A Thing Or Two

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I've gleaned insights sitting beneath the hue,

A strong heart and a sound mind are needed to counter the waves anew.

To dismantle all you possess,

To strip away the concrete mess,

Of a life once deemed worthless,

Where fleeting joy never seems to last.

I've discerned a thing or three,

The mind is prone to believe,

Only what it's nurtured to perceive,

Depression, then, becomes the conceived.

I've understood once more,

I could not endure that war,

My skirmishes left me sore,

With no walls, no doors,

Nothing to shield me,

Save my worn soul and body.

I've realized that,

In us, humans lies a gift.

The power to persist,

Even when darkness seeks to shift,

Our vision in shadows, yet we sift.

I've learned a thing or six,

Outcomes often come with tricks,

And what we hold as fixed truths,

Become the enemy worth distorted.

I've learned so much in life,

You'll never know why

All the great things are itty bitty lies.

So try...

To confirm it and make your own.

I learned a thing or two...

I learned a thing or three...

I learned that I am a human,

I am disgusting but perfectly...

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