, just let it out, I'll keep you safe. I love you and I'll always be here for you to laugh with, cry with, or whatever you need just like you've always been for me." Caitlin says and I start to stop crying. "Thank you, I don't know what I would do if you weren't here." "You'll never have to find out" Caitlin says.

I here knocking at on the door frame and I turn my head to see Kara standing in the door frame. "Hey, I just wanted to see how you were doing." Kara says. I look at her timidly. "I'm fine" I say looking down. "Whatever you may think I'm still your friend Barry, I never stopped." Kara says. Hearing her say my name angers me a little. "Don't call me that, there's only one person that can call me that and she's sitting right next to me."

This seems to surprise her, then I see her get a little angry. "But we're super friends, we fought side by side, doesn't that mean anything to you anymore?" Kara says. "I'm not the person you knew, this is me now." "You were there for me when I was hurting from when mon el left, you saved me from that musical dream. We sang together. I don't believe that person that I knew is gone. Remember in the song you said, if you need me I'll be there in a flash." Kara says agirvated.

This hits me hard. "Kara could you please just leave me alone right now, I'm tired and I need my rest right now?" Kara sighs then walks away. Caitlin can see the internal battle I'm having with myself and says we'll figure this out and just holds me in her arms hugging me as if she were to let go I would disappear forever.

(Hey guys hope you enjoyed. Also leave in the comments any ideas on what I should do with Kara. I want Barry and Kara to still have some sort of relationship but I'm stuck on how to do it without it conflicting with the story. Also by relationship I don't mean intimate since this is a Snowbarry story.  I'm just really stumped. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Hope you have a merry Christmas and as always I'll see ya in the next one.)

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