The Beginning

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Hi! This is my second story. Might be low on updates. This takes place in Boom Universe. The title says the rest so, ENJOY ;-)

It was a normal day at Bygone Island. The Sun was shining bright and the birds were chirping slowly.
In a town were all our heroes, Sonic the hedgehog, Miles 'Tails' Prower, Amy Rose, Knuckles the echidna and Sticks the badger lived. They were all having lunch at the Meh Burger. Everything was normal but who knew what's coming next?
"Anyone has an idea what are we doing next?"said Sonic."Maybe.... We could go watch a movie or something"said Amy. "I don't know... I have to do some adjustments to my plane"added Tails."But're plane is already okay...isn't it?"asked Amy."Yeah bud you're fixing it all the time...sometimes I don't understand what's wrong with it?"said Sonic in concern."(*sigh*)....I don't know"said Tails."You should take some rest Tails....before the government agents start to control your mind!"said Sticks."Obviously...."thought Tails.
While their discussion, an explosion was heard from behind."Ho ho ho ho ho....Sonic prepare to be defeated by my new upgraded ROBOTS!!"said Dr.Eggman with an evil grin."Seriously Egghead....they all seem old to me"said Sonic while the team took their battling positions."You'll see..."said Eggman in a low tone."ROBOTS ATTACK!"said Eggman.
As the robots seemed to follow his orders Team Sonic destroyed all the robots one after another until Eggman pushed a button on his egg mobile and a giant robot came out of nowhere.Eggman pushed some more buttons on his egg mobile and the robot released smoke everywhere."(*cough*)can't (*cough*)see..."said Sonic. Suddenly, the robot seemed to be coming towards Sonic while he couldn't see it coming. Fortunately Tails' eye caught the sight of the robot quickly stretching his hand towards Sonic. He wasn't so far neither had much time to think, he just simply pushed his best friend out of the way."Sonic!!..WATCH OUT!!"said Tails while pushing Sonic out of the robot's grip. But he wasn't just so lucky. The robot grabbed him instead of Sonic."TAILS!!"screamed Sonic while getting on his feet.
Soon the smoke disappeared. Tails was struggling to get out of the robot's grip but he couldn't. Sonic rushed towards the giant robot but as he reached near the robot and tried to do a spin dash attack he was sent back by a force shield about exactly where from he started."What the what???"said Sonic in confusion."Ho ho ho ho ho....try with all your might can't even touch him"said Eggman while gaining his attention.
On the other hand, as hard Tails struggled to get free as hard the robot tightened his grip on him leaving him in pain."Ahhhhhh!!!"screamed Tails.
Sonic froze to the ground at the moment as a miserable memory hit him.
(*about 7 years from now*)
(*Sonic and Tails didn't met yet*)
The sky was red. There was a town burning in fire. People were screaming and running here and there. A giant red and yellow robot(*the same above the flashback*) came out of the smoke caused by the fire."Ho ho ho ho ho....scream scream you all afraid of me"said Eggman coldly."You're not getting away with this"said a young Sonic."And who is gonna stop me?!"asked Eggman. "ME!"said Sonic and rushed towards him. Eggman ordered his robots and a dozen of missiles came towards Sonic. He dodged all of them but unfortunately, missed one. The missile hit Sonic in his left leg leaving him in an awful pain."Owww!"screamed the young hedgehog in pain." Time to end this hedgehog"said Eggman while pushing a button on his egg mobile. The giant robot stretched his hand to grab the injured hedgehog but another blue hedgehog was seen there."You have to pass through me to get him!"said the other hedgehog."DAD NO!!"said the young Sonic."As you wish"said Eggman and grabbed Sonic's father instead."SONIC...RUN!!"screamed Sonic's father."No!...I'm not going anywhere leaving you!!"declined the young hedgehog."Son....I know you're a brave kid....but I can't stay with you forever... You have to save a lot of people now....Go"said Sonic's father while suffering all the pain caused by the grip of the robot. Sonic couldn't manage to say anything at the moment. He knew that if he left now he would never see his father again. " emotional....but now its time to finish it!"said Eggman while wiping a tear of his eye and then furiously pressed a button on his egg mobile and the robot stretched his one arm high in the sky while holding Sonic's father and the other to be transformed into a gun pointing at Sonic's father."NOOO!!!!!"screamed Sonic."GET OUT OF HERE!"screamed Sonic's father while the robot fired at him.Sonic couldn't do anything but run. He ran to a mountain not near nor far from the burning town. He felt on his knees. He just lost his father. He was alone now. A tear ran down his eyes."Dad.....I'm sorry....I'm so so sorry"said the young hedgehog. He just had tears constantly running from his
eyes at the moment.
End of Flashback:

Sonic froze to the ground at the moment. Sonic soon came out of the memory remembering that he has to save his friend."How could I forgot this robot?"was the only thing he was thinking.
"TAILS!"he screamed after coming out of his daydream.
To be continued.....

That was chapter one. Hope you all enjoyed. See ya in the next. BYE;-)

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