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It didn't take long for her to grow tired of his embrace. The bond was gripping her heart in a vice, its roots writhing around like they needed all the nutrients her soul could provide. She wanted to reach into her chest and rid herself of the unpleasant sensation.

"Let go of me," she said through gritted teeth. "Please."

His arms relaxed a bit at her request and she took the opportunity to push away from him, breathing in deep. Her gaze veered to the darkness that surrounded them.

"This is the void." Not a question, simply a matter of fact. She stretched out her arm, watching as her hand disappeared into the thick mist.


She pulled her hand back, flipping it over, checking that it was unchanged. Kaiser's soft chuckle caused her to stiffen. Her gaze shifted to his face, lips pulling down into a pout.

"You controlled me somehow. Was it the bond?"

He held her gaze. The weight of his stare made her shift a step back. "Yes, but it is only possible cause your mind is open to me."

She nodded, not happy. "So not teaching me how to build that barrier was intentional."


"But you promised—"

He began speaking before she finished her thought. "And I will keep my word. This was only a temporary measure until you had more control of your emotions."

She stared at him, unable to mask her doubts and suspicions. He might be telling the truth, but he might not be. A tiny growl of frustration rumbled in her chest. She turned away from him, hugging herself tight, fingers digging into her arms. It's true that if he hadn't appeared and stopped her—her Uncle would be dead. And everything they did the past two weeks would be pointless.

Still, knowing someone had that much power over her body and mind made her stomach churn. It was invasive. No one should have that kind of power. 

"Don't ever do that again." There was only silence in response to her comment. Lenore spun around with a sneer planted on her face. "I mean it, Kaiser. Never. Again."

He conceded, holding up both his hands. Even had the audacity to give her a sheepish grin in return. "You have my word. If there's a problem, I'll find another way to....subdue you."

They held each other's gaze in silence—the darkness shifting around them. Lenore blinked, turning her face away. "I'll try to reign in my temper."

"I won't ask for the impossible," he muttered.

She stiffened at his retort but held her tongue, mostly out of spite. There was a faint rumble in the darkness then the ground shifted under their feet. Lenore staggered forward a few steps; strong hands gripping her arms to keep her upright.

"What's happening?"

"The paths are crumbling."

"Isn't that bad?" she asked, heart thumping hard against her chest.

"Mm. Only if we happen to be on one that's crumbling."

She lifted her face, eyes wide. "And are we?"

The rumble got louder, ground quaking underfoot. Kaiser tilted his head, hands still holding Lenore up. "We might be."


The ground shifted again and she grabbed onto his arms, digging her fingers in. His face was a calm mask of complete indifference to the situation they were in. It might have eased her anxiety if it were anyone else. This was madness. She couldn't believe that Emilio even suggested that she try to navigate through a place like this.

"Let's go back, Kaiser."

"I've got a better idea," he said, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Come on!"

He grabbed her hand and started to run. Lenore's heart was going to explode out of her chest. The sound of the rumbling and crashing echoing around them. She tightened her grip on Kaiser's hand. Somehow he was navigating through the darkness, the path under their feet twisted and turned but never ended. She was too scared to look back and see if it was crumbling behind them.

"Do you know.... where.... you're going?"

"Of course!" he shouted over the rumbling.

How did he know? She wanted to ask. The ground rolled up and she lost her footing. A tiny squeak escaped her mouth as she stumbled into the mist and off the path. It was like someone  tossed her into freezing water, shocking her system. The darkness swirled and swayed, clogging up her nose and mouth. She tried to take a breath but that only made it worse.

The hand holding hers tightened painfully and yanked her back. She fell against a hard chest, gasping and flailing like her life depended on it.

"I've got you." The deep voice settled over her, breaking the spell of the panic.

Lenore gulped down the air. "Get me out of here."

"Wasn't expecting you to have such a hard time. Perhaps you're directionally challenged." He spoke as if more to himself than her, but it did not please her to hear the criticism. Before she could open her mouth to snap that he was the crazy one for thinking she was the problem here—he grabbed her hand and began to lead them once more, his pace calmer.

The rumbling no longer sounded near them. Somehow he had led them to a safe path, through the darkness, as though it were the most natural thing in the world. 

"Here we are!" he proclaimed, reaching out with his hand into the darkness in front of them and peeling it back. It folded under his touch, pulling back like a curtain to reveal a world beyond.

Lenore blinked at the rush of light, turning her face, eyes watering. She only hesitated a moment before stepping out of the void and into the world. The ground beneath her feet was soft, and uneven. There was grass and large boulders, bushes hedging them. A gust of powerful wind hit her, sending a chill all the way to her bones.

What was this place? The smell of salt was heavy in the air. There was a rushing sound, followed by a crash. The ground beneath her feet vibrated a bit. She found herself anxious after her experience in the void. But nothing happened. The sound came again, steady as the beat of a heart. It ebbed and flowed.

Lenore began walking towards the sound, curiosity demanding an answer. Then she saw the sky and ground—unable to tell the difference between them for a moment. They were both the same murky gray, stretching farther than her eyes could track.

"It's the ocean."

"Ocean?" Lenore turned back to the massive, turbulent body of water. The waves crashed against the rocky cliff face and broke against the shore below them. There was a violence to it, almost as if it was angry. She saw pictures in books and watched scenes in old movies, but it was far more awe inspiring in person. This wasn't a sight she ever expected to see because leaving the cities wasn't something done unless by train; civilain trains only linked cities. 

The outside world was dangerous; cursed fiends ran rampant and most the land was ravanged by drought and pollution. Their cities were erected to maintain the population. Average citizens believed that their predecessors were reason for current predicaments, and maybe they were. Either way, this was a wonderous sight, one that Lenore intended to horde. 

A bubble of laughter burst from her chest, and she walked closer to the edge of the cliff. The sun was hanging low near the horizon, breaking thought the murky cloud cover, glistening across the dark water in brilliant pinks, reds, and orange. Wind whipped through her hair, covering her skin with ocean mist.

Lenore glanced back over her shoulder with a wide smile, unable to contain her excitement. "This is amazing!" She threw her arms out as another gust of powerful wind broke against the cliff face.

Kaiser's eyes widened, lips parting for a moment as if something struck him dumb. Gathering his composure once more, he cleared his throat, turning his focus to the world beyond Lenore. He approached her side with steady, even steps.

"It's almost pretty enough to make me forget everything that's happened."

"Mm. I thought you might like it." 

She tilted her head, thoughtful. "Is that why you brought me here?"

He shrugged. "That house is suffocating."

Somehow Lenore got the distinct feeling he was trying to say something else with those words. A tiny smile pulled at the corners of her mouth. He was trying to do something nice for her, which was suspicious. But she didn't want to dwell in that place at the moment. What she wanted was to accept the goodwill he was showing.

She closed her eyes and breathed deep. "The world is much bigger than I ever imagined it could be."

"It is."

Only the crashing of waves was heard for a moment. Her thoughts churning like the waters. "There are a lot of fucked up people out there, who get to do whatever they want without any consequences."


"But—" She opened her eyes, giving him a sidelong glance that he returned. "It's also a place where you can see such beautiful things."

He smiled, one that reached up to his eyes, which were glimmering in the setting light of the sun. "Yes. There are a lot of beautiful things in this rotten world. Things worth saving and protecting."

"That's why you're doing all this, isn't it?"

His smile slipped a bit. "No. My motivations aren't something noble like that." 

"Is it for that woman, then? The one I saw in your memories." Lenore wanted to understand him better. To see even a glimmer of something that might drive away the doubts that constantly hung between them.

A heavy silence fell over them and she knew that this was not a place he was ever going to allow her to enter. He sighed then said, "We should probably head back."

She shook her head, closing her eyes, enjoying the way the wind numbed her skin and the sound of the violent, churning waters. "Let's stay a bit longer. Promise I won't talk anymore.

"Okay. A bit longer."

# # #

They stayed until the sun had disappeared and the glow of the night sky shimmered on the dark water. Until Lenore was satisfied. Until her teeth began to chatter and her dress was damp from the ocean mist. Honestly, she was certain she could have stayed there until she froze solid and forgot that anything or anyone else in the world existed.

The return through the Void was not any easier, but at least this time Kaiser carried her on his back. Her legs had gone numb, making walking impossible. It was a bit embarrassing but she was grateful for his body heat, clinging to him more than was necessary.

He took them directly into the master bathroom, setting her on her feet. She watched as he walked to the large tub and began to run a bath.

"Take off that dress."

"Excuse me?" Her cheeks bloomed with color.

"It's wet and you're shivering. Unless you want to get sick, take it off."

She blinked, pulling and twisting the fabric of the sleeves. Did he expect her to get undressed in front of him?

"Do you need help?" He took a step towards her. That answered that question.

She held up her hand. "No! I-I-I can do it myself."

He turned away from her, but she caught the slight upturn of his lips as though he were trying to suppress his amusement. She nibbled on her lips as she took several steps towards the tub, peeking around his wide back. Lenore noted that the top of the water was beginning to cover itself in a layer of bubbles. Kaiser leaned forward and tested the temperature with his fingers.

Was he going to get in with her? A heaviness settled in her stomach and her heart began to beat hard. She didn't think their relationship was like that—but the bond stirred whenever he was near. It made her crave his touch. Or maybe that was something she already wanted and it only made it worse. Lenore wouldn't deny that the bastard was the most handsome man she'd ever laid eyes on.

He cast a look over his shoulder, and she turned away, face burning. "I don't need you for this part. I can do it myself."

"I know you can."


"Are you afraid I'm going to do something to you?"

She looked to him, but his gaze was focused on the water. "No. But—"

"Then let me stay."

Despite herself, she wasn't ready to separate from him yet. With a tiny sigh of frustration, Lenore gave into her unwanted desire. "Fine. But you better not peek at me, or else."

He chuckled, turning off the water. "I promise not to look unless you say I can."

As if to prove his words true, he kept his back to her, walking over to the sink counter. She watched him for a minute, until she was satisfied before stripping out of her clothes and getting into the bath.

The water in the tub was warm, it stole the chill from her bones. She released a sigh of contentment. "It's safe."

She turned her head toward him as he spun around. Their gazes clashed across the room but he didn't look anywhere beyond her face. After a moment he dropped his face and began to roll up the sleeves of his shirt. Her eyes trekked the muscles as they jumped and flexed with his movements, affirming that he was strong regardless of his cursed magic.

He glanced at her from under his lashes. Lenore resisted the urge to look away, even as her face burned with the fact he caught her staring. It wasn't right that he should be so breathtaking. Monsters should look like monsters. He pushed away from the counter and sauntered toward the tub.

"H-h-hey! What do you think you're doing?" she dropped down deeper, hugging her chest. The bubbles floating atop the water suddenly seemed sparse.

He knelt down on the floor, and she couldn't say she didn't like the sight of him on his knees before her. A foreign warmth filled her stomach and spread down toward her toes. Kaiser held her captured in his burning gaze, and the unsaid words that lingered in the space between their bodies.

"May I touch you?" he asked, voice low and smooth.

"You've never asked before."

"That's true, but I—"

"Feel guilty?" Lenore supplied the word for him.

His lips twitched. "Is that so strange?"

"That you feel guilt? Yes." She tilted her head, searching his face. If only there were a way to read his mind—to figure out if this was another one of his manipulations. It was bothersome and exhausting to view every action through suspicion. "It's hard to believe you could feel something so human."

"Well, It's been a while..." he muttered, actually looking embarrassed for a moment before composing himself.

Her heart thumped riotously at the sight. Lenore looked away from him, trying to pull herself together. "If I ask you why you feel guilty you won't tell me, will you?"

There was a long pause and she closed her eyes to the silence and the resounding answer to her question. It made her heart ache. She wanted to trust Kaiser. He was her savior, after all. But it seemed that fate was against them.

"Shouldn't you at least apologize, then?"

He chuckled, but it sounded painful. She turned to him, and he bowed his head. "I'm sorry."

Her fingers twitched with the urge to touch him. She dug them into her skin, using the pinching pain to settle her thoughts. "Fine, fine. Don't overdo it."

"So magnanimous," Kaiser mumbled.

"Yep. That's me."

He smiled at her sarcastic response, eyes sparkling in the low light. The softened expression on his handsome face sent her heart fluttering. She was certain her skin warmed as his pleasure flowed into her through their bond.

"Are you any good at washing hair?" 

"The best."

"Hm, I'll be the judge of that." Lenore grabbed the shampoo and pointed it toward him.

Kaiser got up from the ground, and prowled to the edge of the tub, getting behind her. He sank down to his knees once more, leaning in and pulling her hair back from her face. His fingers danced across her skin like the flutter of butterfly wings.

"Lean back."

She shivered at the sound of his voice in her ear. Hesitating only for a moment, Lenore leaned back, until only her head was above the water. They made eye contact before she shut her eyes, holding the shampoo up in the air.

He took it from her, making sure their hands touched. Kaiser's fingers massaged her scalp, the gentle kneading helped to release the tension in her shoulders and neck.

A tiny sigh escaped her lips. "You might have a real talent for this."

He laughed, it was a rich and full sound. It brought a smile to her lips. "As I said. I'm the best"

"Mm, more washing less talking." 

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