Chapter 12

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It is breakfast time. The boys are sitting at one table. Zero sits down at an empty table. Zero Two sits down next to Zero with a smile on her face and wraps her arms around him. Just then, Ichigo and rest of the girls appear. Ichigo attempts to sit down but Zero Two growls. Kokoro squeals. Ichigo ignores Zero Two and sits down on the opposite side of Zero. Zero Two doesn't like it and pulls Zero away from the table and out of the room.

Miku: What is it with her?

Ichigo: It doesn't matter. Zero says that he still belongs to all of us. I could care less what she thinks.

Nana walks in.

Nana: We are heading back into the garden. All of you are in need of checkups. Where is Zero and Zero Two?

Ikuno: Zero Two took Zero somewhere. She's been really possessive of him lately.

Goro: It's starting to get very concerning.

Hiro: Don't worry about it guys. He can handle himself.

Elsewhere, Zero Two is in a library looking through books as Zero stands close by.

Zero: Can't find it?

Zero Two: No. I can't. It's frustrating.

Zero: What is the point in finding it? It won't cure you.

Zero Two: It makes things easier.

Zero: Aren't I enough?

Zero Two: Will you ride with me?

Zero: No.

Zero Two: There's your answer.

Zero: Riding with me won't cure you either.

Zero Two turns to Zero and flashes her fangs. Zero does the same. Zero Two then calms down.

Zero Two: We're turning back into monsters aren't we?

Zero: We always were. They just were able to make it look like we weren't.

Zero Two: What do we do?

Zero: Hold on to what we have left in our humanity before it vanishes.

Meanwhile, Squad 13 is undergoing tests. Hiro sits down next to Ichigo.

Ichigo: Where is Zero?

Hiro: Probably with Zero Two.

Ichigo: Was everything that she said a lie? I thought she said that we could be with him too.

Hiro: Does Zero still want to be with the rest of you?

Ichigo blushes.

Ichigo: Yes.

Hiro: Then that's all that matters.

Screaming can be heard. All of Squad 13 run outside and see Zero Two and Zero fighting each other. Nana is trying to calm both of them down and guards arrive.

Nana: Both of you settle down now!

Zero Two: Is that all you got, darling?

Zero: You're not thinking straight.

Guards are able to restrain Zero Two with some help from Zero.

Zero Two: You betrayed me, darling!

Zero: I did not. You need to worked on.

The guards start to move Zero Two and she screams in pain. Zero's instincts kick in and he attacks the guards.

Nana: Zero, what are you doing?

Zero flashes his fangs.

Zero: I'll take care of her. Mine.

Squad 13 sees all of this. All of the girls have the look of fear in their eyes. The boys look indifferent.

Zero: Let's head home.

Squad 13 returns home. Zero Two goes around destroying every mirror in the house and Ichigo watches close by. Zero is by himself outside. Hiro approaches him.

Hiro: What is happening to Zero Two?

Zero: Her past is catching up with her. So is mine.

Hiro: What do you mean?

Zero: We're not human, Hiro. I thought was pretty obvious thanks to the horns. I was hoping for our group to have escaped this place before all of this started happening. I guess I was too late.

Hiro: Not human?

Zero: Zero Two and I are klaxosaurs. We just have a human look but that's not who we really are. She's been skipping her checkups. If she went to them, she wouldn't be this bad.


Zero: Do you see me as a monster, Hiro?

Hiro: No. You're my best friend!

Zero: You have no idea how wrong you are.

Hiro: Say what you want. My opinion won't change.

Zero: Typical human thing to say.

An alarm sounds. Klaxosaurs are attacking. Squad 13 runs to their FRANXX.

Zero: How many are...

Zero Two grabs Zero and takes him to her FRANXX.

Zero: What are you doing?

Zero Two: No time to explain, darling! We need to fight!

Zero: What about Hiro?

Zero Two: No more talking. Let's suit up.

Zero and Zero Two are able to sync up perfectly.

Zero Two: So this is what riding with darling feels like! I can feel the power flowing from you! You shall always be my partner from now on!

Squad 13 is dispatched to take on the klaxosaurs but Zero Two and Zero defeat them with little to no effort. During the whole fight, Zero Two just laughs. The klaxosaurs are defeated but Zero Two wants to keep fighting. Zero disconnects the connection. This enrages Zero Two.

Zero Two: Darling, what are you doing?

Zero: They're all gone, Zero Two. Time to stop.

Zero Two: No. That feeling. I felt alive! I felt human! I want that feeling again! Give me that feeling again!

Zero Two tries to strangle Zero but Zero is able to hold her off.

Zero: You're not thinking straight. Calm down.

Zero Two: You're all I need. I don't need anyone else.

Zero: Your friends won't want you to be like this.

Zero Two: I don't need them! You don't need them! I'll kill them all!

Zero: How can you say that?

Zero and Zero Two continue to claw and fight each other. The battle gets very heated. At certain point, even Zero loses control of his humanity and starts to fight like an animal just like Zero Two. Zero Two bites into Zero's shoulder causing him to scream. Zero on instinct bites Zero Two's shoulder. Suddenly a flood of past memories flash their minds of them when they were little.


Zero: I'm Absolute Zero. Who are you?

Zero Two doesn't respond with words but swords.

Zero Two: Eee...two? Eee...two?

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