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 A gentle breeze danced across Lenore's flushed cheeks, helping to focus her disoriented mind. She squinted against the sunlight streaming in between the fluttering curtains.

She was alive.

As if a reflex, she pressed her hand to chest, needing to confirm the truth. There it was – the steady and unrelenting beat of her heart. A fresh stream of emotions flowed through her, relief being the strongest. Lenore had made it back from the edge of death. Her stubbornness and resentment had fulfilled the childish claim she had made in her dying moments.

Lenore had defied the will of Arkaydian. She had survived as promised. Now, whether that was by her own power or lucky happenstance, she couldn't say. And it wasn't the right time to wonder about it. Being alive was nice and all, but that didn't mean that her situation or circumstances were any better. 

It was obvious that the stranger had brought her somewhere safe. Lenore turned her face away from the open window. The room was bland, the only splash of color seemed to be the blue blanket draped over her. There weren't any pictures or trinkets laying around to give any inkling about who lived here. There was only the bed and a small dresser with a mirror attached.

It was almost as if no one had occupied it before her. Or there was the more unsettling possibility – that they had cleared away everything to keep her in the dark. The thought did nothing but make Lenore anxious. She needed to leave. Perhaps returning to her small apartment near the university would be fine as long as she didn't remain there long.

She began to tap her finger against her chest; a nervous habit. Lenore stiffened when she realized that she wasn't bandaged, considering the injuries she received that was strange. Unable to stop herself, Lenore reached for the space that was hollowed out to retrieve the Blessing.

Her fingers met solid flesh.

The wound was healed, though the small patch of skin was tender like a bad sunburn. Confusion and suspicion swirled through her thoughts. From everything that Lenore was taught it should be impossible to heal this fast without the assistance of divine power. But all that remained was a patch of raised skin in the shape of a broken circle.

Lenore traced the narrow line with trembling fingers, clenching her teeth as anger gripped the edges of her consciousness. Dark memories – fresh memories flashed through her mind. The pain she experienced was nothing when compared to the depth of betrayal and grief she faced. She had lost everything – and was raised by the very person responsible. The enemy was so close and she had never known like a complete fool.

Everything about this was twisted and disturbing the more Lenore dwelled on it. Her stomach revolted, the urge to gag clogging up her throat as an acidic flavor coated the back of her tongue. This whole situation was beyond fucked up.

Lenore turned her face toward the window and breathed in deep through her nose, trying to regain some sort of control. It wasn't the time for her to lose it.

"Not yet," she whispered.

Her mind turned to other thoughts – to the more important and solvable matters. The fact that Lenore was healed from her injuries, broken leg included. All that remained was minor aches or pain, which she was certain would be completely forgotten in a few hours. This healing wasn't gifted to her by the grace of any god either. Lenore was certain of that. The longer she thought about it the more certain she became.

The one she was indebted to was her stranger.

He was no ordinary man – far too beautiful and with an aura that rivaled the Apostle's she had met. But it was hard to imagine that haughty man serving under someone. She nibbled on her lip. The only component for her miraculous recovery had to be the stranger's blood. It was disturbing but it was the clearest memory she had before slipping into unconsciousness. It must be the key to her sudden return to good health. 

But be it blood or some other magic, this was not the time to be sitting around. At the moment, Lenore knew the family had no idea she survived but if somehow they learned the truth that would be the end. She needed to get far away from the reach of the Gillard's and Arkaydian. Perhaps, another family would be willing to listen to what she had experienced and pass judgment. But what if they were the same as the Gillard's? Could she trust the sanctity of the chosen families, and their gods?

Frustration swelled in her chest. There were too many doubts swirling in her mind, tangling up any rational plans she might make. Lenore threw the blanket off and stood up from the bed, testing her weight on the previously broken leg. It held her up without trouble, though there was a stiffness in her muscles and a slight ache as she took a few steps forward.

She checked herself in the mirror as she passed. There was dried blood soaked into the left side of her shirt, and crusted on her skin. Dirt and grass stains marked up her pants. Honestly, she looked like a zombie – dark shadows under her eyes, pale skin, and the stain of blood on her lips. The horror hit her all at once as she realized that the blood remnants were from her savoir. Lenore reached up and began to rub at her mouth, holding back the urge to gag. 

This was all incredibly fucked. Everything that Lenore knew to be true was suddenly being called into question. The veil of reality was lifted and what lay beyond was not a beautiful tale of good versus evil.

Perhaps Arkaydian was no god at all but a devil and the family were its puppets drunk on power. Maybe fiends were nothing but creatures of the devil's making. At this point, Lenore felt like a sheep trapped in a den of wolves. No matter where she looked there were beasts on every side waiting to devour her. It would be better if someone wiped them all out.

Lenore took one last look at herself, noting the strange shine in her eyes. Maybe it was a trick of light, but they appeared to glimmer a dull, hazy red for a moment. She shook her head, breathing deep to calm her wary and frayed nerves. All of this was getting to her — she'd have to be a saint for that not to happen, but she needed to find the strength to hold it together. Arkaydian and the Gillard's had it out for her. There was no time for her to freak out like a normal person. 

With her thoughts grounded once more, Lenore opened the door and stepped into the hallway. She took a few steps and waited, then repeated this until she reached the end. There was a small tiled entryway a few feet away – a few pairs of shoes lined up near the door and a coat rack that held a nice suit jacket and a longer trench coat. The trench coat might be helpful in covering up the nightmare of Lenore's appearance. The last thing she needed was to draw attention to herself.

She took a step out into the open, toward the door. Her heart was beating hard at the fact she hadn't seen her savior yet. There was no way in hell she was this lucky. Lenore peered into the small living room and froze. As if she had summoned him into existence with that thought alone, her gaze fixated on the person before her, only twenty feet away.  

He was sitting in a chair, legs hung over one of the arms. A book lay open, covering his face – while his arms rested on his stomach. It appeared that he was sleeping but Lenore got the distinct feeling he was playing possum. He was likely waiting to see what she would – probably curious about it. And if that was the case he definitely had countermeasures in place for handling her.

Lenore was at an extreme disadvantage. Not only did she have no information about where she was, who had brought her here, or why – but her body was still weak from what had happened. The best thing to do now was remain calm and wait, collect information then respond. Even knowing that she couldn't stop her gaze from shifting to the door.

"No need to be so cautious," the man said, voice muffled by the book.

She didn't trust him. Everything in her was screaming that his disinterest was a ploy. He was dangerous. Someone that she should never turn her back to. With a heavy sigh, he reached up and lifted the book, peeking in her direction. Those ruby eyes glittered, catching the stray light that filtered in through the blinds.

Lenore swallowed hard. "Why did you help me?"

"Strange..." She watched as he pulled the book away, snapping it shut. Slowly, and with purpose, her savior repositioned himself in the chair – his gaze never leaving her face. "Wasn't it because you asked me to?"

Like hell that was the reason. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Just so you know, I don't have any money to my name and no one that would pay you."

A dark, rich laugh filled the room. It slithered across Lenore's skin, sending goosebumps rising up her arms. A strange warmth blossomed in her stomach and her heart thumped wildly against her chest. This was the first time in her life that she was so conscious of another person. Every movement stroked her awareness. The flutter of his lashes, brushing his cheeks as he blinked or the way his lips curled slightly at the corners of his mouth like he was suppressing a grin – Lenore somehow noticed all of it, mesmerized like partaking in a piece of art.

"Have a little more imagination, love. Money holds little value for me."

"But you do want something," Lenore said.

His smile broke through then. "I'm more interested in you. I know what I want. But what about you? Tell me what it is that you truly desire."

She blinked at his comment. "What I desire?"

"Yes. Desire. You don't need me to explain what desire is, do you?"

Lenore blushed, a little embarrassed at the way he had purposefully asked that question. He was teasing her, watching her like a bug under a microscope. Everything about this man and this interaction was confusing. Had he truly saved her life, because he wanted to know what she desired?

Lenore recalled their first meeting, and he had asked something similar then. As much as this stirred her curiosity, there were more important things to do. She straightened her body, pulling back her shoulders. If this was her chance then she'd take it.

"I want to leave."

"Expected," he replied, before rising up from the chair. "And you will leave here, I give my word. Now, what else?"

"W-What else?" she stammered. "I don't understand."

"If you want to leave there must be a reason you want to leave. So, tell me what you do after you leave." 

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it..."

"Incredible. What a good liar you are." His smile turned into something hungrier. "Come now, you have nothing to fear from me. I've already given you my word to let you leave. Tell me. Ask for anything, everything. I want to know what you've never dreamed of asking for."

Lenore took several steps back as he stalked across the room towards her. Up close he was even more stunning–more overwhelming. He reached out for her and she flinched away, banging her head against the wall. Heat rushed up her neck to her face, and she was certain he noticed it all with that scrutinizing gaze. Long, elegant fingers grabbed a lock of her hair and lifted it toward his face – brushing his lips against it as he met her stare. 

"What if I could give you the power to get your revenge? Would that loosen your lips?"

Lenore's heart froze at his words. She knew he had some kind of ability, considering how it had made her whole again. But he could give it to her – did it work like a blessing?

"What do you mean?"

He didn't say anything, only turned his gaze from her. Lenore followed his interest, watching as the room appeared to grow darker. She could feel invisible energy spreading over her skin – his power. The power he was offering. It wrapped around her like a warm embrace, conjuring images of starlit nights and dark, moonlit waters. They might be standing together in a house, but it was more like they were standing together on the cusp of oblivion. His presence brought her a strange comfort. It was the same calm she had experienced in the dream world. 

"What are you?" Lenore whispered the question, glancing up at him. Those ruby eyes appeared to shine brighter in the ebbing shadows. He wasn't an apostle, of that she felt certain. She had experienced their powers; tasted the fear of god.

And there was nothing divine about her savior. His power felt more like a natural force. Something that dwelled in the fibers of the universe itself. An answer began to form in her mind but before she could dwell on it the darkness encroached on them. Shadows began to drip down the walls and creep along the floor, forming small blobs of ink. Lenore watched as those blobs began to rise up from the ground and take form – small and delicate, black butterflies began to flutter around them. It was an enchanting sight. 

One flew close and Lenore couldn't resist the urge to touch it. She reached out slowly and was amazed when it landed on her finger. 

"Careful," he whispered, his warm breath was somehow a sweet and alluring scent. "They're carnivorous." 

As the warning left his lips, a sharp stinging sensation had her yelping and shaking the creature off. She lifted her hand to see a drop of blood pooling on her finger where the butterfly was.

Another butterfly fluttered within reach as if attracted to the scent of blood. Lenore attempted to pull her hand back but her savior captured it. She opened her mouth to protest but snapped it shut when their eyes met. There was a wicked hunger in his gaze that stirred up her emotions. She couldn't understand whether it was anticipation or fear that made her heart race.

"I think that's enough of that." He snapped his fingers and the butterflies disappeared, turning to shadowy ash.

Lenore was grateful when he released her hand. She rubbed at her skin, face hot with the memory of his warmth. "Who are you?"

"Ah, how rude of me," he said, taking a step back. Lenore tried not to show her relief at the space between them. "I've got many names and many faces. Some have called me defiler of souls, others the grim reaper. Most recently, I believe it was the crow king but I prefer you call me Kaiser."

Lenore sucked in a breath. She had definitely heard the name Crow King. That was the name of one of the most voracious fiends. A monster that even the Apostle's went out of their way not to get involved with. There were only a few fiends who had reached a power level that they were almost as respected and feared as Saints. Most of the fiends the Apostles dealt with were only mildly sentient creatures but some were born – like Kaiser.

Kaiser watched her with a curious gleam in his eyes. It was clear that he got enjoyment out of her reactions. Lenore must be one of the most unluckiest girls in the world to gain the interest of such a creature. Strangely, she sensed that he had no intention of harming her – whether that was simply a whim of the moment, she was pleased to keep her life a little longer. 

"What now?" she asked.

"I already told you. I'm willing to lend you my power to help you get what you truly desire. Be it revenge or something else..."

Lenore stared at him and he stared back. This whole situation was insane. The fact that a fiend was her savior – her a member of a family tasked with the eradication of everything he was. There was absolutely no reason for him to be willing to help her. Let alone share his power with her. More insane was the voice whispering in her head telling her that she should take his offer.

Hadn't she told him she wanted revenge? Hadn't she thought it would be good if someone destroyed Arkaydian and the Gillard's? But what if she was only exchanging one monster for another?

"You're saying I'd be able to do what you can?" she asked.

He laughed. "More or less."

"What's the cost?"

"Ah, yes. That." Kaiser leaned back on the heels of feet, glancing away as though pondering for a moment. It felt too rehearsed for Lenore but she waited silently. And when he turned back to her it was with a gentle and inviting smile. "Nothing major. A simple trade between the two of us. I share my power with you and in return you promise me three undeniable favors."

Her brows furrowed. He was willing to share his power for so little. It was too good to be true. "What are the favors?"

"I'll reveal them when it's time."

"Then no."

His eyebrows rose. "I'm offering you my help. My power. And you're truly going to deny me?"

It was clearly a shocking experience for him but Lenore was more afraid of what might ask her to do. Sure, in the back of her mind she intended to bring down the Gillard family. She'd be happy to see them dead – maybe even at her own hands. Did that make her a monster? Possibly. But she wasn't down for the thought of hurting innocent people. And fiends – they were not creatures with morals or conscience.

"Why should I agree to something so ambiguous? There is no way for me to know what you will ask of me. I'd rather face what I know than take something from you that might cost me more than I'm willing to pay later."

Kaiser pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing loud. "It's only three favors, love. I'd never ask for something you're not capable of giving."

"No," Lenore replied. "I think it's better to thank you for saving me and leave. I don't want anything more from you."

He took a step forward with a disapproving look on his face. "You're going to turn down my—and for what? You must believe that you can convince some other poor chosen family to aid you. That they will hear your story and their righteous god will take pity on you and reign down judgment. Don't look so surprised. Anyone could have guessed that simple-minded plan."

Kaiser's eyes gleamed as he came ever closer, leaning in over Lenore. "You truly have no clue about the mess you've found yourself in. Allow me to enlighten you. Those gods you worship are not nearly as compassionate or selfless as you've been taught. Any of them catch wind of you and what you've learned—" He drew his finger across his throat, a wide smile growing across his face. "And whatever poor saps that might have been willing to help you will share that fate." 

A shudder rushed through her but that didn't appear to bother Kaiser. "So the way I see things you have two choices. There is the smart choice and that's to take my offer. The other – very foolish and suicidal choice – is to continue to believe in your gods and hope that I've lied."

"I can't trust you," she said in a hushed voice, finding it hard to speak through her bubbling agitation.

"Maybe not, but at least you know I don't want you dead." Kaiser placed a hand on her shoulder, thumb stroking the base of neck. It was somehow a calming and terrifying gesture. At that moment, her life was basically in his hands. Well, the truth was her life had been in his hands since he found her.

"I'll give you one more chance. Think carefully. Will you make a deal with me?"

Familiar feelings began slithering around in her chest. The grief and pain she was forced to remember in her dreamscape. All the years she had spent trying to gain acceptance from people who only saw her as expendable. An unyielding rage that made her thoughts race and body burn like it caught fire. She was afraid of disappointing the mother she had long forgotten by becoming fixated on vengeance. But she couldn't ignore the consuming need to destroy everything that had caused all of this. She was going to have to accept that her mother was dead – and whatever dreams and whoever she may have wanted Lenore to be – was never going to happen. That girl never had the chance to live.

Lenore could only accept that she was not a person who sought justice. She wanted revenge, at whatever cost. Even if that meant making a deal with the devil – she would gladly forsake her soul. She was afraid of Kaiser and what he might ask of her. But she was more afraid of herself and what she might be willing to do in the name of revenge. Maybe that's why she was keen on escaping.

She closed her eyes. "It's a deal."

"Good girl. I'll make sure you don't regret that choice," he whispered into her ear. Then he was pulling at the shoulder of her shirt.

Lenore's eyes snapped open as he bit her. It was a blinding, quick pain followed by the chill of ice flowing out from the spot Kaiser was suckling at. There was a strange invisible cord wrapping around her heart – it was growing roots like a living thing. She pulled at it in her mind, trying to free herself. The cord vibrated and shimmered in response to her touch. Kaiser bit down harder and her shout of surprise sounded in her ears.

Then he released her, tongue gliding over her skin before he pulled away. Lenore was panting, leaning against the wall for support. She could still feel that cord coiled tightly around her heart, its roots burrowing deeper by the second. "What did you do to me?"

"I've settled our trade. We are bound to each other until it's completed." He smiled down at her, eyes sparkling with merriment.

This bastard! The devil was in the details wasn't it? 

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