Chapter 3: Menma's Moment Of Realization - The Big Question

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A/N - FINALLY AN UPDATE! 😂 This was supposed to be out on the first but I kept changing up everything and making things so difficult in this chapter till I was finally satisfied!

Another thing is, my pc urgently needed to be fixed so I literally had to erase EVERYTHING from my pc and start over fresh on everything cause I was trying to make some more MMD for you all, which I was able to do, but will save it for next chapter.

I lost ALL my models, ALL my motions, and ALL my stages when I factory restarted my pc. It had to be done though cause my MMD stuff stopped working and was irritating me which is why I stopped making it, but now it's fixed and I'm going to have to start over on Nia's model which will be bad and too skinny cause those model based on there are literally one size lol. If someone knows how to make a Naruto OC model, hit me up cause I need you 😭

Anyway enough of that! Here's the chap! Please comment and vote and enjoy ❤️❤️❤️


Chapter 3: Menma's Moment Of Realization - The Big Question

"My heart just can't take this much heartache anymore... I'm tired of being rejected by you over and over, time and time again..."
"I really want to be held. I want to experience the type of bond that goes beyond just friendship..."
"My dream was to be with you, but... you just don't feel the same way and I can't force you to love me, so... I have to move on.
"This new guy is very nice to me. He thinks I'm beautiful and even wishes to be my boyfriend. I'm going to leave straight away in the morning to meet up with him and tell him I'd like to try things out with him.

Tick... tock... Tick... tock... Tick... tock... Tick... tock...

Menma laid on his bed with his arms crossed behind his head. His eyes stared straight at the ceiling as they seemed to have lost their luster. For the past few hours, all he could think about was the conversation he had with Nia. Specifically, everything she had to say about this Akihiko guy.

Outside of his room, his father was in the middle of speaking to a certain byakugan user late at night.

"Sorry Hinata, but Menma has a lot on his mind right now," Minato apologized to the Hyuga standing at his front door. "I apologize for having to tell you this."

"Oh no, it's fine," The girl forced a smile. "If you don't mind me asking: Do you know what it is that's bothering him?"

"Hm... well, apparently he's upset over Nia possibly leaving to meet up with a guy she met not too long ago in the morning. The two were supposed to be on a date... but... it was cancelled from my understanding."

"Wait! Menma and Nia were on a date?!"

Minato nodded.

When he did, Hinata gritted her teeth and clenched her fist, but quickly calmed herself as she didn't want to leave a bad impression on her crush's father.

"T-Thank you for sharing that with me, Mr. Namikaze," She told him before turning around and walking down the steps. "You have a great night now. Tell your wife and Menma I said hi."

"Yes, thank you and I will. You make sure you return home safely. Goodnight," The man then closed the door.

Biting the nail of her thumb and folding an arm over her stomach, Hinata's deep rooted hatred for the Umino girl seared to an unimaginable height.

That bitch! I told her not to mess with my Menma any longer! Why can't she ever just understand that he could NEVER like her?! That he would never choose her over me?!

She would then halt momentarily, her balled fists shaking with fury.

Dammit, Menma! Why has it always been like this?! Why do you continue to be kind to her?! Why do you allow her to be close to you?! It doesn't make sense! I'm everything a guy would want in a woman! I'm the hottest girl in this village by a long shot! How is it that you don't even so much as bat an eye at me yet you flash a smile at someone as revolting as Nia?! Even since childhood, you've always defended her! You've always shown acceptance toward her while the rest of us tried to do what's best and get rid of her!


"All right," Iruka held onto a little girl's hand as she stood in the front of a classroom. "It's your turn to speak. Introduce yourself to everyone."

Nodding, the child then did as told.

"Hello, my name is Nia Umino. I am eight-years-old and I am excited to be here!"

"Pfft, why did she have to be in this class," Some of the children muttered amongst themselves.

"Yeah, I don't wanna look at her face all day."

"Neither do I."

"Me too."

Hearing this, the girl lowered her eyes.

"Now Nia, why don't you tell the class what you hope to achieve while in the academy." Iruka encourage her to speak.

Nia did so effortlessly.

"Um... well I guess I hope to learn a bit of ninjutsu. Anything would be great to be honest."

"Yeah, like getting you a new face!" A kid blurted out, causing many of the students to laugh with them.

"Hey! That's not very nice!" Iruka scolded the children. "Nia is just fine the way she is so quit with the jokes right now!"

Sensing something off, but not quite understanding the situation, the little girl looked up at her cousin.

"Iruka... am... I different? Is that why the other kids are being mean to me?"

"Don't be silly, Nia," The man tried to comfort her. "Kids... can be just a little mean sometimes. There's nothing wrong with you, all right? Now why don't you go ahead and tell everyone what your dream for the future is?"

"Oh right," The girl grinned widely and immediately made eye contact with the boy she had a crush on. "My dream... is to marry Menma Uzumaki!"

Briefly, the class was dead silent as they glanced over at the blonde then back at her. Suddenly... everyone erupted into laughter.

"PFFFT, WHAT?!" A kid laid his face on the table as he struggled to breathe.

"What kinda dream is that?!" Hinata had tears in her eyes from her laughing then stood out of her chair and pointed at the bewildered Nia. "You and Menma?! Is that some kind of joke?!"

"Of course not... I'm gonna marry him when we grow up..."

"BUT YOU'RE UGLY!" Someone insulted her from the back of the room. "No one is going to marry you with that nasty face of yours! What makes you think you have a chance with Menma?!"

"W-What do you mean? I... wanna be a mommy to our future babies!"

"And Santa Claus is real! Get out of here!" Another taunted her as the class continued to laugh.

"Damn it, you kids caught this behavior out right now! Don't make me tell you all again!" Iruka was infuriated. "We do not treat fellow classmates so shamefully!"

"Fiiine, we're sorry," The students didn't sound sincere at all.

Thinking everything was in the clear, the chunin sighed a huge breath of relief.

"All right then... now all that's left is to assign you a group for what we'll be doing next... Nia, I'll let you choose a group."

"She better not come over here," A kid once more started things. "If she touches you, you're sure to catch the ugly."

"I still don't get why she's in here," Another girl whined. "She looks like a sewer monster... Are you sure she's supposed to be outside her cage?"

Hearing this, most of the class again abrupt in laughter only this time, they did their best to conceal their laughter behind their hands.

"Iruka-sensei, whatever you do, just make sure that thing doesn't get nowhere near Menma," Hinata once more made what seemed like a demand.

"Yeah, can I sit by Menma now?" Sakura, who didn't sit too far from her asked kindly.

Hinata snapped her head in her direction.

"What?! No! I don't care if your parents saved this village! Menma is mine and mine alone!"

"Huh? But I like Menma!"

Suddenly, after having heard enough of the class's constant verbal abuse against the little girl that was Nia, Menma stood out of his seat rather calmly and made an announcement.

"Hi Nia, you can be in my group if you want to. I was wondering why it was taking forever for you to start school. Come up here, 'kay?" He spoke directly to her, making everyone crash out of their seats.


"Of course they do," Iruka sweatdropped. "She's been in this village her whole life, but you kids were unwilling to let her play with you. Menma's one of the few kids who wouldn't give her a hard time and you know what that means class? A friendship was born out of one's kindness to a fellow human being in need of that."

Annoyed, most of them either rolled their eyes or let what the teacher say to them go out the other ear. To them, Nia wasn't worth any time in the world before she could even mutter a single word.

"MENMAAAA!" The eight-year-old ran toward her crush and wrapped her arms around his neck, rubbing her cheek against his before planting her lips on his, not only embarrassing the boy but erupting the wrath of Iruka and that of some of the girl's in the class who liked him. "My mommy and daddy said I can come here! Now we can be together even in school and I don't have to miss you! I don't have to learn from home anymore either!"

Gritting her teeth as she watched their interaction in jealousy, Hinata made it her personal goal to set the young girl straight... by any means necessary.


Hinata stomped forward. Ever since that day, she's always hated the girl. She had to watch as Nia had kissed her crush right in front of the class and though Menma did scold her for that, it still made the Hyuga's blood boil.

Something drastic needed to be done. No more was she going to let that girl get a leg up on her. It was time for things to change, and she knew just the way to make that happen.

Meanwhile.... Back in his room, Menma was having a call back of his own. One that he hadn't thought of in what seemed like forever: his biggest promise to Nia.


"This time you got a black eye..." A five-year-old Menma looked over his shoulder as he carried an equally as young wounded Nia on his back. "You're lucky I happened to have been passing by, otherwise those other kids would've messed you up good, ya know?"

"M-Mhm..." The girl sniffled as tears ran down her cheek while she trembled.

"Nia, you don't need to cry. Those bullies got what they deserved!"

"Y-Yes, but..." She looked down to view the bruising and cuts on the boy's body as he continued to limp forward. "You got hurt c-cause of... of-"

"It's alright!" The blonde mustered a large smile as a small amount of blood slid from the corner of his mouth and down his chin. "My dream is to be the hero of this village—The Hokage! The Hokage protects everyone, right? So... if I wanna be Hokage, protecting people is a duty then! Especially all the bullied kids, ya know!"

Not losing his smile, the boy would go on to add: "The most important thing to me though... is protecting my friends!"

"Does that mean you'll still be my friend even though I'm bullied all the time? I thought I made new friends, but... you saw what happened... t-they turned on me, said they never liked me and that they were pretending to be my friend, then beat me up."

"Yeah, we can still be friends. And you don't need to worry anymore, cause from here on it, I'll protect you! Anyone who picks on you will have to answer to me! I'm your bullying spray, ya know!"

Hearing this got the girl to giggle though she ended up wincing as a result.

"No really, from now on, I'll even walk you home from the academy! That's when the other kids try to hurt you and during recess too, right?"

"That's okay... I don't want you to get booboos again..."

"Huh? But I totally saved you! Mommy and Daddy have already began secretly teaching me how to be an awesome ninja! That's why I was able to make the other kids get a taste of their own medicine back there, ya know!"

"You're already a ninja?!" Nia gasped and gripped his shoulders a bit tighter. "Menma, that's amazing! It's no wonder you keep making the other kids run away or lose a fight!"

"Yep, I'm always protecting you from them, so... that does make me some kind of hero right?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's it! And... that would mean... I'm your princess!"

"Huuuh?" Menma raised an eyebrow as he made his way down a path with no one around. His shadow stretched out on the ground behind him. "My princess?"

"Yeah!" Nia grinned. "Like in the books and movies! The hero always protects his princess! If you're protecting me... that means you're my hero and I'm your princess!"

"Wow, I get to be a hero?!"

"Well, you get to be my hero! I think that means you can be Hokage faster now!"

The five-year-old boy could barely hold in his excitement.

"Yay! Yay! I'm gonna be Hokage! I'm gonna be Hokage real soon, ya know!"

"Does this mean when you become Hokage, I can be your wife?" Nia peered over his shoulder.

"My wife?" Menma seemed a bit confused. "Do you mean how my mommy and daddy are? Like how they're married and do a lot of kissy kissy stuff?"

"Yeah, Yeah! Let's get married when we're bigger! You can be Hokage and I can be your wife and we can have a lotta babies!"

"All right, you can be my wife... I'll marry you, Nia," The blonde told her. "That way I can keep watch of you and beat up all the bad guys who try to hurt you, ya know?"

"What?! Really?! You will?!" The girl's eyes sparkled as she then wrapped her arms over his neck and hugged him, resting her head on his back. "You'll be my hero and my husband and we can have babies when we're older?"


"Do you promise?"

"I promise I'll make you my wife when we're older."

"Like you pinky promise, promise?" Nia stretched her pinky as the blonde continued carrying her.

"I can't touch your pinky right now cause I'm carrying you, but ya... I pinky promise. You have my word, ya know?" Menma grinned as this made the girl blush.


"Damn..." He was no longer able to keep his feelings bottled up, sat up from his bed, opened his window, put his foot on the ledge of it before jumping out of it and heading straight to Nia's house.

Where she was at, the kunoichi had trouble getting herself to fall asleep. Like Menma, her head was in a endless cycle of replaying multiple memories of them together, mixed in with thoughts of everything she was told by the wounded man she mended not too long ago: Akihiko.

"You said your name was Nia, yes? I am indebted to you. You saved my life. Thank you.
"Hm? I don't see what anyone is talking about. They're blind if they can't see your beauty. To me... you're a beautiful woman indeed. In fact, I'd like to ask for your hand in marriage."
"When I look at you, my heart is just filled with the most warm feelings I've ever experienced. Talking with you puts me at ease."
"I am a prince just simply looking for my princess... and I think I've found her: Will you marry me, Miss Nia?"

However, she didn't want to think of it any longer. All she wanted to do was see Akihiko and hopefully start a romance with him that she could never hope to have had with her previous crush. He was the key in getting her to move on. He was the key in possibly getting her to become a wife and mother in the near future — the key to making those dreams into a reality.

Because her mind was so indulged in her never ending thoughts, she didn't notice as her window was raised open and Menma was squatting on the ledge with his left arm resting on his knee and his right arm still up, clenching the end of the window.

"Nia," The blonde called to her in a whisper as his unexpected visitation made her jolt and nearly scream if it weren't for him throwing a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.

With that, he climbed over and got on his knees across from her on her bed.

"Listen... I know it's very late right now, but... I can't get our conversation out of my mind," He confessed, moving his hand to stroke her cheek in them. "I can't stop thinking about how you've always told me that settling down with someone was your ultimate wish — your ultimate dream since we were little."

"Yes... it is. What about it?" The girl was able to calm down yet was blushing over the fact Menma had made his way to her room late in the morning.

"Nia, you can't go off to be with another guy. He's literally just some random guy you met — what if his intentions with you are wrong? What if he's just-"

"Menma..." She sighed. "I need to take this risk. I'm tired of having had looked at the outside from in for so freaking long. I'm tired of seeing everyone obtain the person they love while I'm over here getting rejected day in and day out. Seriously, you have no idea..."

"I know, I know and I'm sorry, but you really need to think things through a bit more. You've gotten lonely cause of me... cause you kept this hope that one day you and I can be together and I just kept pushing you away. This whole thing with this Akihiko guy... I feel... you're just rushing things, ya know? You shouldn't have such high expectations for a potential marriage with someone you barely know..."

"I'm not rushing... but no matter what, with each person I desire to be with, I'm always gonna hope that they'll be my future husband. I can't help but want a family of my own, Menma... The desire won't go away no matter how bleak everything seems to be going for me."

"Nia..." Menma took her hand in his and squeezed it. "I know you don't truly wanna carry through with this. There's no way that this guy can make you happy — He can't be your everything. He has nothing on everything you and I been through. He doesn't know you like I do, he doesn't know what you desire most like I do, he doesn't know how to make you laugh while you're crying like I do... he can't comfort, protect, or make you feel overwhelming love like I can, ya know?"

Hearing this, Nia's heart ached.

"I know that, but... I just can't stop myself, Menma... I can't take it," She muttered. "I don't know what it is, but everyday I just long to be in someone's arms. Everyday I long to be told how much I'm needed and loved. All the time I'm thinking about what it would be like to just raise my own children with someone I love. It's such a strong desire that it literally overwhelms me. I've been like this since I was a kid and I don't know why that is..."

"Maybe it's cause the other kids treated you so harshly when we were younger? How they laughed at you when you said you wanted to marry when you're older or how they would constantly pick on you cause of your looks. Maybe... deep down... that sorta treatment triggered something in you that made you extremely anxious about settling down?"

With that, he moved his free hand to her cheek again, brushing his thumb gently against her lips.

"Maybe, but... the point is... I really would like a boyfriend now. I want to be held, Menma. That's an absolute nee-"

Suddenly, there was a soft thump as Nia found her face pressed against the young man's chest. Instantaneously, steam blew out of her ridiculously reddened face.

"M-Menma..." She then awkwardly placed her hands on his chest and lightly tried to push away from him as her heart throbbed. "W-What're you doing? L-Let go of me..."

"Nia... you've... always been there for me, even when I wasn't deserving of having you stay by my side," The blonde only wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tighter to him. "You never hesitate to listen to anything bothering me or listening to anything that makes me feel joy. Even on my worst days, you never stopped loving me. Even when I made you believe I disliked reading your letter when in actually, I did enjoy doing so, you still wrote your heart out in every single piece of paper then gave it to me consistently. Your love never wavered."

Nia trembled slightly, immensely in awe of what was happening so abruptly.

"When you show me your affection, I always act like I don't appreciate it, but the truth is that, it feels me up with a strong, warm feeling. Though it really was embarrassing when you'd declare your love for everyone to hear since we were kids, I'd be lying if I said it never made my heart throb."

"Why... are you telling me this? Is this a lie?"

Menma closed his eyes and shook his head although Nia wasn't able to see this.

"Menma," She wanted an answer.

"No... I'm serious," He told her.

"So then... answer my first question: Why are you telling me these things? You don't like me."

"You're right... I don't like you — not even one bit."

Hearing this, Nia gritted her teeth and wanted away from the blonde.

"What?! Then get out of my room, Menma," She pointed at her window. "I'm done... You just sealed the deal: I'm gonna do my best to get Akihiko to marry m-"


"No! I've had it!" The girl suddenly became emotional, taking the ninja by surprise. "I WANT LOVE, MENMA!"

Here, it was very uncommon for her to lose her temper over this topic so easily. She was able to keep her cool most of the time. This time was different however because... years upon years of having been put on the shelf by the one person she loved had finally gotten under her skin.

"Listen..." She lowered her voice and attempted to calm down, bowing her head as her eyelids drooped a bit. "I don't mean to yell at you like that, but... you just don't understand... I know what I want out of life and you do too. I told you before: it doesn't seem our wants and desires line up with one another. You wanna chase after your dream while I just wanna settle down and achieve my goals at the same time. Lately, I've just been having this intense ache in my heart... this intense yearning that I just can't take anymore."

"..." The blonde didn't say anything.

"For so long... I've wanted to receive affection from someone; I've wanted to be held and told that I'm loved. It's not enough having friends or family care for me or tell me they love me. I want the strongest love this world has to offer: the one between two people who are in love. The love that results in the creation of a child. We're not kids anymore, Menma. We're still young, but I don't care! I want to settle down! I understand you're not ready for that so that's why I'm dropping my feelings for you for someone who is ready to share a life with me..."

Menma lowered his eyes.

Nia continued speaking in a soft manner.

"I don't ever say stuff like this cause I don't like tense situations. I don't like talking about this cause it makes everything uncomfortable and it's just not like me to be feeling so blue. I've kept my pain about this from you cause all I cared about was staying positive and almost like I was happy and lighthearted at all times."

For a moment, there was a brief pause as some wind brushed against the curtains and gently pushed it forward.

"All the time... all I think about... is being in someone's arms. Sure, people may say somebody shouldn't depend on a lover for their happiness and while that is true, it's also true that I shouldn't feel bad for simply wanting a husband and children as I age. Most people do not want to die alone. Most people don't want to walk home into an empty apartment or home with no one to welcome them back. This has always been a desire of mine since I was a child and as I get older, I can't help but to worry over the thought of not being able to have someone to love who loves me back and children of my own born out of love who'll I get to watch grow up and mature..."

Again, the blonde had no reply. He only seemed to look a bit upset.

"This is something I've always wanted to avoid talking about cause I just don't want someone to pity me. I'm at a very severe disadvantage already because I'm not physically beautiful to what seems like everyone. I was clearly born different and unnatural from the average person, but that's okay cause if and when I do find someone, I'll know they love me for me and not cause I'm hot like all the pretty girls have to constantly fret over. I'll find that one person who thinks I'm beautiful inside and out and show that I am worth loving. I know I'm not garbage and I know my worth... I don't let anyone talk down on me and I won't allow myself to do and believe what everyone else says I should do and believe even if that means I get the whole world to hate my guts in the process of that."

"I see..." The guy finally croaked. "This is how you've been feeling...?"

"Yes..." Nia nodded. "When Akihiko and I met, I was flattered over his admiration for me. I could see it in his eyes that he found me pretty and that he truly wanted to know more about me. I was overwhelmed at the thought of finding someone who would like to court me. Though he did move a bit too fast over the next few days, I didn't mind too much since he seemed rather pleasant and adoring to be around. However, I ended up telling him that I was already in love and that I had to reject his advances and return to the Leaf."

Again... silence... then Menma rested a hand on the girl's cheek.

"If I were to make you my girlfriend right now... would you stay with me?" He gazed into Nia's eyes as her heart skipped a beat over having had heard him say that.

However, years of having had him swat away her feelings, made her ultimately close her eyes and shake her head.

"I... can't," She croaked, her stomach felt like it had twisted into knots and her heart shattered.

Menma suddenly felt the weight of the world crash down on him as he took a sharp deep breath in.

"W-Wait," He seemed panicked. "What're you talking about? You've... always wanted to be with me, right? I'm saying I'm ready to be your boyfriend. I'll hold you in my arms, Nia!"

Nia only sadly turned her head, unable to look the ninja in the eye.

"I can't... risk being your girlfriend at such a crucial moment in my life. I know you, Menma.  I know you're very protective and... I feel you're only offering this cause you don't want to lose my love to another guy, but the thing is... you don't have feelings for me. You wanna keep me at your side for some reason without having to return my feelings. Within the span of a a few days to a month or just whenever you feel like I won't leave you, you'll dump me."

"No, that's not true!" Menma argued. "I would never do that... Nia, it's just... I promised to protect you! I promised to be your hero when when we were young and when you still were the ultimate target for bullies to pick on. Everything I said to you that day... I meant it from the bottom of my heart, ya know!"

"Not everything... you lied to me about making me your princess — your wife when we got older. When I showed you affection, you rejected me for the most part. Sure, you stood up for me until I was able to do so myself and we were able to build a strong friendship over the years, but... my love was unrequited..."

"I love you..." The blonde unexpectedly blurted, causing the girl to finally make eye contact with him.

"I love you..." He then repeated, watching as Nia's cheeks slowly became reddened.

Immediately, she shook this off.

"Yes, I know..." She forced a grin on her face. "As a friend, right?"

"Nia," He gazed intensely in her eyes. "I did make that promise to you and I did swear I wasn't going to break my word to you. Yet, you're right... as we did age, I did end up pushing that fact away and pretended as though what happened had no meaning. However, that moment clearly meant everything to you and you've kept that in your heart for so long, endlessly clinging onto that hope even when I was unwilling to come face to face with what I told you, ya know."

Now observing the look in his blue orbs, everything seemed to slow down for the girl till it literally felt like time stopped for her.

"I've already told you that I lied when I said I stopped reading your letters. The truth is... for a long time, I've been unable to come to terms with the way I feel towards you. I was focused on so many other things that I ended up pushing you away and locking what I felt towards you away also. I knew I had feelings... that's why I wouldn't do too much when you'd kiss me or try to give random hugs. It got annoying how touchy you were, but it wasn't very often I would stop you from doing so. That's why once we were teens, that suppressed tension, would lead up to that night I gave in to what was going on between us and end up trying to... well, you know... have sex."

All of a sudden, feelings of absolute joy mixed in with extreme anxiety overwhelmed Nia. It was like the butterflies roaming in her stomach finally bursted out of it and danced all around her room.

Though she was usually a rather confident and bold girl, the blonde's confession was enough to make her tremble.

"Hearing you talk about this other guy, infuriated me. The thought of someone else touching you, holding you, being your protector, and trying to start a family with you tore me to shreds! For the last few hours, I haven't been able to get that picture out of my head! Everything about it makes me wanna hurl or something! I feel like just going over to this guy's village and knocking him out so bad, he won't hope to ever see you again!"

"Menma..." Nia's blush intensified.

"I'm serious..." He told her, squeezing both her hands. "That's why... I just can't take this anymore. I need you by my side, Nia! I do have feelings for you! I'm sorry I bottled them away and hurting you along the way! I'm sorry I made you feel pain just now! I meant what I said to you when we were younger! I did intend on making you my princess and marrying you. Right now... I may not have a ring... and we may not be in an ideal setting but... my feelings are as strong as they ever were before... I've made my decision!"

Not being able to say anything as she was tongue tied, she did gasp and jolted a bit when he stroked her cheek before he cupped them and passionately told her.

"I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you! We're really young, but I do mean this from the bottom of my heart: Nia Umino... Will... you marry me?"


A/N - Oooo, we're getting closer to the death of our oc. However, first, next chapter I'm going to write the backstory of when Menma, Nia, and everyone else was children in this AU so we can have more of a feel of what's been going on in this timeline thing.

Chapter 20 of my sequel well hopefully be out soon. Like this chapter, I keep making changes to it which results in it taking longer to update but hopefully it'll be out soon so please be patient, thank you 😁

Anyway, thanks for reading! Please comment and vote and have a great day ❤️


1. Fave Part?

2. What moment would you like to know from their time as children in this AU?

3. Menma x Nia or Naruto x Nia? Which one you like the idea of better? (For God's sake don't say both 😅)

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