Chapter 5: Menma and Nia Almost "Do It"

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A/N - Hey guyssss! So DANG! I'm seeing from my chapters that I haven't updated this book since 2019!!! That's FOUR YEARS AGO! Over the years, people have been BEGGING me to update this story but I just never got around to it till today. I've had some parts of this chapter written for years and never came back to it till today to continue it. Now I CANT promise that I'll update this consistently but I'll try to update it when I can.

Also... NEWS NEWS NEWS! There is a NEW NARUNIA AU FANFIC STORY OUT! It's a bittersweet, tragic romance story.

It's name? Dear Beloved: Letters Across Multiverse

Here is the cover and summary:

In a tragic alternate timeline where Nia Umino is left by herself following the death of her boyfriend, Naruto Uzumaki, in his final showdown against Sasuke Uchiha, Nia is in shambles and miserable over her loss. One day, her guardian mark responds to her heartache and a celestial being comes forth, telling her that though her universe's Naruto's life was cut short, there would be a chance for her to regain him back. The only challenge? The new Naruto will be from another parallel universe in which he and Nia never met, yet alone, that Nia exists in.

The celestial being informs Nia that though it's possible to reunite with Naruto of the other universe, she must win his heart... without ever physically interacting with him. Nia, in a last ditch effort, comes up with an idea to write him letters, from the time of his birth, all the way to when he was fated to die in her universe. The time-traveling letters to Naruto end up scattered across various moments in his past. Naruto must piece together the fragments of their love story and face a dilemma: embrace the love Nia shares with him, knowing that it defies the laws of time... or let her go to ensure the stability of his timeline.

Read as their bond culminates in a heart-wrenching decision that will shape both their destinies.


Yep! That's the whole summary. It sounds heartbreaking to me but what's even more heartbreaking isn't the fact that the FIRST chapter is already out, but that it's named: THE DEATH OF NARUTO 💔

If you're interested in reading, it's on my profile on here. Please be sure to leave some comments and vote on there. Please lmk what you think of it!

Anyway, idk if ANY of you will still read this story but here y'all go! This chapter continues from Menma and Nia when they were teenagers prior to when the story starts.

Please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 5: Menma and Nia Almost "Do It"

After the confrontation at the academy, Nia couldn't shake the pain of knowing that Menma had distanced himself from her. His words had cut deep, and her heart ached at the thought that their special moments had come to an end.

Determined to make amends and declare her feelings once more, Nia decided to visit Menma at his home. She had always been the extroverted and cheerful one, the opposite of Menma's, and she believed that her vibrant spirit could bridge the gap between them.

With a confident knock on his door, she waited anxiously until Menma opened it. His expression was stoic, and he silently gestured for her to come inside. Nia stepped into his room, which was surprisingly tidy compared to her expectations.

"Menma, I... I wanted to talk to you," Nia began, her voice trembling with a mix of nervousness and determination.

He leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, waiting for her to continue.

"I'm really sorry about what happened at the academy. I didn't mean for things to escalate like that," Nia admitted, her eyes filled with sincerity.

Menma remained silent, his gaze locked onto her as if analyzing every word she spoke.

"I know I messed up, and I know you said we should stop kissing and everything, but... I can't help how I feel about you, Menma. I've loved you for such a long time, and my heart just won't stop loving you."

Still, he said nothing, his expression unwavering.

Nia's eyes began to well up with tears, but she refused to let them fall. "You mean the world to me, Menma. I don't care if you don't want to be with me like that right now, but I wanted you to know that my feelings for you are real, and they won't change no matter what. You're the most amazing person I've ever met, and I'll always cherish our memories together."

Menma finally spoke, his voice calm and collected. "Nia, I appreciate your honesty, and I understand your feelings. But right now, I need to focus on my training and my goals. I can't be distracted by romance or anything like that. I hope you can understand."

Nia nodded, tears now streaming down her cheeks. "I do understand, Menma. I just wanted you to know how I feel. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

"You and Hinata fighting over me has gotten ridiculous. I'm just fed up with the whole thing, ya know."

"I know... but Menma, we haven't spoken in a while and it's been killing me."

Menma tilted his head.

"It's been such a long while and I feel as though you hate me. All I've ever wanted was to win you over. I didn't mean to act a mess," Nia sobbed.

Menma sighed heavily and walked over to her, wrapping his arm around the girl's waist, pulling her close. Nia blushed as her face pressed against his chest.

As Nia's tears stained Menma's shirt, he let out a soft sigh, his expression softening just a fraction. He gently stroked her hair, his fingers tracing comforting patterns on her back.

"Nia, I don't hate you," he finally admitted, his voice a gentle whisper. "I could never hate you. You've been a good friend, and I appreciate your honesty about your feelings."

Nia looked up at him, her eyes still shimmering with tears, but now there was a glimmer of hope in them.

"Menma, I understand if you want to focus on your training and goals," she said, her voice sincere. "But I can't deny my own feelings. I still want to be close to you, to share those special moments we used to have."

Menma continued to hold her close, his hand now gently cupping her cheek. "Nia, I won't promise you anything right now, but maybe we can find a balance. We can still be friends, and we can cherish the moments we have. Just... no more kissing, okay? I need to keep my focus."

Nia nodded, her heart racing with a mix of emotions. She was relieved that Menma hadn't pushed her away entirely, and she was determined to respect his boundaries.

"But Menma," she added, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "can we at least hug? I promise it won't distract you too much."

Menma chuckled softly, his stoic demeanor melting away a bit more. "Hugging is okay, Nia. Just remember, we need to be responsible about our feelings."

Nia beamed with happiness, and without hesitation, she wrapped her arms tightly around Menma, embracing him as if she never wanted to let go. In that moment, as they held each other, Nia knew that their bond was strong, even if it had to evolve into something different for the time being.

As Nia and Menma embraced in a tight hug, something shifted between them. Their eyes locked, and for a moment, it felt as though their hearts were in perfect sync. It was a connection they couldn't explain, a magnetic pull drawing them closer together.

Slowly, Menma's stoic demeanor began to crumble as he gazed into the depths of Nia's affectionate eyes. He could see the genuine love and longing she held for him, and it stirred something within him. It was a feeling he had been trying to suppress, but now it seemed impossible to resist.

In a move that took both of them by surprise, Menma leaned in, closing the gap between their lips. Their kiss was soft and tender, a mingling of emotions and desires that had been pent up for far too long. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken feelings and the undeniable connection they shared.

Their lips parted, but their closeness remained. Nia's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. Menma's heart raced as he looked at her, his emotions laid bare for the first time.

But then, their passion threatened to carry them further, as hands began to wander, and the intensity of their embrace deepened. Nia's fingers brushed Menma's cheek, and his touch sent shivers down her spine.

As Nia and Menma continued to kiss, their embrace tightened, and the world around them seemed to fade away. It was as if they were caught in a timeless moment, where nothing else mattered except the warmth of each other's lips and the electricity that pulsed between them.

Their kisses grew more passionate, a reflection of the emotions they had held back for so long. Menma's hands moved from Nia's waist to her face, holding her gently but with a newfound intensity. His thumb brushed against her cheek, wiping away the remnants of tears.

Nia's heart raced as she deepened the kiss, her fingers threading through Menma's hair. Their bodies pressed closer together, and the room seemed to heat up with their shared desire. It was a delicate dance of lips and tongues, a silent declaration of their unspoken love.

In that moment, they were no longer just friends trying to find a balance between their feelings and Menma's goals. They were two souls who had found solace in each other's arms, a connection that transcended words. The world outside ceased to exist as they surrendered to the passion that had been simmering beneath the surface.

The two stumbled onto Menma's bed, their hands exploring one another. Menma didn't understand why he was acting in such a way with Nia, but it was too much for him to resist.

Minutes passed, or maybe it was hours, before they reluctantly pulled away, their breaths ragged and their hearts pounding. They gazed at each other, their eyes filled with a mixture of longing and uncertainty.

Menma, pulled at Nia's shirt, wanting to take it off. However, in the midst of their heated moment, Nia suddenly pulled away, her breathing heavy and her eyes filled with uncertainty.

"Menma," she panted, her voice trembling, "we can't... we can't do this. Not now. It's not right."

"Why? Why not?"

"I... I just-"

Menma blinked, his own desire momentarily clouded by a sense of clarity brought by her words. He nodded slowly, though it was clear that ending their intimate moment was not without its own internal struggle.

"You're right, Nia," he said, his voice husky. "I shouldn't have let it go that far. I'm sorry."

Nia smiled gently, her affection for him still shining in her eyes. "It's okay, Menma. We just got carried away. But we have to respect your focus on training and our responsibilities."

Menma sighed, his gaze still locked with hers.

Nia's heart swelled with warmth. "You... really are..."

Menma eyed her.

"Menma, you really are something special," Nia said, her voice soft and filled with genuine admiration. "I admire your dedication to your goals and your ability to stay focused even when faced with... distractions."

Menma appeared embarrassed and coughed in his hand. "You're... very distracting for sure.

They settled back in Menma's bed, sitting close but no longer succumbing to their desires. It was a comfortable silence that enveloped them, a silent agreement to cherish the bond they had and the moments they could share without compromising their responsibilities.

Nia leaned her head against Menma's shoulder, feeling his warmth and presence beside her. "Menma, I just want you to know that I'll always be here for you. Whether it's as a friend or something more in the future, I'm not going anywhere."

Menma smiled, a genuine and tender expression that was rare for him.

They sat together, enjoying the closeness they had regained, and as time passed, it became clear that their bond had only grown stronger. Their hearts were still entwined, even if their actions had been momentarily driven by desire. The love between them was real, and it was something they would continue to nurture, even as they faced the challenges of their respective paths.

In that moment, in Menma's tidy room, they found a balance between their feelings and their responsibilities, and they knew that no matter where life would lead them, their connection would endure.


A/N - That's the end of this chapter! Remember to check out my new NaruNia AU fanfic - Dear Beloved: Letters Across Multiverse

Please remember to leave some comments and vote and have a great rest of your day ❤️


1. Fave Part?

2. Have you checked out the new NaruNia fanfic? If so, what you think of it?

3. What you think of Menma and Nia almost doing the deed?

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