Chapter 2

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That night I was walking, heading to the Fro Yo place where Lydia told me to meet her. 

Sometimes things would happen at night. My coven of witches were known for their vampire hunting, back in the day. My coven still hunts vampires, though my grandfather saved one that is forever in debt to my bloodline now... The vampire will forever be in debt, if I die, the vampire has to protect the next in my grandfather's bloodline. If the vampire dies, the debt is repayed. My life is definitely not the average teenage boy life.

As I walked through the night, I felt the cold breeze of the midnight air. It was very brisk tonight, the full moon at its highest and myself walking within the light casting upon the ground. The streets looked very different at night, the stores closed and abandoned for the night, the streetlights hardly making a difference, and even the weirdest sound made anyone run in fright. I knew vampires and witches were real, so my mind would wonder a ton.

Suddenly a rustle came from an alley near main street, my heart now beating faster. I had to investigate, my curiosity usually got me in trouble but also helped in some cases.

"Get off of me!"A female voice screamed out into the night, her voice bringing chills up my spine. The voice seemed familiar though...

"Get off of me you freak!" The voice said again, she was truly in trouble by her tone and her blood curdling scream she let out afterwords.

I ran into the alley, I looked around, hoping to find the source of the voice.

"Help! Please help me!" The voice cried from the shadows, I couldn't see at all.I turned on my flashlight I had in my pocket and shined in the direction of the voice.

A person dressed in black was all I saw. I then saw some legs under him, kicking around wildly. I remembered those boots from somewhere... Those brown boots that Lydia wore with her suede coat of her's... wait...

"Lydia! Don't worry, I am going to help you." I said and I pulled the guy off her. This guy had blood red eyes, his eyes extremely dilated, his mouth covered with extremely dark red blood, and his fangs still dripping from his latest bite. 

"That's it, vamp, you totally crossed the line." and I kicked him in the head. He reacted and started to try to attack me. I kicked him into the brick wall of the alley. He then got up and started to try to tussle with me. I whispered a spell and the vampire let out a desperate cry. I kicked it to the wall again and he then fled, like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.

I then got Lydia up from the ground, she had two bleeding marks on her neck. She just got bit by a vampire, but this was no ordinary vampire. The blood on the marks were extremely red, almost black, and the vampire was really strange to me as well, he was too pale, his eyes were darker than any real vampire I have seen. I needed to help Lydia right now.

"Are you okay? Say something Lydia." I said and she tried to calm herself from what just happened. She then looked at me and tried to figure out what happened. Her eyes told me everything. Lydia was shocked and was trying to wrap her head around what has happened. 

"What the hell just happened?" She finally asked, bluntly, and I didn't really know what to say... I looked at her. She needed to really know but... I wasn't sure what to truly say.

Maybe hmm... oh yeah, you just got attacked by a vampire, no big deal!

No. Too sarcastic... 

Lydia, those supernatural beings you talk about are actually real.

No... too much to take in. 

I honestly had no idea what to really tell her, but I knew I couldn't lie. Not to her.

"Let's go get you some help. I have a friend that can help." Was all I said as I took Lydia's hand and guided her. I needed help. Lydia needed help.

We walked on the sidewalk that I knew way too well. Lydia, right beside me, was still shaken up from that experience. "Don't worry,once we get help, you won't need to worry any longer." 

"Quinn, I understand... but... what was that?" She looked at me like a child who would ask those innocent little questions. When she did this, I couldn't help but melt a little.

"Lydia, the truth is... you were just bitten by a vampire." She walked silently for awhile, processing.

"Ok, Quinn...I can't believe vampires are real. I just got attacked by one... I thought vampires were suave and cunning like Damon Salvatore." Lydia said as she walked beside me, who is surprisingly taking this information in without freaking.

"Not every vampire you meet is going to be like Damon Salvatore. That is a show, not real life." I said and she smiled a little but it quickly faded.

If she thinks vampires are the only things that is real, I wonder how she would react if she knew I was part of a witch coven, I was a witch, like Bonnie Bennett. Her reaction would probably be very...interesting.

We stopped on the steps of an old church, this place has not actually been used for any religious services in many years. It was in as worse shape as The Munster's house. Lydia looked at me as if I had lost my mind going up the stairs.

"Why are we going into a church? We might get in trouble coming in here!" Lydia whisper yelled and I shushed her for a moment as I knocked on the door.

"Who's there? Isn't it a little late out there tonight?" A British voice said behind the big oak door.

"It's me, Quinn. I need help." I said and the door opened. The door revealed a really handsome man, his blond hair in a hair cut like Monte from the movie, The Linguini Incident. After I got into David Bowie music, because of Lydia and Jackie, I started to find movies he was in and watched that movie first. It was a good Rom Com... surprisingly. Comparing Aaron to Monte was only the start to truly describe him. His complexion was perfect, his jawline was chiseled and strong, and his dark blue eyes were like royal jewels.   

"Well, well, Quinn, long time no see. You may come in..." The man said,then he looked at Lydia. "Who is this?" He questioned me and I coughed a little and then began to speak.

"Aaron, this is Lydia. Lydia, this is Aaron." I introduced and Lydia just looked at Aaron.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Lydia. But why is this girl here?"

"Lydia was bitten by a vampire that is unknown to me. She needs help. Please let us in." I pleaded and Aaron's eyes softened and let us in.

He led us into the room, the stain glass lit up with candle light. Cobwebs everywhere, sheets draped in certain places, and the pews were covered in dust. The church gave me that feeling that I had when playing any horror video game, but had a feel like a castle. It was beautiful at night. This place also reminded me of the catacombs in Phantom Of The Opera. The eerie beautiful nature of this place was lit by the pale moonlight and the many candles that were lit by my vampire guardians. 

"Alice! We have company, my dear!" Aaron yelled, his voice echoing throughout the church. Suddenly a figure in the distance comes closer and is right next to Aaron. "I didn't expect company at all, my dear." The figure said with a British accent that was reminding me of every moment of The Originals, a vampire TV show that Lydia loved and I watched when I would come over to her house. The light revealed a very beautiful woman, Alice, right next to Aaron. She was pristine and immaculate. Her hourglass figure was perfect, she had raven black hair that was pinned up at the moment, but would normally flow down her back. Her lips were crimson, her skin like a porcelain doll and her eye make up just made her the more mysterious and beautiful. 

"Well, well, Quinn. What brings you here? You hardly ever come by. "Alice said and she then started laughing a little, revealing fangs. Lydia then held tight to me as she looked at Alice with pure fright. Normally, Lydia would think this was amazing, but after she got attacked by one... she might think twice from now on while watching her vampire TV shows.

"Don't worry, they won't bite. Alice and Aaron won't hurt you, they owe me." I whispered to Lydia which made her a little bit calmer.She had that nervous side of her still making her question why she was even here. I could feel her shaking.

"Quinn is right, my dear, I won't hurt you. I am going to help you with your problem. Must be something to do with a vampire. Come on." Alice motioned us to front of the church. Alice was walking down the aisle with Aaron, hand in hand. We followed the vampire couple, Lydia holding on to me and not letting go.

When we came to a area that seemed like lab area, Lydia was amazed. She loved science so much. She wanted to either become a science teacher or a writer in the science magazines, either would be fantastic.

"Okay, Darling, please get bandages. I will take care of everything else." Alice said to Aaron and he kissed her on the cheek and went to do his task. Alice then looked at the bite on Lydia, she dipped a swab onto the holes and placed the swab into a slide. She rubbed it on the slide and took a look with a microscope that was pretty old.

"Why did you just do that?" Lydia asked quietly.

"Well, if my senses of sight and smell seem to giving me a weird vibe, I look at it chemically." Alice said as she looked at her slide. She seemed to be shocked afterwords, then turned back to Lydia and I.

She looked at the bites again and gasped. There was a bruise like mark forming on Lydia's neck that made a design. "This can't be happening... It can't be!" Alice screamed and Aaron ran in with a kit in his hand. "Alice! What's wrong?" Aaron breathed out.

"Lydia, you have a mark of The Impureions..."

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