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Loud knocking had Lenore jolting up in bed with a sharp gasp, hair falling into her face. It took a moment for her mind to recall where she was and how she had come to be there. Lenore stumbled out of Kaiser's bed, the blanket and sheets twisted and tangled around her legs. It was obvious she'd spent most of the night tossing and turning. That also explained why, despite a night of rest, she was somehow more exhausted.

The knocking turned into a heavy pounding as Lenore left the bedroom. She was surprised to find the apartment empty, no sign of Kaiser. After their conversation, she hadn't seen him again–only found one of his t-shirts neatly folded outside of the bathroom door. It was impossible to know when he left or where he had gone.

Irritation bubbled in her stomach. He could have left a note or woken her up; anything else but leave her clueless. But she suspected expecting anything like that from him was pointless. Lenore didn't think it was her family on the other side of the door. She doubted they were interested in taking on Kaiser but being alone and defenseless didn't inspire confidence. 

"Rise and shine, princess!" Camila called over her pounding. "Your fairy godmother has arrived!"

A momentary wave of relief rushed over her, only to be offset by the realization that Camila was a fiend. Still, Lenore didn't think she would do anything to her – if only because of the threat Kaiser presented. 

She shuffled to the door, unlocking the deadbolt. At least Kaiser had considered her safety to some degree. Lenore was greeted by the sight of smiling Camila enshrined by several, large shopping bags.

Before Lenore could utter a greeting, Camila was scooping up the bags and pushing her way into the apartment. She was a flurry of bright colors and bustling energy. This wasn't how Lenore imagined a fiend behaving – it was too human. They were supposed to be ugly beasts that only cared about their hunting and feeding.

"Boss man told me to bring you some clothes. I wasn't sure what you liked — so, I just bought a bunch of things I'd loved to see you in." She spun around, eyes shimmering with pride.

"Thanks," Lenore replied, confusion written on her face.

"Well, come on. Try them on!" Camila shoved the bags at her. "We only have a little time to waste now because I had too much fun shopping."

This whole interaction was hard to keep up with. It didn't seem to bother Camila that she was a Gillard – that until a day ago they were enemies. She was treating her as though they were friends; that they had always been. Again, this was something Lenore never experienced herself.

Friendship was much like her family relationships. There was always a wall between Lenore and the world. She had craved the experiences she'd watched others have but was somehow incapable of crossing that barrier. Nothing was ever as important as the responsibility of being a Gillard and her duty to Arkaydian. 

In the end, they had stolen everything from her–everything. The rage swelled inside her chest and it seemed harder to suppress it. Thankfully, the bond decided to vibrate to life at that moment, breaking through the sudden haze of rage.

"Go! Go! Go!" Camila gave her a hearty shove towards the direction of the bedroom, completely ignorant to anything but her own desire to play dress up. 

Lenore spent the next twenty five minutes trying on the plethora of outfits that Camila had bought for her. It was more exhausting than preparing for her midterms. She would have happily worn her blood stained clothes from the previous day if she had known this would happen.

She found herself grateful that the time crunch made Camila's choices limited. In the end, it was a pair of dark denim jeans and a black, low cut halter top that prevailed. Lenore was a bit more exposed than she was used to, but she wasn't tempted to upset a fiend–especially when she didn't have any form of defense.

"Alright, now that we've settled that–let's head out!"

"Where are we going?" Lenore asked as they headed toward the door. 

"We got to make a quick stop before meeting up with the Boss man. Guess it's important to the plan."

"You have a lot of faith in Kaiser."

Camila opened the front door. "Of course I do. I've seen what he's capable of."

"He's definitely powerful."

"I'd follow him even if he wasn't powerful. He saved me and gave me a purpose."  

Lenore didn't know what to think about that. Kaiser had saved her, too. But there were strings and extenuating circumstances–or maybe she should say conditions for their relationship. That wasn't the implication in Camila's words.

It irritated her. She couldn't figure out who or what to believe in. The people she had devoted her life to turned out to be monsters. And the monsters were a bit more human than she liked. All the defined lines Lenore had used to separate things were blurring.

She wasn't sure where she fit anymore. Kaiser had told she wasn't human, and she knew he was right. There was something inside her. The same energy that she'd felt from the Blessing, but darker. Lenore had laid awake thinking about last night. Her theory was that because Kaiser healed her when she should have died the corrupt energy remained trapped in her body.

It was the same energy that births fiends, but the energy didn't exist well with the living. It was an energy that lived only to destroy. It was entirely possible that the corruption might still kill her and that Kaiser had only slowed the process by healing her. Or that she'd turn into a fiend once the corruption killed the living cells in her body like cancer. 

Lenore's mind was full of grim outcomes. She didn't see how any of this was going to end well for her. Running away would be the safest option. But it wasn't one she could make herself accept. There were several opportunities for that and she was tempted–if only she could erase the memories.

Those responsible for her suffering needed to pay. Lenore was willing to dig her own grave if it meant she could return this grudge ten-fold. She knew this wouldn't change anything. Her parents would still be dead and she would still be left with this hollow ache. But the more she thought about everything–the more she learned, the easier it became to justify the rage and her need for revenge.

Kaiser was a double-edged blade she could wield against her enemies. He was bound to cut her too. But she told herself last night that as long as she had her revenge she'd give up her morals, turn her back on her humanity, even become a devil — anything he asked.

Lenore was certain nothing else would matter anyway once her revenge was done. She would have nothing left. Maybe after she fulfilled their bargain she would ask Kaiser to end things for her. The perfect ending for the pathetic life she had lived.

Her train of thoughts came to an abrupt end when she collided with Camila. Her body was much more solid than it first appeared. Lenore stepped back, rubbing at her nose. She had followed her without thought and now they were standing outside on the sidewalk. Camila's gaze was turned toward the sky, scanning with determination.

"What are you looking for?" she asked.

"Just a moment. I'm sure he's sent one."

A familiar sight fluttered into view, swooping off its perch near the roof of the apartment building – a three-legged crow. It dove down, pulling up from the ground at the last second. A husky, hollow caw ringing out over the rush of afternoon traffic.

The crow flapped its wings with large, powerful strokes, lifting itself back up toward the sky. It flew over their heads, close enough to brush the top of Camila's bun.

"Follow that bird!" Camila said, striding forward and completely ignoring the flow of people on the sidewalk.

Lenore followed after her, whispering apologies as she bumped and knocked to people. Kaiser probably would have laughed at her awareness of these strangers. Maybe it was pointless to care anymore. Who was she to worry or act like a good person with such dark desires and designs in the works? 

Still, there was a voice in her heart that told her to treat life with reverence. That compassion and kindness weren't wrong. Maybe it was the piece of her that was still human–untainted by the corruption, by the betrayal, or by Kaiser. It was hard to hold onto it, she felt the voice growing fainter as the rage burned hotter. But something told her to hold on to it, even if it was only a speck of dust–an inkling of humanity was all she needed.

They crossed street after street; block after block. Camila held a good fifty foot lead on Lenore the entire time. There were a couple of times that she lost sight of her when they passed through the business hub of the city. Thankfully, she only needed to look to the sky – the crow was a black blot against an ocean blue sky.

Lenore was happy when the pace slowed and they moved away from the bustling center of the city. They began to cut through back alley's and side streets that hid the low income houses from public sight. Image was everything in this world. Those with power decided what was right to see and what should be hidden.

"Up ahead," Camila called to her, pointing to a three-story, water stained brick building. The crow flew over the barbed wire topped chain link fence and through a broken window. 

They stood in the alley, staring up at the building. It was no longer in use, and quite obviously abandoned. Several of the windows were broken and boarded up. A large property for sale sign was posted in the small, overgrown yard.

"What's the plan?" Lenore asked as they approached the chain link fence that bordered the property.

Camila reached out and gripped the fence, giving it a forceful jerk. There was a loud pop followed by metallic screech as it separated from the main bar. The rest of the fencing shuddered; the clang of the metal links echoing into the distance. She kept at it, peeling the chain link back and folding it over to create an opening for them to squeeze through.

Lenore knew she shouldn't be surprised but the ease with which Camila had completed such a feat was startling. It was terrifying to imagine what she might be capable of doing to a human with strength like that.

"Boss said he needed us to catch a fiend. Not sure what he plans to do with it. And I didn't feel like asking."

"I don't blame you," Lenore said under her breath. She eyed the building, the fresh experience of the homeless encampment flashing through her mind. "How am I supposed to help, exactly?"

Camila flashed her a mischievous smirk. "You're the bait, sugar."

"Of course, I am."

"Don't worry!" She gave Lenore's back an encouraging pat. "I'll make sure to return you to the Boss in one piece."

"That's not that reassuring," Lenore mumbled.

Kaiser's crow flew out of a broken window on the third floor, releasing a hollow cry. Camila's playfulness faded into focus; back straightening and lips pressing together in a tight line. That was the signal their target was inside, waiting for them to capture it.

"Once we enter, stick close to me and do whatever I say. If I tell you to–"

"I'll run."

Camila snorted, her eyes softening. "I see what he likes about you."


"Nothing," she said with a soft chuckle. She pushed through the opening and cut across the grass to a busted out window.

Lenore followed behind, a sense of trepidation building in her stomach. She kept catching shadows moving from the corner of her eyes. And hoped it was only nerves.

Camila grabbed the edge of the window and hoisted herself through. Then reached out a hand to help Lenore through. She lifted her up without any visible strain–that fiend strength was impressive.

"We're going to go floor by floor. So, stay alert."

She nodded, searching the dusty, cobweb infested room they had entered.

They moved through the first floor quickly and without any signs of life, beyond a stray rat. When they reached the landing of the second floor the smell of death lingered in the air. Lenore's stomach clenched in a familiar way – something she knew now was a hunger pang. And it disgusted her.

"I'll go first."

She wasn't going to hear any complaints from Lenore. Camila opened the door and stepped through into a long hallway of empty office spaces. Lenore peeked into the nearest room. There was an abandoned desk and about a dozen mannequins lined up on the far wall beside a boarded window.

"This place is beyond creepy," she said.

"That's just cursed miasma you're feeling. Humans are especially susceptible to it."

"Cursed miasma? Is that what you call the corruption?"

Camila peered into another office. "Didn't your family teach you this stuff?"

"We weren't that close," Lenore replied, tone cold.

There was only a lingering moment of silence before Camila answered, "I'm not sure what it is myself or where it came from originally. But it has been sustained by humanity. All the dark desires of their hearts, all the violence they commit, all the illness they spread–overtime, that energy gathers together with conscious effort."

"So, You're saying humans are the cause?"

"I don't know about that. But many of them are more insidious than the monsters they create." 

Lenore opened her mouth to respond, but creaking on the floor above them had all her words falling short. They both straightened and tilted their heads, gazes following the movement of the creaking.

"Stay here!" Camila commanded. She turned and raced back toward the stairs, an eager smile painted on her face.

Within a minute, the sound of footsteps raced overhead. Lenore didn't know what was happening, but from the loud crashing and muffled screeching she could imagine. She followed the path of the scuffling, entering an office at the end of the hallway.

That turned out to be a mistake. The floor above her groaned and popped. Then it gave way. She scurried back, hands rushing to cover her head as debris rained down. An awful loud thud echoed over the crashing as Camila and the fiend dropped through the large hole.

It was hard to get a visual on Camila through the cloud of dust and debris. Lenore threw her arm over her face, trying to breathe into the crook of her elbow.

There was a low rumble, and a large chunk of flooring tumbled from the pile. A figure became visible through the dust. It took only a moment for Lenore to realize it wasn't the fiend she was hoping for.

The creature looked like a giant bug. The lower half of its body was bulbous and sat upon six legs. It stretched up into a more humanoid torso with a wide chest and thick arms. Lenore held in a gasp when she took in its horrifying face. It was covered in eyes–they were blinking and moving independently. Near the chin sat the mouth, it gaped open revealing rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth.

This was the nightmare she grew up hearing stories about. Nothing about this creature was good. It had one purpose. One conscious need and that was to gorge itself on the life force humans provided. Its hunger was insatiable. 

There couldn't be a worse scenario. Camila was somewhere in the debris, maybe in need of help. And Lenore was the one meant to be the help. Why had Kaiser sent her to do this? Anger and fear warred for control.

As if sensing her unstable emotions the fiend turned toward her. A trickle of sweat slid down from her temple. The muscles in her thighs tightened. She needed to run. Lenore's gaze shifted to the door. It was blocked by a mountain of debris.

Time seemed to stretch out before her. This was a familiar sensation. Lenore found she wasn't afraid. She had tasted death several times before. Honestly, as she watched the fiend scramble over the debris toward her, there was only regret.

Regret that she wouldn't get to see her revenge through to the end. To cherish the look on her uncle's face as she ruined him. Then, for a fleeting moment, Kaiser sprang to mind. The invisible cord that tied them together pulled tight–it vibrated like a string of a guitar.

That bastard! It was his fault she was in this position.

As sudden as that thought, a wall of shadows surged up from the ground, creating a barrier. It took both Lenore and the beast by surprise. She blinked in confusion—reaching out to touch it. It was like velvet on her fingertips. A gentle curtain of night. And yet on the other side, the fiend clawed and thrashed against it, unable to get through.

She wasn't sure how or if it was her who had created it. Lenore only hoped it continued to hold.

"You fucking bug! I loved this outfit!" Camila's voice was a sweet song to Lenore's ears.

She appeared through the haze, her teeth barred in a predatory grin. The white plaster dust coated her clothes and streaked her skin like war paint. Everything about her screamed danger; a huntress ready to devour her prey.

"Boss only said you needed to be alive. He didn't specify your condition."

A sharp crack split the gathering silence, vibrating the air enough to clear the cloud of dust. The wall of night fell away, forcing Lenore to turn her face away as the gust of wind hit her. The sound of scurrying footsteps sounded in her ears.  

Lenore forced her eyes open, blinking against the sawdust sensation–trying her best to see through the watery haze. Her heart thundered in her chest. Fear taking control of her mind. The fiend was nearby – close enough that the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

"On your left. Duck!" Camila commanded.

There was no hesitation; no thought but to obey. A scorching heat grazed her cheek as she leaned in the opposite direction. Lenore caught the sight of a whip made of solidified blood hit the fiend, cutting through its wrist like hot butter. The beast's hand hit the floor with a solid thump. Its shriek echoed through the room, rattling the windows to the point she thought they would shatter.

"I've had just about enough of you." Camila cracked the whip once more, catching the beast in the face. Black blood leaked from a deep cut on its cheek.

The fiend thrashed before making a break for a nearby window. It was going to get away. That couldn't happen. Lenore felt the familiar sensation that gripped her earlier. She watched her own shadow shudder beneath her, squeezing and stretching. Then it was racing forward and splitting into thorny vines. The vines peeled up off the floor, wrapping around the fiend–tying it up until it immobile. It hit the ground with a heavy thud, thrashing around uselessly.

Lenore wasn't sure what she'd done or how she'd done it. But she knew this was Kaiser's power – whatever fraction he had guaranteed to share with her. With this power she might actually be able to fight. With this power she might be capable of getting revenge.

"Nice work!" Camila crossed the room, stepping up to the fiend. She gave the beast a kick to the head and it stopped moving. "Mission accomplished."

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