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Hello folks! It's chapter #4 and I'll tell you this time this is a total P.O.V. based chapter. Anyways ENJOY ;-)

Tails' P.O.V:

Everything was black. I couldn't see. But I could hear. I could hear something I used to hear about five years from now. I heard all of them in my head. I didn't wanted to hear them but I couldn't help myself. Who were they?Why do they talk to me?What is this place? Then bright light showed in front of me. I putted my hand on my eyes and then removed it as I saw something I didn't and really wanna see. I was in my own head?! For years I've been waiting for it. My question was again arisen in my head. Who am I?
I was on a green hill. The sky was black with a million and millions of stars. I glared at the sight for a long time. Then I heard a voice from behind."Enjoying the sight?"he asked."Yeah"I replied and turned around to see another me. But he was different than me. His eyes were empty grey and he had dark circles around them. He was powerful than me. He was smarter than me. He was more strategic than me. He was better than me. He called himself Clades. He was my other side. But the only reason I don't let him take control is, he was darker than me.
"Do you know why you are here?"he asked me. I nodded no.
"You are here because I'm out there"he replied."What?!?" I was shocked. All these years I tried to keep him in but now he was out there."Yes Tails"he said confidently."But how?"I asked losing my patience."That chip Eggman putted in your goggles helped me out, but don't you worry I'm like about just 42% out. But when I get that chip off me I'll be 100% out. Now it's your time to bear this pessimism!"he replied. I couldn't let him take control. I couldn't believe anything. But I have to do something quick before he makes his move."I won't let you!"I said furiously."Tails......Tails......Tails.....sometimes I don't understand you.....this is what you fact this is what we both wanted. I wanna be free and you want answers don't you?"he said in a brotherly way.
I didn't replied. He was a part of me. He knew everything. He was right. I was thinking deeply then he smirked and disappeared."What?!wait!"I said. But it was now late.

Sonic's P.O.V:

Were following Sticks for about half an hour from now. I was extremely worried. What have I done. My brother has turned into an uncontrollable devil. I don't believe I let this happen to him. Four years ago, when we met, I promised him that I'll never let anyone hurt him. And today the only way to save him from getting hurt is fighting him. I don't know how I am gonna do this. But the only hope running through me was my father's last speech. He wanted me to be a hero and I won't fail him nor Tails. Then, I was snapped out of my daydream."Sonic..... you okay?"Amy asked me."Yeah"I replied her."You are thinking about Tails aren't you?"she asked."Of course!"I said."Sonic....don't worry everything will be back to normal.....we will save him"she tried to bring me to confidence."Yeah....Yeah we will"I said that and we continued walking. We were in the mid of the jungle and the only thing I didn't liked was Eggman was with us. We had to bring him because he kinda blackmailed us that if we did something on our own, Tails could even die. And I so won't let him die. Not until I'm alive. Don't worry bro I'm coming for ya!

Tails' P.O.V:

I was totally shocked. I don't know what to do now. Clades told me that I'm here to get answers. But who is gonna answer? Thousands of questions were running through my head. Then suddenly I felt a slight pat on my shoulder. I turned around to see a young man. He was a human. He worn a white lab coat and casual clothes inside. I remembered him.
He was Dr. Brendan Paradox. He was a time traveller, a dimension traveller, a kinda mind traveller since he can get into anyone's mind but most of all he was my teacher. "What are you doing here Miles?"he asked me."Doctor.....I.....I'm...."I stuttered."It's OK Miles I know why are you's not your fault right?"he said smiling at me. I looked down. I felt lost. Like I lost everything. Dr. Paradox was able to read minds and I knew it. I tried not to think something stupid but I couldn't control."Miles Prower! I know sometimes my memory gets mixed up but I remember that never once in my life I had told you to GIVE UP!"he said to me. "So what am I supposed to do? He is way stronger than me!"I asked him."Do what I always said!"he said to me. I looked up in his eyes then he started again:" both are one person.....he isn't stronger than both are equal......remember when you asked me about yourself and I said that your answer will come to is the time for it Miles! decide who you are! GO AND FIGHT HIM!"he said and disappeared with the word 'him'.
I was filled with hope again. I'm not gonna lose. I'd been the winner whole my life and I'll be the winner this time too. I know were he's gone. Wait for me Clades I'm coming!
I soon reached a temple or a building that looked like a temple. He was there at the center of the building."What are you doing here?"Clades asked me."I'm here to end this!"I said and he smirked. He brought his right hand up and charged that white energy again. He shot at me but I get out of the way. The energy ball destroyed the back wall. He shot multiple energy balls at me but I dodged one after another but I was not so lucky. One of them hit me and I felt unconscious."Huh! Pathetic!"he said and everything went black again. To be continued......

Now that's chapter #4. I hope you all enjoyed. And the name Clades, I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a better word. It is a Latin word meaning pain,disaster and sufferings. Anyways see you in the next. BYE;-)

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